The American Scripture

Chapter 1331: City injury

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Yao Yaoyao did not follow, and Fang Lianfang frowned, and said to the brothers Qian Hao and Qian Meng behind Chen Xiaoqiang: "A good flower protector is not appropriate. You have to follow Chen Xiaoqiang's **** as a follower. Now it's all right. I lost the good girl. There are so many people, I don't know how to find it. Call me first!" Then he took out his mobile phone and dialed Yao Yaoyao's number, but the phone was turned off.

Brother Qian Hao and Qian Meng also quickly took out their mobile phones and prepared to make a call, but Fang Lianfang snorted and said, "Hurry up and find someone. What else are you calling? If I turn off the phone, you can turn it on? Many people, let’s go to the place where we used to be. I and Xiaoqiang will have a look here. Whether we can find it or not, we will meet here in half an hour.” As we said, Chen Xiaoqiang was in the crowd. Look around the periphery. The two brothers Qian Hao and Qian Meng looked for them in the crowd.

In the distance, you can hear the lively sounds of the central square of the music festival. But the streets that left the square seemed a bit deserted. A few people wandered around there. The street lights are also deserted, and the dimness makes it seem like a thin layer of sand.

"Yaoyao--" Fang Lianfang made a horn-like hand and shouted from the street, but there was no response except for the two people turning their heads to look at them in surprise. Chen Xiaoqiang also yelled, Fang Lianfang yelled, and he also yelled, but in the surrounding streets, they could not find Yao Yaoyao's figure [.

"What the **** are you in!" Fang Lianfang was a little anxious, and angered at Chen Xiaoqiang, "You said that all of you three elders can't hold a woman. What are you eating? I'm anxious! What was the situation at the time? Huh? Tell me quickly! Don't miss anything."

Chen Xiaoqiang scratched his head, and then said embarrassedly: "Actually... it was mainly the two brothers Qian Hao and Qian Meng watching. But... Yaoyao was not very happy, so she chatted with two Americans around her. The two Americans invited her to drink, Qian Meng Qianhao wanted to go to La Yaoyao, but Yaoyao broke free...Finally, without knowing what one of the Americans said to Yaoyao, the two went dancing. Maybe. It was Yaoyao who irritated them, and we came out... this is the situation. As for whether they were taken away by the two Americans, I really can’t say!”

"You are really a pig!" Fang Lianfang stomped anxiously, "The three big men just let a foreign devil take the person away. What are you doing in a daze? Call the police, hurry up!"

"But... but what's the use of calling the police now? It's not time yet. And she is still willing to go, can we call the police? Or... Wait until the time the tour guide says to return to the hotel, if we haven't returned yet, we will Call the police? This is also convincing, how about?" Chen Xiaoqiang hesitated to say his own opinions.

He still made sense, Fang Lianfang had to stomped her feet, but there was nothing to do. Taken away by those two Americans, you don't need to think about what will happen. It seems that this matter is very urgent, otherwise. If it hurt Yao Yaoyao, it would be more than worthwhile.

"What to do? What to do?" Fang Lianfang jumped in a hurry and pinched Chen Xiaoqiang, but there was no way. It's not a pinch and pinch method.

"How about... give that Bruce a try? He... didn't he say that he had immigrated long ago? Maybe he can figure out a way, we can't do anything in a hurry here!" Chen Xiaoqiang Although not very happy, but for the safety of friends. He still felt that he had said it well, so he told Fang Lianfang his opinion.

"Yes, yes. Why did you suddenly become smarter, yes. Call Bruce!" Fang Lianfang said, and quickly took out her phone, but when the phone came out, she was dumbfounded and she didn't ask. I've passed that Bruce's phone number, it's really speechless.

"I'm going to look for him, you are waiting here, maybe you can find it in any hotel." Chen Xiaoqiang said, he was about to walk to the side of the street. But Fang Lianfang grabbed him and said, "You are a dead person. Leave me here alone. What if I am also missing?"

"Okay, let's go!" Chen Xiaoqiang was overjoyed, took Fang Lianfang's hand and walked forward. Fang Lianfang was anxious, and didn't care about him pulling his hand, the two ran all the way towards the street where Zhen Fan left. The more people left, the fewer people. Although Fang Lianfang was a little scared, his fear of being held by Chen Xiaoqiang disappeared. He couldn't help but look at Chen Xiaoqiang and thought he was quite cute.

However, the two people didn't go far before they saw a person sitting next to the street lamp, with his head tilted back, his hands spread out, and he supported the backrests on both sides. After Chen Xiaoqiang and Fang Lianfang ran over, he suddenly sat upright and said, "Fang Lianfang, Chen Xiaoqiang, what are you running?"

"Ah--" The two suddenly braked and stopped, then turned their heads to look at the person sitting on the bench in doubt. After checking to make sure it was Zhen Fan, Fang Lianfang exclaimed in surprise: " It's you, it's you, how so coincidental, we are looking for you, why are you sitting here?"

"I'm fine alone. Before I get to bed, I just walk out and sit here for a while. How about? Music festival is exciting, right? Does it feel worthwhile?" Zhen Fan smiled. Stand up and walk in front of them, "I didn't expect you to find me. Is there anything wrong?"

"Oh, a friend of mine... is missing. Pooh, pooh, it should have been taken away by two Yankees. We can't find anyone at the moment. I don't know what to do, so please come and help. Anyway, you are someone who has been in the United States for a while. You should be more familiar with the situation here than we are. Come on, Chen Xiaoqiang, I will talk about it. Say it again.

Zhen Fan frowned, and then tapped his finger on the back of the other hand and said: "This is troublesome. Yao Yaoyao drank first before being taken away by others, so I dare to conclude, that Two Americans drugged her. If so... the consequences are really unpredictable!"

"Yeah, yeah, we also think that after Yaoyao drank, her whole person has become a little different. It seems... it seems to be very relaxed. Qian Hao and Qian Meng just can't see her like that. , Came out angrily. I really don’t know...Oh, oh, blame me!" He squatted on the ground and patted his head. The whole person is frustrated.

"Yes, that is, if Yaoyao has any shortcomings, I will be the first to find you guys desperately!" The feelings of Chen Xiaoqiang who had just rushed out were replaced by anger in an instant. Fang Lianfang kicked Chen Xiaoqiang angrily, and was killed. Fan stopped.

"Forget it, it's not time to blame each other. It's not time to call the police, so... I'll ask a police friend of mine for help and see if he can handle it for me." Zhen Fan said and took out. On the cell phone, he did not call Sheriff Koens, but to Gicaro Polk, not even Dan Milk was alarmed.

"Hey, hello, Zhen, I didn't expect you to call me. The odds are really not very high. Is there anything I can help?" Gicaro has a very good impression of Zhen Fan, and he also admires it very much. Trust him. This is also due to the several collaborations between the two, which are very pleasant.

"I want to investigate one thing, one person is missing!" Zhen Fan is not nonsense, this Jicarlo has to go straight to deal with, so he told Jicarlo the process and said, "I believe you can use the power of the police. , I won’t say much about anything else. I’m with my Chinese friends and can’t be with you anymore!” The meaning of these words is obvious. I am with my friends and it is not convenient to participate in the investigation.

"I thought it was something, no problem, everything will be done, wait, there is no news within an hour, just come and kick my ass!" Gicaro laughed and hung up the phone. , This is just a small matter in his opinion. Zhen Fan is willing to call himself, that is the important thing, at least it shows that he and him are in the same group.

It is very difficult to find out such a thing, but once the police force is used, and Jicaro takes the action personally, it will soon be detected. Gicaro has his own way. So he can guarantee Zhen Fan a result within an hour, and that's why. Of course, Zhen Fan must also know that Gicaro has such an ability. If Zhen Fan were to come by herself, it might take less than ten minutes. But he doesn't want to show his other side in front of people like Fang Lianfang, because doing so is meaningless can only increase his troubles.

"Is that all right?" Seeing Zhen Fan made the call, Fang Lianfang held both of her nervous arms on Zhen Fan's arm, and said anxiously, "Is that all right? You are still here. Police friend? Great, great, I know I can find you!"

Chen Xiaoqiang looked bitterly at Fang Lianfang shaking Zhen Fan's arm, although he was a little unhappy. But he was still silent, after all, it was not time to be jealous, which was out of date. He knows what is big and what is small.

"Yes, let's sit down and rest first." Zhen Fan said and pointed to the long chair over there.

"No, no, let's hurry up to the place where we drink beer. We made an appointment with the two brothers Qian Hao. It is estimated that they should go there at this time." Fang Lianfang said, taking Zhen Fan's arm. Let's go there, okay?" This tone was obviously a little bit coquettish.

When the group arrived at the agreed place, the two brothers Qian Hao and Qian Meng were already waiting there. They were looking around anxiously. Seeing Fang Lianfang and the three coming, they could not help but hurriedly said, "Have you found it? What are we? I didn’t find it, alas, I’m all to blame, all to me!” (To be continued...)

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