The American Scripture

Chapter 1336: midnight

The "bang" shot shocked everyone, including those in the hotel, and immediately a group of people rushed out, the group of riders, that is, the murderers mentioned by Devin Lincoln. They. They became anxious as soon as they saw the current situation. The woman who was talking to Zhen Fan slowly walked to the front of the group, looked at Devin Lincoln who raised the pistol and said, "Hey, Bronson, don’t Impulsive, don't be impulsive, the person in front of you is not your enemy, so...please put down your gun, okay?"

"Put down the gun, didn't you tell this Mr. Zhen that my gun is fake? So I tried it. Fortunately... I didn't shoot this gentleman, otherwise, I would have killed him. Hell, you lie to me again. Don’t always lie to me in the future.” Then he put the pistol away and inserted it into the holster around his waist, hummed, and walked away without looking back. When I entered the hotel, I didn't even look at Zhen Fan.

Seeing Devin Lincoln had left, everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. They turned around and went back, leaving only the woman. She shouted at those who turned and left, "Keep his gun away." , Don’t make trouble anymore. If he still has all kinds of fantasies, then we have to take other measures, at least to restrict his freedom, and he can’t let him come in such a mess."

"Okay, you're always right. I suggested it a long time ago. Don't give him a gun. It's fine now. We don't know when he brought out the real gun. Who knows if he can make another Bring the real gun!" Someone responded loudly to the woman, "You know, he bought a gun himself, who knows how many guns he hid." But he said. He walked toward the hotel and did what he said to the woman.

"I'm sorry, look, it's like this now, are you hurt?" The woman said sorry to Zhen Fan. "You really shouldn't have come out with him alone. He is a dangerous man. I don't know when he changed the fake gun to the real one. It seems we are going to search his travel bag."

"No, he didn't intend to hurt me at all!" Zhen Fan shook his head. Now he feels confused. Who is fantasizing? This is Devin Lincoln. Or the few people headed by this woman? Obviously, Zhen Fan can see that this woman is the leader of these people, and she is the person who is the one who is the one to talk about.

"Well, in this case... I can only say sorry to you again. But I still warn you, don't let him be alone with you, then you are very dangerous." The woman said to Zhen Fan stretched out his hand and said, "Irene Komaniki, this is my business card with my phone number on it."

Zhen Fan took a look, frowned and said, "I will pay attention. Thank you!" He sent the woman away politely, and then went back to the hotel. one way or another. He will never leave here. Fantasy and the end of the world, I don’t know who is real and who is fake. This also aroused Zhen Fan's curiosity.

The night came soon. Zhen Fan never saw Devin Lincoln again. But there is nothing to do at night in this small hotel. At about ten o'clock in the evening, a slightly fat white woman in her thirties who was dressed upstairs came upstairs and knocked on Zhen Fan's door.

"Hey, hello, you are so handsome, Asian? Would you like to taste the taste of American women?" The white woman said to Zhen Fan grinningly, holding her hand at the door. The whole body has blocked the way out of the door. She also picked her eyes at Zhen Fan. Obviously, Zhen Fan knew what he had encountered.

"No. Thank you, my taste is more suitable for Asians. I'm sorry, ma'am, good night!" Zhen Fan said, shrugging to the woman, saying that he has no need for that.

"Well, Asians are a bit stingy." The woman was a little angrily, then put away that posture, said angrily, turned and walked towards another room. When he reached the third room, he pointed to the room separated from Zhen Fan's room. Finally someone opened the door, and the woman entered with a grin. Before entering, she shrugged her shoulders towards Zhen Fan, who was standing at the doorway looking at her, spread her hands, and finally slowly raised her **** towards Zhen Fan. Shi Shiran entered, and it seemed that she was expressing dissatisfaction with Zhen Fan and still showing off.

It seems that another business has been done today, and the woman's face is very happy. Zhen Fan shook his head, then turned to enter the door, and then closed the door. What this woman does has nothing to do with herself. He didn't care what gesture the woman made to him, so he closed the door and lay on the bed with the TV on.

The volume on the TV was turned down. Zhen Fan took out her mobile phone, called home, and dialed the landline. At first, Maria picked up. She said to Zhen Fan with a bit of a grudge, "Dad-why not bring I'm going out? Claire can go out alone, and I can actually too. Or you can take me with you!"

Faced with Maria’s complaint, Zhen Fan laughed. The little girl always feels like she has grown up and does some adult things, but Zhen Fan never stops, just considering the complexity of the outside environment It is not suitable for a little girl to come out, so Zhen Fan decided to wait for her to be older and take her on a long trip.

"Okay, okay, I can guarantee that when you are as old as Claire, I will let you go to the far door alone, do you know?" Zhen Fan comforted Maria, "Wait It won’t be long."

"Okay, okay, if I am as old as Claire, I will have to wait at least eight years. Eight years... It’s really not too long, Dad, I’m worried that I will die if I wait less than eight years. God knows...I often feel dizzy now, and I still feel weak and weak...I feel like I am going to die now..." Maria whispered.

"Oh, my God, Maria, you just caught a cold after swimming at night, I told you to change your clothes, but you have to stay in the water... what are you talking about? You are going to die... God, You will become a little goblin, hurry up...come here, I will show you..." Another voice came on the phone, and it was Christine.

"Hey, dear, how could Maria catch a cold?" Zhen Fan said loudly to the phone. According to the truth, Maria would not get sick. At least according to her physique. But it happened to have a cold.

"Nothing. She has been swimming for too long, and she drank a glass of ice water right after she got out of the water. Even the Virgin Mary didn't dare to toss her body like this!" Christine said irritably over there. Maria-now go back and lie down, I'll show you, okay...If you don't do what I do, then I will punish you for a full week..."

Kristen’s voice faded away, and then another voice took over her. It was Annie. She hesitated and said: "Zhen, are you okay now... Yes, I think so, if you can talk to If Claire meets, try to meet... well, I know this request is a bit out of date, just leave it alone. Also... finish your journey early and go home early!" After Annie said, Then the call was transferred again.

"Hey, Fanfan!" As soon as the voice was in pure Chinese, Zhen Fan knew it was Yi Fei, "Remember to bring me something delicious, and...the words, behave..." Then he said on the phone. There was a word, and it was called "Dad" there.

Zhen Fan sounded very warm. He owns everything. If there is really an end of the world in this world, Zhen Fan will definitely do his best to protect the safety of the family even if he is fighting for his own life. Let them have a carefree life and a better life.

After finally hanging up the phone, almost everyone took a turn to talk. With all kinds of language styles, all kinds of different caring and thoughtfulness, some smiles appeared on Zhen Fan's face. In fact, my trip like this is still a bit selfish after all. But even if she is selfish, Zhen Fan insists on coming out and washing her Dao Xin.

After hanging up the phone, Zhen Fan watched TV again and felt that there was nothing to watch. American TV shows and domestic TV shows were not fundamentally different. The end result was that people who watched TV should be better off. The more bored I was, I simply turned it off and lay in bed to sleep.

As soon as I closed my eyes, I suddenly felt an inexplicable uncomfortable feeling that instantly penetrated my body. This feeling is very surprising, I have this faint feeling when I was in Alhambra. And in Pasadena, there will be such a faint Zhen Fan could not help but open his eyes. At this time, he couldn't sleep anymore. He looked around vigilantly, and felt that this uneasy feeling came from this group of cyclists, and it didn't seem to be this group of people. This faintly uncontrollable feeling made Zhen Fan dare not careless. He would not have allowed himself to use a lot of Taoist abilities during his journey, but at this time he didn't want to disturb him with such a shadowy feeling.

Soon he released his spiritual consciousness and kept exploring around. But it is strange, there is nothing strange in the divine consciousness. I just felt that the woman next to me was sitting and exercising frantically in exchange for a few bills. Otherwise, nothing was found.

Perhaps this kind of alertness does not arise from outside, but from oneself. Zhen Fan silently closed his eyes and shone the divine consciousness into his body. He wants to feel his spiritual power, but he has not yet reached the state of becoming natural, so it is still dangerous to explore his spiritual power in this way, and it is difficult to do it.

"Ah--" Suddenly, not far from the side, a woman's scream cut through the night, and then the voice stopped abruptly, as if it had been cut off. Suddenly, the entire hotel was lit up, followed by the "cracking" business upstairs, and the sound of people shouting loudly, converging into one piece, breaking the quiet night. (To be continued)

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