The American Scripture

Chapter 1338: It's not a coincidence

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"Is the field cleared down?" Erin Komaniki's face was cold, and she directly threw Devin Lincoln, who had passed out of the stairs, to the ground. Then he said to that person.

"Of course, everything is normal, have the people upstairs brought out?"

"Brought it out, what should I do now?" The burly man looked at Irene Komaniki and said in a questioning tone, "The things here cannot be leaked out."

"Give it to you, I'll take this **** on the road. From now on, we don't need to pretend! Let's drive straight upstairs." Erin Komaniki cut her throat at the man. Clean it up! I'll wait for you in front!" Then he dragged Devin Lincoln towards the parking lot, where there were several cars, and found one and stuffed Devin Lincoln in. It was like a dead dog stuffed in.

Irene Komaniki drove the car on the highway, but ten minutes later, she heard the sound of gunfire like fried beans, followed by an explosion. Suddenly the entire hotel was torn apart in the explosion. Then a black Chevrolet off-road vehicle rushed over from there and galloped on the highway.

The two cars then drove off the road and dashed along the wilderness. When they left the road completely, the car in front drifted with a 180 degree sharp turn, and then stopped steadily. The car behind also followed immediately. It's darker in the surroundings, and there are black pupils in the distance, making it difficult to see. And the lights went out.

With a sound of "click", the lighter gas, and a cigarette was lit. At this time, Irene Komaniki, who got out of the car, had a skillful smoking technique, which was totally different from the previous image.

"Did it all?" Irene Marconicki said to the three people who got off the back of the car, "Is that Asian also killed?" Then she casually walked to the back door and pulled When driving the door, a person fell obliquely from inside, rolling in the dust.

"MD, the man carrying a submachine gun rushed up. It was just a few kicks against Devin Lincoln who fell on the ground, kicking him on his thigh, and on his stomach, and immediately Devin Lincoln retched. Woke up. Come here. Just turning his head, the big feet that have been wearing leather shoes fell from the sky and stepped on his face.

"You killed my good friend!" This guy swung his submachine gun and pointed it at Devin Lincoln's head. "I can blow your head off with one shot. Bastard, if the other party wants you to live, I My head will be blown off like a watermelon. With a'bang', his brain splashes--" He opened his hands and made an exploding gesture, and his mouth also imitated the sound of the explosion.

"Really? Come on, aim at my head, and shoot, and my head will be like a watermelon—"Bang" exploded. You are very happy, aren't you? "Devin? Lincoln looked at each other defiantly. Then he got up, stood staggering, and spit on the ground, "You are just a slave of spare parts. You have no right to talk to me like this." "

"This is your own death!" The man holding the **** of the submachine gun smashed towards Devin Lincoln, and immediately smashed him backwards, staggering back several steps. Then he sat down on the ground, but he still got up and spit on the ground. Expressed his disdain, but his face was already swollen and ugly.

This is a serious provocation. In the eyes of the man with the submachine gun, he cursed "Damn bastard". Then he raised the **** of the rifle again and rushed over, ready to scold Devin again "Damn bastard", and then raised the **** of the rifle again and rushed over, ready to give Devin Lincoln another guy.

"Enough, Graham, you know. Our goods must arrive perfectly, otherwise, what we have done to make this cycling journey is to make him happy and healthy to reach us. Location. They need a healthy person. Although the plan has changed now, we still have to make sure that he doesn’t suffer any serious injuries, so... don’t go too far.” Irene Komaniki shouted to the man. Said.

"I will stare at you. When you are of no value, I am your terminator." Graham hummed, and then went aside, a little bit dejected and put his fingers in his hair.

"It's okay, when we take him to the destination in good condition, our task will be completed." Irene Komaniki said to Graham, "Everyone will die, and the end is coming soon. What can we be afraid of? If we can be blessed by God, maybe it is our luck."

"He is our key?" Graham pointed to Devin Lincoln who was already struggling to stand up, "If I can't, I will kill him first!"

"Of course... everything will be as they said." Irene Komaniki nodded and squeezed his shoulder. "He is the key person. The experiment has reached the most critical juncture. We can't make any We must be careful along the way, don’t underestimate this bastard, the people over there warned us, and don’t let him pick up anyone... By the way, has that Asian killed?. "

"Hey, Franco, did you kill that Asian?" Graham yelled to a burly man over there, "You have to make sure that you don't leave any livelihoods. This matter cannot be leaked. Yes. It must not."

"Asian? The guy named Bruce?" The burly man named Franco was taken aback for a moment, and then called out, "My God, didn't you kill him? Damn, I thought you were responsible." I did not kill him... I never saw him... and his car..."

Yes, there is Bruce Zhen’s vehicle, that Volvo off-road vehicle. No one saw it. Suddenly everyone seemed to be blown up. There is no doubt about how they will be treated if this matter is spread out. Everyone looked at each other in horror.

"He... he won't call the police?"

Finally the guy with the AK automatic rifle whispered. This is a fluke, everyone has it, but this sentence is indeed silent. All of them were silent. Calling the police is not waiting for the police to come. The police would have passed because of the explosion, otherwise they would not leave the kilometer and run into the wilderness. Besides, everything in the hotel was burned down, including all traces. The police will not find anything at all. But... if there was a witness suddenly at this time. Then the situation is much more complicated. At least they can't drive by the road in a swaggering manner. Perhaps after dawn, there will be helicopters participating in the search for them. This is undoubtedly a huge threat to them.

"Haha, I said, there will be a wise man in there, I know it is him, he will definitely call the police, and then... you wait to be arrested. Or be beaten to death!" At this time Devin Lincoln? He laughed loudly and said, although he was hit by a gun butt, he was still very happy.

"Damn it, even if you die, you will die first..." The Greenham rushed towards him, this time even Irene Marconicki did not discourage him. This **** is really owed. On the way, they wanted to win the trust of him and let him go to the destination together safely, but the situation continued. Now that it's like this, this **** has provoked it again.

Just as Greenham rushed up, two bright lights suddenly shot towards him, dazzling his eyes white, and instinctively stretched out to block the light, and at this moment, Ai Lin Marconicki turned over and hid behind the car, and the two behind also quickly avoided, one lying on the ground, the other hiding behind the car, and Irene Marconicki Together.

But under the bright light, they are invisible. No matter what actions they make, they will be clearly illuminated by the light. So the smartest thing for them is to stay where they are, do nothing, and do nothing. This is not the most horrible thing. The most horrible thing is that this car is parked beside them, and they don't even know it. This is what is confusing and frightening.

This seems to be arranged, waiting for myself to get in. If this is the case, then this person is like the **** of an unknown prophet ~ ~ I may not even be able to resist. But if he approached him silently, it would be very easy for him to kill himself. After figuring this out, Irene Marconicki simply walked out, facing the illuminated car lights, without reaching out to block them, just squinted her eyes, looked ahead and said, "Who is it, come out." , We can all talk frankly, there is nothing we can't agree on."

The car lights suddenly went out. It took a long time for Irene Marconicki to get used to the light in the dark, and then frowned, looking at the car in front of her, which was actually the disappeared Volvo off-road. car. The owner of this car was the Bruce Zhen, and she couldn't help sighing when she saw this place.

As soon as the car lights went out, the guns in the hands of the three of them were raised and aimed at the car in front of them. Looking at him nervously, they absolutely have reason to believe that the man in this car is the Bruce Zhen who has escaped!

Sure enough, they were not disappointed. When they fully adapted to the light ahead, the car door opened, and then a familiar person, Bruce Zhen, walked down from the inside. He got out of the car and said with a smile to Devin Lincoln, who had already walked to the side of the car, "We meet again, this world... what a coincidence!"

Coincidence? Irene Marconicki is only about to scold his mother-a coincidence to go to NMD! (To be continued.)

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