The American Scripture

Chapter 1350: Death of Beth

The restaurant that Claire went to at eleven o'clock. This is when she goes to work, and then she will leave work at around five o'clock in the afternoon, and finally she will go to the shop to work at seven o'clock after dinner. This is enough for her to earn money for the journey, including accommodation and food and drink. Claire enjoys this feeling. It is a sense of satisfaction to really use her own money.

So when Tessa Kamiko returned home, Claire was not at home at all. She wanted to call her, but after thinking about it, she didn't call it. At this time, the cell phone rang. It was a call from a person from the Public Relations Division of the police station, saying that the commendation of Claire was ready, and when would it be reported to the city government?

"No, no, I don’t need it for the time being. She is too young. I don’t know if she can adapt. I have to ask her for her opinion personally. I will be there for the time being. Before she leaves the city, I will let her It's the decision!" Tessa Kamiko nodded, "Everything will be fine, well, that's it, goodbye!"

I hung up the phone and checked the time. It was still early, so I was about to open the refrigerator and take out the leftover pizza I ordered yesterday and warm it up before eating. But when I opened the refrigerator, I saw a post-it note: "There is steak in the oven and Sarah on the table. Don't ask me why I do it, because I have a superb chef father. And I can't stand that shit. The same pizza taste, because it’s been kept overnight."

Tessa couldn't help but smile, and then walked to the oven. Sure enough, there was a grilled steak inside, and it was still steaming when it came out. And there was a fruit salad on the table, so she took out the tableware and started to enjoy it. not bad. At least the taste is not worse than what you make yourself. At this time, Tessa remembered that it had been a long time since she had cooked a decent dinner for herself. Thinking of this, she suddenly became a little sad.

Now the daughter has gone, and she is alone. The husband has divorced herself. Although the ex-husband is showing repentance, she is still considering whether to live with that man again. She seems to have been unable to forgive him and other women's behavior, it is too disgusting.

After eating, she washed the dishes and then sat on the sofa to think about the problem. This Olivia Knight's murder case is really endless, even if her friend Beth comes over, it just proves the relationship between her and her boyfriend. And her boyfriend died a year ago.

"None of this makes sense. Damn it!" Terry had a headache thinking about it, and couldn't help cursing. Yes, it is impossible for a dead person to be suspected of committing a crime, so she just wants to introduce her thinking to other aspects. But obviously, there is no clue in other aspects. It was like an accidental robbery and murder case. But through the monitoring of the hotel room and the surrounding monitoring, I haven't seen anyone coming in or out at all. The person seems to have come from the air, and then disappeared into the air, "disappeared in the air!"

Terry said the thought in her heart, and then she stood up suddenly: "Damn, how could I think about that? But... if you don't explain it that way, can this make sense?" After thinking about it. He was pacing in the living room non-stop. Then it became more and more weird, and the cold atmosphere of the cemetery. All this seemed to prove that the girl was killed by that person, that boyfriend who had been dead for a year-Hayley Barton.

It feels ridiculous. I was a little tired thinking about it, so I slept on the sofa for a while. Suddenly I heard the sound of knocking on the door, so I got up and walked to the door in a daze. Claire looked at her in surprise, frowned and said, "What's the matter with you? Why is your face so bad?"

Tai Li also felt a little uncomfortable all over, so she reluctantly smiled: "It's a little uncomfortable. Maybe it's more tired recently!" Although she said that, she went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and immediately frightened myself. It's just a little uncomfortable. It's just that the whole person is about to change, so haggard, both eyes are sunk deep, and the eyes are dull, the blood on the face is not visible, it is almost like a ghost.

"Oops, what's going on?" Terry felt her head swaying at this time, and she swayed a little uncomfortably. She reluctantly walked out of the bathroom and walked towards the living room, but she hadn't made it In the living room, I felt my body soft, and immediately fell to the floor. I was so groggy that I heard Claire's voice calling her getting more and more vague, like the sound of sinking under the water, buzzing in my ears. Yes, I don't know what in the end.

It’s like experiencing a very long life. In the dream, there are parents, husbands and daughters of their own. All this is so beautiful. The husband did not find other women, and the daughters have their own careers. My parents have always been by my side, everything is so perfect.

"Oh—" Suddenly awakened from her dream, Terry sat up abruptly, and then looked around. Claire was walking out of the kitchen with a cup of coffee in her hand, handing it over, shaking her head and said: "You should wake up after all. You slept for about an hour. It is twelve o'clock in the evening. If you still want to talk to me, drink this cup of coffee!" On the coffee table. He also sat opposite her by the way.

"Thank you, I don't know what's wrong... I feel so tired, you're right, I'm in poor spirits, but I'm much better now. Thank you for your coffee!" Terry said, took two sips and put it down , Looked at Claire and said, "I just... fainted? It’s terrible, I feel good during the day. I rarely do this... No, I’ve never fainted like this before, I even Passed the police rotation training once every two years and got an excellent evaluation!"

"No, it has nothing to do with your physique." Claire shook his head and smiled, "Where did you go today? The graveyard? Or the hospital morgue? Only such a place can make people feel cold. So yours I feel sick and weak, but because of the influence of the cold breath."

"Cold breath?" Terry was taken aback, and then remembered how she felt when she was in the cemetery, she couldn't help but nodded and said, "Yes, I went to the cemetery today, but I didn't feel that way when I went to the cemetery before. , Isn't this a physical problem? Damn it... I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that..." She apologized for her foul language.

"No, you received an attack. And I dare say that since you went to the cemetery, the only one who can attack is Haley Barton. Well, since you don’t believe what I said, then I can only give With your suggestion, let go of the Olivia Knight case. Only then will you find peace." Claire shrugged, and then was about to walk into the room. She didn't want to take the initiative in these matters.

"Ghost?" Terry smiled helplessly, but it was really much better, so she thought she would go and ask Olivia's friend Beth again tomorrow, maybe she has forgotten something. After making up her mind, suddenly her cell phone rang, and she looked at Beth who she just wanted to ask tomorrow. So I pressed the answer button, and as soon as I was connected, I heard a rapid sound that lowered the voice.

"Come and save me, come and save me, I feel like he is here, my God... He is going to kill me, the boyfriend I introduced to Olivia, he hates me to death, so he wants Kill me, my god...he came in, my god, .

Damn, Tai Li suddenly felt an ominous sensation all over her body, immediately jumped up, rushed out, grabbed the gun on the table, and rushed out the door as if flying, while walking Shouted, "Claire, I won't be back tonight, you will go out by yourself tomorrow morning..."

Then the sound of the engine came from the yard, and the car roared and rushed out as if it was flying outside, and drove towards Beth's house along the way. While driving, he called for emergency support.

The lights in Beth’s house were all on and the door was closed. The police car had already surrounded the area. The doors and windows were all intact. Under Terry’s command, the action team broke into the door. With a “bang”, the door opened and acted. The personnel immediately dispersed, searching from every corner, and soon saw Beth in the kitchen.

"Boss, we found Beth Dallins in the kitchen,'s a pity, Boss, she soon someone reported the unfortunate news to Terry through the walkie-talkie .

Terry turned to the kitchen and saw Beth. She curled up in a corner of the kitchen, her eyes wide open, but she was dead, just a meat cleaver and a mobile phone held tightly in her hand. There are no scars on the body, but there are traces of pinching on the neck. It is very light, and it is not even clear how to come out, the same as the traces of Olivia.

Terry looked at it with some regret, then took the mobile phone in her hand and looked at it. The number she dialed recently was the number she had called herself. Passing the cell phone to the policeman who collected evidence, he walked outside, thought about it, and picked up the cell phone.

Turned to Claire's number and dialed it. The phone was connected, and after a while, Claire's voice came: "Hey, officer, although I live with you, there is no need to harass me in this way."

"Beth is dead!" Terry didn't know how to tell Claire, so she just said this.

"Beth? Who? Oh...has something to do with Olivia? It's very simple...If I'm right, the next one to die should be Olivia's boyfriend later..." Layl's voice was very calm, as expected. (To be continued)

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