The American Scripture

Chapter 1367: Go to denver

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"Come out, Eric, come here, let me introduce it to you!" Zhen Fan waved to the grass over there, and then walked out a middle-aged man who looked grinning, but facing a little eccentric. He looked a little uncomfortable, and quickly walked up to Zhen Fan.

"Eric Caso, can you call me Eric? Hey, we are now a family, oh no, we have followed you all the way, starting from the Rocky Mountains, the master can’t let go of you, so just follow you, So I know what your name is, and I know you are a mermaid." Eric is like a babble.

"Eric? Dad, you have another apprentice. But... this Eric is not as funny as Miles, nor is he as good-looking as Bernard, how come his taste is getting worse and worse?" Claire Looking at Eric with slanting eyes, he said with a grin, "Okay, now this scene will be handed over to you. Dad-we are waiting for you in front. Goodbye!" Said, pulling Silly who was still a little dazed. Ya, ran forward quickly.

"Oh... Claire, why are you pulling me away? I want to talk to them. I feel... and your dad is really a bit... how to say, it's a very familiar feeling. I want to get close!" Silia stopped and said to Claire who had also stopped in front.

When Claire heard this, he couldn't help but patted his forehead and said, "My God, why is it here again, okay, Silia, let me be honest with you, he is my father and my mother's husband. And... you are my good sister, I treat you as a close friend, we can also be considered as a tribulation, but... don't hit my dad's idea, I know he is very attractive to women, damn... this is too It’s nerve-racking. There are already a lot of women in the house. I don’t want him to find some more women to put them in, even though a huge manor is being built!

"Wait, Claire. What do you want to say?" Silia looked at Claire confusedly, spreading her hands, "I don't understand, I just said I have a sense of familiarity with him. I don't know. Where did this feeling come from, but...really, seeing him feel very cordial, maybe it is a kind of fate, but this kind of fate makes people feel very strange!"

"You won't fall in love with my dad at first sight? Oh... God. I hate this feeling!" Claire said to Silia disdainfully, "My dad will definitely not like you, I mean I am in love with you. You. At least I would oppose it. In this case, I would feel too messy, it's just... just kidding."

"What are you talking about? Oh, my God, you shouldn't have said that. I didn't fall in love with him, but felt a familiar feeling. I don't know where it came from..." Shrugged, "I won't be that kind of person, I just met him once, and I won't fall in love with him or anything, and... we are still good friends. If that's the case, it would be ridiculous. Yes, It's ridiculous!" Silia also agreed with Claire.

"Well, I agree with you. Let's call this... the first sense for the time being. But... I still want to warn you. Don't fall in love with my dad, he is a heartbreaker for women, at least Several women in my family agree with me.” Claire said, then patted Silia on the shoulder. "Although you are already five hundred years old, it is a pity, but you are still like a baby, full of curiosity about this world. Okay, let's wait for him here!" She said as she walked to the side of the stone steps to sit on the inside. Come down.

  Silia also walked over and sat beside Claire. Said to Claire: "Actually... I'm very curious about him. Can you tell me about him? I really want to know him, what kind of person he is that makes you admire him so much. It's so amazing. People feel surprised, far more than the feelings of ordinary fathers and daughters. I feel that you worship him more than father-daughter feelings, I should be like this."

"No, I always think of him as my father, that's it. I admire him very much, but I just adore him. You don't know our past, so the conclusion is a bit early." Claire did not agree with Silk Leah's words, "So... you don't understand, so you just confessed."

"Authority fan, bystander Qing, Claire, you have always regarded your father as an idol, and one day you will understand. When you understand, you can return to the normal father-daughter relationship. That's it." Silia shook her head. , And then suddenly stood up and looked in the direction of when he came.

   Zhen Fan and Eric came over, and they smiled at Silia, especially Eric, he seemed to be more curious about Silia, and even wanted to see if there was something similar behind her. This made Silia somewhat embarrassed. Claire came over and took Zhen Fan's hand and smiled, "Well, what shall we do now? What's the matter with those guys?"

"Those guys? Disappeared in this world forever." It was not Zhen Fan, but Eric that answered. He smiled at Silia, "Although rest assured, those guys deserved their sins, he personally It is said that he has killed 37 people, of which three are children and nineteen are women. So... he can only stay where he should be-hell, yes, hell, he should go hell!"

"Oh my God, you killed him? Really..." Silia looked at Claire, and Claire shrugged her shoulders, then spread her hand, saying that it has nothing to do with herself. Addictive, if it becomes a habit, if everything is solved by killing, it is very simple, and this simplicity will cause the killing to continue. Because everyone wants to solve the problem in a simple way, so..."

"What theory is this?" Eric looked at Silia with an incredible look, then looked at Zhen Fan, "Okay, okay, that guy deserves it, we are just a substitute We have our own laws to punish him, so... we have our own set of laws. If he is convicted, we will kill him, so we will not kill any innocent people, nor will we trade with criminals."

"Claire told me this is what she said, but I agree. Killing... is really the most disgusting thing in the world." Silia said, still speaking to Eric, "But... we I still have to thank you, it was you who helped us get rid of this problem."

   Eric nodded awkwardly, and then Zhen Fan said to him: "Okay, man, shall we go find a place, go to Denver?" The last question was addressed to Claire.

"Of course, I have not been to Denver." Claire walked over, still holding Zhen Fan's arm, and said, "It's just... how do we get to Denver? Walk or hitchhike? If it's a hitchhiker, our people Is it a bit too much? If you are walking, it is too far."

"Of course it is to drive!" Zhen Fan said, and then suddenly waved, as if it appeared out of thin air, a Volvo appeared in front of everyone, Zhen Fan made a please gesture, "Ladies and gentlemen, now It's road trip time, and we can still have dinner in Denver!" From here to Denver, six hours is enough.

"Oh, God, it's amazing. I thought...I am a magical existence. I didn't expect...My God, is this the magical ability you have? No wonder I see you feel a kind of intimacy It turns out that because of this, we are all heterogeneous. So, are you a fish? A bear? Or a bird?" Silia was very surprised by this, she cried out, "How did you do it? of?"

"I am a human being, like a fake human being, you can just treat me as a magical magician!" Zhen Fan said, making a please gesture to her, and said, "I know you There are some adventures, and I have checked the history of that period, and there are personal fish legends. But... this is not true. You were originally a human being, but you received the erosion of meteorite energy, so you became a mermaid. ,That's it."

   got in the car, Silia was a little excited and looked around, waiting for everyone to get in the car. Zhen Fan started and drove towards Denver. Silia looked out the window all the looked at the scenery outside. So that Eric, who was sitting next to her, said to Zhen Fan: "She must have been out of this world for too long and is full of curiosity about everything. I know how it feels...Of course...If I were her, I It will be like this too."

"Don't tell me, you tell her to go." Zhen Fan said lazily, without turning his head, turning to face Claire sitting next to the co-pilot and smiled, "I really do it for you. I am proud of my performance along the way, yes, I followed you, but... your performance has conquered me and can make me feel relieved to let you go to the bigger world."

   "Are you proud?" Claire looked at Zhen Fan, blinked and smiled.

   "Of course, I am proud of course." Zhen Fan said without hesitation, and then said to Eric behind, "Hey, take care of the girl behind, you have to be like a gentleman!"

"Well, gentleman, I have always been a gentleman." Eric coughed dryly, and then tentatively said to Silia, "Hey, Miss Mermaid, can I call you that way? Actually... You are full of curiosity. Will you really become a fish with a tail? Can even send out the kind of ultrasound that can kill people?"

"Do you want to try?" Silia turned her head and glanced at Eric, then said, "So...what kind of power do you have? Can you tell me? Don't say you will grow one. Mouse tail!"

"Haha, I feel that he gave me this feeling, hey, Eric, when will the mouse tail grow?" Claire also laughed, and she blinked at Silia. The individual also blinked at it. (To be continued.)

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