The American Scripture

Chapter 1388: Rush into the town

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"It's terrible!" Dawn Hedland shook his head. He also began to evacuate his team. The occurrence of earthquakes and such a fast interval value all indicate that this volcano may erupt at any time. come out. In this way, the sooner your team leaves, the more you can reduce your losses.

"Have you reported to the city hall?" Dawn Hedland asked the sheriff. "Report to them the actual situation here. There may be a volcanic eruption here at any time, and the worst case is that it will also affect the situation. Most of the Rand City. Because the volcanic ash after the eruption will cover most of the area here."

"Yes, I will report, you can leave!" The sheriff said to Dawn Hedland, and suddenly the ground shook violently, which seemed to be much more violent. Everyone could not stand, some When he fell to the ground, some of the ground cracked, and suddenly a car sank in. Some people are crying loudly, others are crying loudly for help.

"What is the frequency?" Dawn Hedland yelled at the test car.

"Very fast..." There was a voice over there, but before the words were finished, the ground suddenly shook again. At this time, someone pointed to the top of the distant mountain and exclaimed loudly, "Oh, God, my Heaven, it erupted, the volcano erupted!" Everyone looked up towards the top of the volcano. In the dark red sky, the huge sound of volcano eruption and the lava "bombs" roared from the sky!

"Run away, get out of the car, run away quickly, don't hide in the car and wait to die!" As soon as he saw this lava bomb roaring over, Dawn Hedland jumped on the roof of the car and spoke loudly. Those are still in the car. The person who was panicked looking at the lava bomb roaring from the sky shouted and waved constantly.

"Boom--" there was a loud noise. A quiet and peaceful town during the day. Suddenly, he was hit by a lava bomb and made a huge explosion. The power of lava bombs is huge. The house that was hit collapsed suddenly, and a big fire ignited quickly. Sparks shot in all directions, and the sparks picked up quickly ignited all around.

"Get out of here, hurry up—" Dr. Dawn Hedland yelled at his own people. Everyone on the scene is running away, including the policemen who are trying to stop people, they are also running away. Now no one can care about anyone, because one after another lava bombs have flown over.

With a "bang--" the lava bomb finally landed among the nearby crowd. Suddenly it exploded violently. Those who were splashed by sparks rolled desperately on the ground, and some of them were on fire, making screams, wolves running around, and all kinds of crying sounds. There is also the smell of burnt human flesh. Make this **** on earth.

"Oh my god, it's too miserable. Let's get out of here!" Claire pulled Silia, who was a little surprised, and ran back quickly, while Dawn Hedland also got out of the car. Jumped from the top and rushed into his convoy. He directed people to constantly cross the flow of people fleeing in all directions, and waved at Claire and Silia.

"Come up, get in the car. Get out of here quickly!" Dawn Hedland stretched out his hand to Claire. Claire grabbed it and got in the car. Suddenly Silia pulled Claire abruptly, pulling Claire down. And Claire's hand was connected to Dawn Hedland, and Dawn Hedland was also pulled down this time, because the force was too strong, all three of them fell to the ground. At this moment, there was a loud "bang". The car caught fire.

The car was hit by a lava bomb and plunged into a sea of ​​flames. Fortunately, Claire and Dawn were pulled off. But the driver was not so lucky. He was burned directly. In just a few tens of seconds, he became a living person. After struggling a few times in the car, suddenly the car exploded again and everything was over.

"My God!" Dawn Hedland couldn't help but exclaimed. He knew that the driver was finished. He was a little sad because these people were brought out by himself. Even though he knew that the work was dangerous, it was very likely. An accident happened, but he still couldn't accept it, and was at a loss.

"Doctor, he's over, let's go quickly!" Claire took Dawn Hedland's arm, "Let's get out of here quickly and find a safe place. Driving will delay our time!" , Claire pulled Dawn Hedland and was about to leave, it felt too dangerous here. Claire Jade Perry's soul is pure Yin, and the eruption of such a volcano is indeed pure Yang, so even those souls, as soon as they come out, will inevitably turn into ashes and disappear without a trace. This is a force that is strong and yang, and it is not something these souls can match.

Therefore, the protection of the soul to Claire is actually no longer effective, and some of the spiritual power contained in the jade pendant itself is very limited in protecting against such a powerful volcanic eruption. This is the force of nature, and the resistance of these things is not enough to shake the huge destructive power brought by these earth-shaking volcanic eruptions.

"No, no, I can't just leave like this. I still have companions, and my colleagues still need me!" Dawn Hedland quickly let go of Claire's hand and said to her, "You guys quickly find someone The place to hide, the farther the better. I believe that soon, the city government will respond. If you encounter it, you must leave with the rescue team." He rushed towards the town as he said. His caravan is not far from him. But after the lava bomb broke apart, the tires were already on fire and could no longer be used. Those personnel were panicking and wondering what to do.

"Here, come here quickly, hurry up... we leave here." Dawn Hedland waved at them. Then the staff followed and counted. Except for the driver's death, everyone else was here. "Come here and walk along the highway. The sooner the better!"

At this time, volcanic ash was already falling from the sky. The whole day looked gray. At this moment, more lava bombs were sprayed. The road is already full of people. Some people were calling their family members loudly, some were running forward, and the cars that had escaped were already full of people they knew and didn't know and were racing forward.

"Look, Dr. Hedland, there is still no one out there!" Suddenly a person pointed to the front and said loudly to Dr. Hedland, "Hurry up and notify the police and let them save people!"

"Go ahead, I'll take care of this!" Dr. Hedland said, squeezing past the crowd, and said to a policeman, "There are still people in there. They haven't escaped. We are going to help. they."

The policeman looked at the small town far away. There were indeed people there, but the volcanic ash had already covered it in gray. Several people were walking towards this side, walking very hard. Because of the volcanic ash, they almost It's like being lost, and I don't know where to go. It looks like it is a family with two men and three children, and an old woman, two women in their thirties. They wandered where they were, and they didn't know how to leave. More importantly, their car has broken down and can only rely on two legs.

"Go and rescue them, you have a police car, hurry up..." Dawn Hedland was saying, suddenly a lava bomb roared, and a "boom--" exploded in front of the family. Then the splashed dust and dust covered it, making it difficult to see everything.

"They're finished, let's leave here!" The policeman quickly said loudly to Dawn Hedland, "Quickly leave...Don't be a hero, we are leaving..."

"Car keys... Thank you for giving me the car keys. I'm going. I saw them just now. This lava bomb can't hurt them. We are just blinded. Hurry up, police officer!"

"No, I can't do this. I have to protect more people. With this car, if you want to go, you go alone. Don't expect us to do anything for you. I'm responsible for... these people. !" As he said, he pointed to all the people on the road who were accelerating to leave here.

"Okay, okay, I'll go!" Dawn Hedland snorted, turned and rushed over, he hugged his head with his jacket, and then held a led by the staff next to him. Rushed over. At this time, lava bombs continued to fly over, and they became denser.

"Let’s go hurry up!" the policeman said, waving his hand, and then walked to his car parked next to him, ready to drive, suddenly someone shouted, "Run, Come here, hurry up!" Everyone ran away quickly, and Claire also pulled Silia and left here quickly. Not long after leaving, I heard a "boom", and the police car and the policeman were hit by a lava bomb. After being hit, the police car jumped up, rolled over in the air, and then fell heavily on the ground. Splashing sparks landed on people close by, making a terrifying scream, Claire He quickly rushed forward, took off his coat, and put it over those with naked flames. After suppressing the fire, he said to Silia who was on the side: "Stay here, I will save them."

"Wait, Claire, it's dangerous." Silia looked at her nervously, "Don't go, they are like the police said, it's over, don't go, it's not worth it!" She really didn't want to go. Layl went on an adventure.

"No, I have to go. This is what I want to do. My decision. You follow them to Grand City. I will go there to find you. Don’t forget, I have this. I said and pointed. The jade pendant on his chest rushed into the town without looking back. There are indeed people here, not just the family, but also a few two missing children. A five-year-old girl, and A seven-year-old boy. The boy took care of the little girl, hiding by the destroyed corner of the town’s street, and both of them were shaking a little. (To be continued...)

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