The American Scripture

Chapter 1410: The duties of the secretary

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Christina greeted Zhen Fan at the airport and reported some recent events to Zhen Fan while walking. Because Melissa is the one who handles the affairs here, but it is the affairs on the Chinese side that Zhen Fan needs to handle in person. After all, there is no dedicated team in China and many things are personal.

However, the H?C?D store in Shanghai and Shanghai is ready to open, because it is the most prosperous section of the store. The area is more than 1,000 square meters, divided into upper and lower floors, so after finishing the decoration, The total cost has reached 50 million US dollars. But this kind of people who go to the world's most high-end H?C?D, super luxurious decoration is a must. In the end, Wang Xiaona, who was in Beijing, accepted the job of the store manager and flew over from Beijing to begin preparations for opening in Shanghai.

"Miss Wang said that when it opens, the mayor and secretary will talk over and say... I hope you will go there in person, and the time is up to you." Christina followed Zhen Fan with the folder and said , Both of them walked into the hall, and Zhen Fan lay down on the sofa and looked around.

"You said why they are not at home?" Zhen Fan said to Christina, "According to the work schedule...well, they have already gone home by this time. Could it be that Bit added work to Christine and the others? Nothing?"

"No, they may be dealing with their own affairs, the boss... I'm just a secretary... I can't control their private lives." Christina was a little speechless, and Zhen Fan's thinking jumped too much. She couldn't keep up with his rhythm a little bit, so she had to follow his words.

"Well, what else? I mean things in China, I need to deal with them all at once." Zhen Fan sat down and adjusted her posture to make herself more comfortable. "You know, I I haven't stayed here for a few days now. By the way, the placement of Silia and Eric." Zhen Fan said, facing Eric and Silia who had been silently following behind him. Beckoned.

These two guys were directly regarded as transparent people by Christina. But they were also shocked by Zhen Fan's luxurious villa. There is also a very comfortable atmosphere in this villa. Yes, as soon as they entered this villa, their whole body and mind seemed to be relaxed like a spring breeze, and their pores seemed to open. Washing his body as if he was washing his hair.

"Master!" The two answered at the same time, and then ran over and smiled at Zhen Fan.

"I will let you Christina arrange a house for you, considering this is just a transition period..." Zhen Fan paused, "Because Silia and Claire are friends. And from now on, they will have classes in the family classroom of Zaixin's villa. , So... after the new villa is built, she will move into the new villa unless... she doesn't want to!"

"Of course I would..." Silia hurriedly replied before Zhen Fan had finished speaking, "Of course...I like it very much, like a palace, my God, even the most I have ever lived. Good hotel, I don’t feel like this. Yes, I really want to live here, and then with Claire... By the way, Master, when will Claire come back?" The girl’s thoughts were also jumping of. Christina rolled her eyes when she heard it.

"It should be soon. In fact, after she feels the boringness of New York, she will come back consciously. Don't worry, it takes up to five days." Zhen Fan smiled at Silia, "Then... your business It’s so decided. Later, Christina will arrange a nearby house for you, which can be rented, not long."

"So...what about me?" Eric leaned over with a grin. "Can I also live in the new villa? You know... I didn't study hard before, and I also want to take classes in the home classroom. Really... I now find that I'm a little out of touch with this society and it's out of time. , This is a good opportunity..."

"Don't even think about it, I'll arrange it for you. But it's definitely not living with us. Neither Bernard nor Miles lives with us. By the way...Where did we just say?" Zhen Fan suddenly turned to look at Christina, and then blinked, "Continue with the topic we were talking about."

"Well, that's it. In addition to the opening ceremony of H?C?D, our charity organization headquartered in Shanghai and Shanghai has also begun preparations. And Miss Zhou Xiaoan is ready to return to China, she wants to know , When can she start working, and...she wants to see you." Christina said, and looked at Zhen Fan, "I suggest you go to see you, you can make an appointment next to our clinic. ."

"No, I met her at home, and...I will pick her up personally. My relationship with her is different, so I have to be treated differently. Just give me the address." Zhen Fan immediately denied," This is the case. There are also those domestic guys who make movies. Are they also contacting you?"

"I'm about to talk about this." Christina nodded, "Mr. Cheng Hu and Mr. Feng Daran have already called. This time the investment is made by Huayi. The owner of Huayi is Mr. Hou Zhongjun. They It is said that you know it, and after you pass, we will discuss this matter."

"Have you thought about it?" Zhen Fan asked, "Okay...I'll drink them to discuss this matter after I go back. I am obviously a Chinese medicine doctor. Why do I always owe some favors for making movies."

Well, since it's the favor you owe, you have to pay it back. It's that simple. This is a relationship issue. Since Zhen Fan intends to mix in the dunya, then these dunyal things must still be followed, so he can't turn away, and can't just because he has no desires and desires, he can't associate with anyone, everything. Don't do it.

"What else?" Zhen Fan waited for a while, before seeing Christina continue speaking, he looked at her and asked.

Christina smiled helplessly: "Boss, okay... I'll tell you first, but you still have to do it one by one, so..."

"Forget it, just do the first thing! We are ready to go to China!" Zhen Fan nodded to her, then looked at Eric and Silia beside her and said, "I am I will go to China in a few days, but you can’t go, so I will work with Miles in the clinic. Christina can take you to see our future industry first, and visit the clinic, the Chinese Medicine Hospital, the Institute of Chinese Medicine and Pharmaceutical factories, and so on, and then I will teach you the most basic Taoist mentality. When you have cultivated to a certain level, you will not have mutations, or you can control your own mutations as you like, especially Silia "Zhen Fan said, and said to Christina, "Book me a plane ticket today, and I will go the day after tomorrow!"

"What about me?" Christina was a little embarrassed. She took these two guys to visit. Zhen Fan went to China by herself. This is the rhythm of not taking herself to play, so she said a little nervously, "I... follow Are you going or staying here? Boss...isn't it..."

"Don't think about it!" Zhen Fan said, "What are you thinking about? I just want to go alone and don't want to disturb anyone. And I have friends there. You have a lot to do here. No It’s just to arrange the two of them, help organize the work procedures behind me, and...that’s the archaeological team you sponsor. You must keep in touch with them at any time and remind them not to mess up. There is... Leidel Dumaz’s news, you haven’t found it yet. I don’t want you to go out to check his whereabouts, but I want you to pay attention so that they don’t damage me while I go abroad."

"If he comes back, he will be in the trap!" Christina couldn't help shrugging her shoulders, "But...I worry about whether they will get energy meteorites from other places, and then... after they have fully improved themselves. , Do some incredible things..."

"This is what I want to worry about. You and Sarah's security company will cooperate with Sarah's security company to provide strict security guards for our property. Don't have any problems." Zhen Fan nodded at her, "And... listen. Said that Sarah’s security company took a tricky job and asked them to keep in touch with me at any time. When they need me to take action, just say it."

"These things are Helena and Even if it is not for them, Christine, Yifei and Zoe can handle them." Christina smiled at Zhen Fan, "I am right. They are very confident. And... I received an email about some thoughts on your H?C?D wine."

"Why don't they report it back to the company?" Zhen Fan asked in surprise.

"That person has already responded. He first sent an email to our H?C?D headquarters. Melissa handed it over to the technical department of the wine company for processing, but... the problem was not resolved, and the person came again. The email was sent to you this time, so I hope you can check it out!" Melissa handed her tablet to Zhen Fan.

Zhen Fan took a look, and then pretended to be surprised and said to Christina: "My God, when did I have such an email? I don't know at all."

Christina said: "This is the company's need, I applied for an email in your name, specifically to deal with those issues that need to be handled by you personally. I also keep in touch with the outside world at any time. I have sent a lot of emails from you. It’s just... you don’t know. Of course... these are all requested by Melissa, I just follow the duties of the little secretary!" He said, blinking at Zhen Fan with a smile, and doing something Crouching action. (To be continued.)

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