The American Scripture

Chapter 1420: Visit Taoist Temple

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There was nothing else in the conversation with Yang Zhi, so after the two had a chat, they were ready to leave, but this time the release also made Zhen Fan see the girl Yang Zhi, who was actually a clever person. As a junior, she did not attach all of her life to a man, but she was working hard, treating her as a springboard for success, so Zhen Fan’s impression of her is not very good. , But not bad. Anyway, it doesn't have much to do with yourself. If you can be kind, treat it kindly. Life is not easy for everyone.

Zhen Fan ended this conversation, and then went straight home. In fact, he had some opinions on Hou Zhongjun's direct arrangement for a junior to come in. It was not because of anything else. This was an agreement between him and Feng Daran, Cheng Hu and Guo Xian. Since Hou Zhongjun has joined in, he can't just put a small third in.

Neither Feng Daran nor Cheng Hu gave Zhen Fan an explanation for this matter. Although Zhen Fan thought it was nothing, it did not mean that he had no opinion of his own. Seeing Yang Zhi now, he felt that this woman might not be as bad as he thought, so he decided to forget this.

When I first returned home, the old lady downstairs was dancing, and an old man was also in the middle of it. Zhen Fan greeted them and then went upstairs. As soon as he sat down, he received a call. The call was from Hou Zhongjun. He didn't say anything to Zhen Fanduo at the press conference just now.

"Uh... there is something, I have to tell you..." Hou Zhongjun's tone was full of apologetics, and after a long pause, he said, "I have concealed one thing from you, that is... is the heroine. Question, this... I’m sorry, I didn’t tell you at the beginning, I’m a little worried that our matter will be stale because of this, do you know what I’m going to say? Really, Mr. Zhen. My cooperation with us is Sincerely..."

Obviously, someone saw the conversation between Yang Zhi and Zhen Fan, and it quickly spread to Hou Zhongjun's ears. For Zhen Fan, Hou Zhongjun absolutely cannot offend. It’s a smart way to do the best to reassure Zhen Fan. After all, Zhen Fan is not simply entertaining people, and his political energy is not easily touched by himself, not to mention his financial resources. Can be much stronger.

He makes this call. Just to test Zhen Fan's current attitude towards herself, is it because of Yang Zhi's matter, what opinion she has about herself, if not, it is best, if so, then we must quickly find a way to remedy it.

"It's okay, it's over, happy cooperation!" Zhen Fan didn't talk nonsense, since she chose to ignore it, she wouldn't ask her mother-in-law or something. It didn't make sense, so he said, "Is there anything going on with President Hou?"

", it's good if it's past, happy cooperation, we must have a happy cooperation this time!" Hou Zhongjun over there said happily, and then smiled, "Then don't bother Mr. Zhen, I'll hang up Goodbye. Goodbye!" He hung up the phone as he said, then let out a long breath, leaning against the sofa.

After Zhen Fan went home, it was four or five o'clock in the afternoon. So I decided to go to the road to the north of Xinglong County, Hebei, which is Lingwu Mountain. The Taoist temple has been completed, and Zhen Fan hasn't visited it yet. So I took this opportunity to decide to visit Ning Xiangzi, the master of Taoism.

So I drove there for a few hours' drive. By the time it was already evening, the sun was going down. Fortunately, as summer approached and the daytime was longer, Zhen Fan parked his car in the parking lot outside Taoist Temple. This is because the secretary of the county party committee of Xinglong County specially built a straight road with a view of the road in order to establish Zhen Fan, and also built a huge parking lot outside. Zhen Fan got out of the car and entered the Taoist temple, and he saw that there were green trees everywhere, and he really did a lot of work.

At this time, it was time for Taoist temple dinner, so Zhen Fan didn't disturb the people inside. And there were not many tourists at this time. There were no Taoist priests in the entire courtyard, so I guess they were eating. So one person looked back and forth. The repairs are very good, and very stylish. It is estimated that this Ningxiangzi has not done much work. He is also a trustworthy person.

After turning around, I arrived at the backyard. I thought it was okay. I was about to walk back, but I was seen by a little Taoist who came out of the courtyard of the Taoist living quarter and came up to ask questions. Zhen Fan smiled and said that he was here to find Guanzhu, and he was old acquaintance with Guanzhu. Let the little Taoist lead himself.

The little Taoist agreed and led Zhen Fan to the backyard. In the backyard, a group of Taoist priests were dining around several rectangular tables in the open-air field. It's still lively, chatting while eating. Zhen Fan didn't see Ning Xiangzi here. The little Taoist continued to lead Zhen Fan into a nearby Buddhist room. Ning Xiangzi was inside, one person, one table, and a few dishes on the table.

When Ning Xiangzi saw Zhen Fan, he hurriedly got up to say hello, using the ceremonial ceremony before the Taoist priest. After Zhen Fan returned the gift, the little Taoist priest hurried out. Since it is an old acquaintance of the subject, there is no need to stay there. When the little Taoist priest went out, Ning Xiangzi quickly bowed to Zhen Fan and said, "Thanks to you, please sit down and I will give you tea!"

Zhen Fan looked at Ningxiangzi’s dinner table. The dishes on the top were fashionable vegetables. There was no meat. The days seemed relatively bitter. He couldn’t help but frowned, “Why are there only side dishes? We don’t eat meat? We don’t have any meat. Although some doctrines of Buddhism were changed and changed later, they were only made by people in order to exercise their willpower and restrain the world. It is out of fashion now and there is no need to follow them, such as the question of eating meat. ."

Ning Xiangzi hurriedly said: "I have always had this habit before, and I have been sticking to it. It’s okay. Eating more vegetables and less meat is also good for the body. I don’t eat meat at all. I also know that without meat, my body is weak. It’s amazing. Just eat less, and I can’t help but eat the food outside. I just want to eat it."

Zhen Fan nodded and looked around the room. Except for the wide dining area, the rest is a bed, then a table, a bookcase, and a wardrobe, all made of tung oil. The old-fashioned cabinets, the big and bulky ones, don't look good. It seems to be passed down from Taoism.

"It's too easy!" Zhen Fan shook his head and smiled at Ning Xiangzi. "You are a Taoist priest, and I am also a Taoist priest. I will live a lot happier than you. Even if it is not compared to me, I will My apprentice in the capital, Qingyu Zibi, you have had a hard time. Although it is good for practice, it can't be too simple. Although this can be restrained, it can also be your own kind of casual The Dao heart for the reason is almost restrained, so what else to talk about cultivation?"

"What you taught is. I will slowly change it later. Besides...this Taoist temple is also supported by you...I am also used to being afraid of happiness. If there is another difficult time in the future, I will not be able to eat this. It's like a clean day, so I have other plans, but...I still want to thank you, otherwise this Taoist temple will not have the current weather." Ning Xiangzi naturally regarded Zhen Fan as respectful as the **** of wealth.

Even if he is no longer good at dealing with people, no matter how honest and honest, he will not delay him to say a few words of sincere gratitude to Zhen Fan. Nowadays, the Taoist temple has been renovated because of Zhen Fan's investment, and the various environments are very comfortable, and it is more magnificent than before, and the scale has also increased a lot. People from the county often come to build roads for Taoist temples, and they continue to promote it. So in the past two years, this Taoist temple has become a scene in Xinglong County. Many people who visit Lingwu Mountain will turn to Taoist temples to visit, make wishes, and burn incense.

There is also an unwritten rule in Taoist temples, which is that they do not charge tickets, do not engage in the sale of incense and souvenirs, and only charge the cost of incense, two or three yuan, four or five yuan of incense will do. Unlike the Taoist temples in tourist attractions, a stick of incense costs 20 to 30 yuan. Three sticks of incense can be settled for a small hundred yuan. Because of this, some tourists are also willing to come, not because they are reluctant to pay, but a comfortable person who has no one to sell anything, and no one who sells high-priced items. Moreover, the Taoist priests here are all dressed in refreshing robes, and the master looks a bit immortal. Sometimes a fortune-telling, looking at a picture, is somewhat efficacious. So it spread from ten to ten, and it felt like a master of fame.

Ning Xiangzi introduced the situation to Zhen Fan. Zhen Fan nodded repeatedly. Seeing that he hadn't eaten dinner, she smiled and said, "I'm hungry too. You can let me prepare dishes and chopsticks for me. I'll eat with you here. , Let’s eat and talk!"

Ning Xiangzi quickly confessed the crime and said how dare to be. But Zhen Fan couldn't be stunned. As long as people fetched the dishes and chopsticks, they brought some rice in the wooden rice bucket. The two of them ate three vegetables on the same while eating and chatting. It turns out that this Ning Xiangzi also learned some Zhouyi, and also learned things like physiognomy, fortune-telling and divination. Relying on this, the Taoist temple has gained some reputation, but because it is only capital management, there is less income in the Taoist temple, and he is unwilling to ask Zhen Fan for money, so the day is a bit tight.

Of course, Zhen Fan can see these. The Taoist temple has gained fame, and naturally more people come to the Taoist temple to be Taoist priests. Originally there were only three or four people, but now there are 16 men and women. In order to maintain the expenses, I also took some nearby people to do the dojo work, but I couldn't make a lot of money, and it was really difficult to maintain the expenses.

"I have set up a special account for you. You personally control the money and the expenses that should be spent in the future. Otherwise, although these people have come in, you may not be able to keep it. If you cannot make ends meet, your life will be inevitably miserable. I live here, so I don’t think you should refuse."

"Then thank you very much!" Ning Xiangzi was not polite to Zhen Fan. Even if he refused, it would be useless. The grown-up's favor is owed, so do you care about the petty favor? So he immediately expressed his gratitude to Zhen Fan.

"You don't have to thank me. Anyway, you can insist on not making money with this. This is right. It is also right for you to stick to your heart. So no matter what, you continue to do it here. I will come over frequently. "Zhen Fan said. (To be continued.)

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