The American Scripture

Chapter 1455: Marry

As soon as they heard Zhen Fan’s generous promise, the women began to chuckle. They bit their ears and discussed with each other for a long time. They just wanted to take this opportunity to understand what they were thinking. Speak things out so you can get your own control. ◎, but consultation belongs to consultation. Everyone has their own small abacus in their hearts. Of course, this kind of abacus is also harmless. They are all aimed at the areas they are currently in charge of, and others cannot get involved.

"So... in the future, I will manage all your Chinese medicine hospitals." Kristen nodded to Zhen Fan.

"I want to take charge of all your laboratories and pharmaceutical factories!" Zoe nodded seriously at this time.

"I want to take charge of your entertainment company and cooperate with filmmakers all over the world!" Yi Fei also jumped up and shouted at this time.

"But... we don't have an entertainment company yet, baby." Zhen Fan opened his hand to Yi Fei, then touched his head and looked at the other women and said, "When will we have an entertainment company? Why don't you know?"

"Then buy one." Yi Fei blinked mischievously at Zhen Fan and said, posing in a seductive posture with her fingers in her mouth. I have to say that even though Yi Fei is already the mother of a child , But it also belongs to the level of hot mom, so such a posture really makes Zhen Fan have some ideas.

"Yes, buying an entertainment company. This is something that I have discussed with Yi Fei for a long time. Now that we have this strength, the purpose of this company is for each of our movie dreams. My, yours, and Yi Fei’s. Make the movie you want. Do whatever you want. We can do it anytime as long as we want.” Christine next to Yi Fei said. "So... Promise us, anyway... Money is for us. The most important thing is to enable us to do what we want. This is the most important thing. Isn't it?"

What Christine said is very reasonable. Zhen Fan nodded, looked at the two of them and said with a smile: "You two had a premeditated plan, right? I know, well, let's buy a film company, or we can set up a film company ourselves. To build the best film company , We can invest in a lot of independent large-scale productions." This is completely local tyrant temperament, but it is too inconsistent with his current identity, but we just like it, how about?

"You are really a layman. The difficulty of re-establishing a film company is the most difficult. The acquisition of a film company is the best. This way we can have the culture of that film company, and the most important thing is copyright. This is what we really are What you want. A film company with a long history will not last long without a little background. So our target is Lionsgate, New Line and Weinstein Films."

It seems that these two women have been planning for a long time. Their plan is right. There are two big stars in the family, plus the superstar Zhen Fan, so it is almost impossible to completely abandon movies in the future. Not to mention Christine, a person who loves movies very much, but Yi Fei, except for making movies. There are very few other interests and hobbies. Is it really necessary to force her to engage in traditional Chinese medicine like the rest of the family?

This is almost cruel, so Zhen Fan will never let herself be so selfish. He will support the movie dream of two people. But obviously, both Christine and Yi Fei have their own plans. That is sprinting for Oscars. Their dream is to get a golden man. It doesn't matter when they get it. But you have to get it.

"Okay, the goal is set. Then you leave these things to professionals to do, don't worry about the money. We will take care of it. You only need to give your opinions and leave everything to Melissa's team. I believe, For the sake of US dollars, it won't be too difficult for you to ask for it!" Zhen Fan said with a big wave of his hand.

"Punch", Yi Fei couldn't help but smile, and said in Chinese, "You look like a nouveau riche, in popular terms, you are a local tyrant. Really, I had this illusion just now. And this illusion It's very strong."

"No, it's not an illusion, but the truth!" Christine also said loudly in Chinese, and then laughed. Everyone in the family can understand Chinese. Hearing Christine's words, he burst into laughter. . Zhen Fan will be as sweet as sweet, so many women, and such a harmonious life, not a god, like a god.

Christina came over early the next morning. Monipu Setis wanted to come, but he also wanted to get his driver's license. Originally, his driver’s license could be made for him by Zhen Fan, but considering that he has never touched a car, he could not drive at all. If he rushed to drive, he might not be harmed and those innocent passers-by would suffer. Therefore, he was only given a social security number. So Monipel Setis also wanted to get his driver's license early, and pestered Janice all day to learn to drive, so Janice didn't have any free time to find him to explore Egypt three thousand years ago. She dug a hole in the history of society.

Zhen Fan handed over the matters discussed with the women in the family last night to Christina and said: "You should go over and discuss with Melissa as soon as possible. It is best to come up with a plan as soon as possible. Also...about the construction of the manor. With the construction of the pharmaceutical factory and the construction of the Chinese Medicine Hospital, Melissa will send someone to follow up as soon as possible."

"Okay, everything is okay." Christina nodded to Zhen Fan, and then said to Zhen Fan tentatively, "Boss, I have a personal request, that is... I want to participate in Janice and Ramses In the work of digging into the history of ancient Egypt, I promise that I will not delay the boss's explanation."

Zhen Fan spread out his hands indifferently and said, "You have to ask Janice instead of me. Okay, you can go back and contact Melissa now. Also... let Melissa take out an acquisition this morning. The bank’s feasibility plan came out. We...want to buy a bank. Tell Melissa, I think about it, it’s best to buy a ready-made bank. We can save a lot of things. We need to know that setting up a new bank is really good ...It feels big when I think about it."

"Should we buy a bank?" Christina exclaimed excitedly, and then thinking of her previous experience in Egypt, she immediately understood something. This is to use the bank to collect a huge amount of wealth, and then take it out very legally. Earlier, I got a lot of wealth in Sid Fridge’s bunker, and now I get more wealth from ancient Egypt. Thinking about it, I understand that the establishment of a bank is a matter of course.

"Yes, Christina, we will become the largest bank in the world." Zhen Fan said with a smile, urging Christina to leave. Before Christina got in the car, Zhen Fan's phone rang, and when he took it out, it turned out to be Bit. Isn't this guy hiding in the post-production of high movies in his own studio? Why do you have time to call yourself? So he connected the suspicion and said, "Hey, Bit, you are really idle."

"Yes, of course I am free. I can tell you the good news that our film post-production is nearing the end. You must come when you have time... No, no, you must come when you have time, or you must come when you don’t have time. Come here, this is definitely a miracle in film history, I can guarantee it."

"Come on, Bit, you said the same when I made a movie last time. How many people have you said this to?" Zhen Fan couldn't help but smile at Bit, "Okay, say On business, you definitely didn't call me because of this, let's talk, I'm listening, buddy!"

"Well, you won. Let's go to Paris!" Suddenly such a sentence popped out of Bit's mouth.

To Paris? What the **** is this guy? Zhen Fan couldn't help but stunned, and then he couldn't help but utter a sentence: "Go to Paris? Are you crazy? Are you leaving your most important job to go to Paris? Are you planning to have a romantic encounter in Paris? With some beauty Girl? Well, tell me, what do you think about this crazy trip?"

"No, it's not crazy at all. This is something I've been looking forward to for a long time. Tomorrow...tomorrow we will book the plane tickets. And this time Johnny will go with us." A very excited voice came from over there. "I want to marry the lover of my dreams in Paris, God, I can’t wait."

"Dream lover?" Zhen Fan almost dropped his chin in shock. When does this guy have a dream lover? Since the beginning of the filming, he has never had a relationship with any woman, and he is still so far away from Paris. I have never heard him mention This guy's confidential work is really good.

"Yes, that's it, promise me, go with me, don't worry, and Johnny, he will also go this time, he is very happy to go, but he quickly agreed. You know we are a group 'Members, of course I will call Robles, but don’t have much hope, he is making a movie. He may not have too much time. Of course... Lawrence’s **** went to Japan again, I don’t Know why he likes to work with the people there... Well, that's it. If you don't speak within a second, I will assume you agree." Bit speaks very fast, "Time is up, okay, You agreed, great. I booked three plane tickets to Paris, our love capital."

"No, Paris has a lot of nice names, the capital of lights, the capital of fashion, the capital of art... Okay, looking back, what did we just say? Are you going to Paris to marry the lover of your dreams? Are you sure you are joking?" Zhen Fan finally remembered this sentence again and couldn't help but cried out, "Oh, God, you kill me. It's impossible."

"Yes, everything is true. The day after tomorrow... what day did you forget?" Bit said excitedly on the phone, "The world's oldest and most ambitious, bringing together the most advanced in the world. At the opening ceremony of the technical Paris Air Show, the beauty I ordered will appear at the air show again and will be transported to Los Angeles." (To be continued...) u

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