The American Scripture

Chapter 705: Different way

On the top floor of the Hilton Hotel, at the banquet, Joe De Labont is performing hard. His eloquence is indeed very good. This is even better than last year's Oscar host Allen. Look at the latest and most complete

"We have seen many celebrities on the scene now toasting to each other. They are celebrating this feast. This is a rare event in Los Angeles this year. No one thought that the host of this event would be a Chinese, and he Only a few years after he came to Los Angeles, he grabbed our proud woman Christine, so... I want to say that the men in Los Angeles are going to come on!" Host of the local Los Angeles TV station The person is facing the camera, introducing the situation of the banquet. The beautiful host looks more humorous.

“This is Beijing TV Station. I’m the host Qian Panpan. I’m on the top floor of the Hilton Hotel in Billy Foshan, Los Angeles. I’m hosting a show for everyone. Today is the engagement of the protagonist of our show, Zhen Fan. It was seen on the spot that a full fifty tables were set up here, and all the celebrities in politics, economy, entertainment and sports were present here, and it is said that in order to obtain an invitation card for this banquet, it is necessary to pass the There is little relationship. From this we can see that Zhen Fan’s influence in Los Angeles and in the United States or the world is very huge. Uh... I will randomly interview the guests at the conference!" The host of the Beijing TV station is a The girl named Qian Panpan, Mo about twenty-six or seventy-seven years old, is much calmer and more mature than the previous Xiao Hong.

"Uh... I am French and I came here from France admiringly. I have tasted Zhen's wine and it tastes very good. He can build a world-class wine empire. I came, just want to find us The business opportunity for cooperation, of course... the engagement ceremony is so spectacular, one of the best engagement ceremonies I have ever seen!" A middle-aged, silver-haired man with deep-set eyes looked forward to the money. The camera said in stumbling English, "Are you Chinese? I like China!" Then she gave the camera a thumbs up.

This allowed the people in the program group to satisfy their vanity and continue to look for the next guest to visit. But Melissa has already noticed the situation here. Come over immediately to interfere.

"Sorry, Ms. Qian, you can't do this. They are our guests and can't be treated like this. We negotiated at the beginning and you can only take pictures next to you. You can't interfere with our guests. This is an agreement. If we find a violation If you do, the cooperation with you will be terminated immediately!"

Melissa's righteous remarks did not have the slightest tone to discuss, because this was the detail they had finalized before, so Qian Panpan didn't say anything, just turned around and vomited at Zhang Ting who gave her a thumbs up. Tongue out. Obviously, Zhang Ting also very much agrees with her inquisitive interview.

It's not that Zhang Ting wants to break the contract deliberately, but because of the needs of the TV program. If you interview on the spot, you can enhance the visibility of the program. So as long as she doesn't irritate the other party, she still loves to see this kind of side ball behavior, and even hopes to find another opportunity.

"That **** dare to do this?" On the contrary, the beauty host of the local television station in Los Angeles saw Qian Panpan's scene and couldn't help but sneered. Her peers are enemies. Even in different countries, there is no competition between the two. She also saw that Qian Panpan was not very happy, especially for Qian Panpan's illegal interviews, and showed contempt.

"She is Chinese!" the photographer said from the side.

"Chinese? What can Chinese people do? Why can't we find a few people to interview? Just like that bitch!" The beauty host looked at the photographer, "I can't stand such meaningless shooting without interaction. Can this show get better? Can it have ratings?"

"You are wrong. It's not just that there is no interaction. Even without your presence, the ratings of this show must be very high, because...this is Zhen's engagement. Everyone wants to know that he will be at the engagement. What is it doing?" The photographer sneered at the brainless host, shrugged his shoulders, and just took his shots.

"Damn it!" The beautiful host cursed, and then smiled again, and started the broadcast of her show. "Hello viewers, it is Isabel who is doing live coverage for you now. According to the current time, the hero and heroine It should be on the scene, but we can look down from the top of the building. No convoy has arrived yet..."

The beauty host looked at her watch. At this time, several cameras were aimed at the intersections of the Hilton Hotel, but there was still no sign of a convoy coming.

"It seems... they seem to be late!" The hostess named Isabel said with a regretful expression, but she was secretly refreshed in her heart. This is completely in her jealousy, "in the "Bible" I have emphasized that if the wedding time is missed, then it will be a tragedy for marriage!"

"Stop—" the photographer hurriedly stopped, "Isabel, don't say this again. This is disrespect for the owner. Don't play with your set of "The Bible" has such things, don't talk nonsense!"

Isabel shrugged her shoulders, saying that it didn’t matter, she started gesturing to the photographer again, saying that she was about to start. After getting permission from the photographer, she began to report again: “Now many guests know that the time is coming, they They are also anxiously waiting for the appearance of the heroes and heroines. It can be said that they affect the hearts of everyone present, and of course, they will affect your heart in front of the TV!"

Just when everyone was looking forward to it, suddenly there was a faint roar in the sky. The photographer immediately shifted the lens and aimed it at the sky. A helicopter is faintly appearing in people's sight. It was originally a small black spot, but it is slowly becoming bigger and bigger.

"God, they flew here in a helicopter!" First is the scream of Isabel, and then the photographer yelled from the side, "God, the tarmac here is already occupied, how do they stop?"

Sure enough, that's what happened, and Melissa, who was in charge of the scene, didn't mean to remove the set table in the slightest. Instead, watching the helicopter appeared, she waved her hand there with a happy face.

"Dear viewers, this is Beijing TV Station. I am the host Qian Panpan. I am reporting on Zhen Fan’s engagement ceremony for you on the spot. People are looking forward to the appearance of Zhen Fan’s convoy. We heard the roar of the plane. , And then I saw the helicopter flying closer and closer in the sky."

Then there was the gasp from the microphone, because Qian Panpan wanted to grab a very good camera angle, and then the lens shook, but he still pointed at the helicopter that was flying closer and closer.

"No one thought beforehand that Zhen Fan would use a helicopter... Wait, there is no place to park the helicopter. The original apron has already been occupied and a table is set up. I wonder, where will the helicopter be parked?" Qian Pan Pan also asked the same question as that of Isabel.

Not only did they ask, but the guests who came were thinking the same way, and even some of his friends who didn't know his details also raised such questions. For example, Johnny and Robles, they knew Zhen Fan was amazing, but they didn't know how amazing Zhen Fan was, they just stared dumbfounded at the helicopter that had flown over.

"They plan to parachute from the helicopter or use a rope to descend?" Johnny felt that his imagination was relatively poor, so he only thought of these two methods, because these two methods do sound so unreliable.

"Perhaps they just want to go around, and then go home to sleep!" Robles raised his glass and took a sip, then he felt creative and smiled at Johnny contentedly, "Didn't you think so ?"

"Now I suddenly discovered that we really don't have a common language!" Johnny waved his hand, then sat down and looked up at the plane. At this time, the plane had already flown over the Hilton Hotel and began to hover in the air. The top floor is about two hundred meters, and some people can even see the words **** flight school marked on the fuselage.

The **** flying school, renting their planes, actually used this to advertise.

"Are you ready?" Zhen Fan asked while sitting on the plane, looking at Christine in the wedding dress beside him.

Christine nodded, then wrapped her hands around Zhen Fan's waist, hugged him tightly, and smiled softly at Zhen Fan and said, "Yes, I'm ready! You jump, I too jump!"

This is the dialogue between Jack and Ruth in the Carmel movie "Titanic." It was very suitable here, which made Zhen Fan burst his mouth and laughed, and then said to Maxi Spat who was driving the helicopter: "Hey, brother, let's get down, we will see you on the top floor!"

"You...really don't need insurance ropes and the like?" Maxi Spat looked at Zhen Fan very He knew that Zhen Fan was great, but he wanted to jump off from it. , It was beyond his cognition, but he knew that Zhen Fan would not make a joke about it, so he could only say one more thing.

"Goodbye, Maxi!" After saying that, Zhen Fan suddenly opened the cabin door, and then hugged Christine with both hands. The princess hugged him. This also prevented Christine from falling and the bottom of the skirt was naked. Up.

"The camera zooms in a little closer, oh god, we can see that the cabin door is open, but... are they going to use a parachute? It's not necessary at such a close distance, and... God, they jumped down, We didn’t see the lifeline, oh my god, they just jumped down like that...take this scene quickly, quickly..."

With everyone's stunned, Zhen Fan suddenly jumped out of the helicopter while holding Christine, but not as most people wanted, the two of them fell like meteors, they were floating. The flight, or rather, is like a feather floating in the air, gently and slowly floating down.

"I believe that at this moment, it will become the focus of the world!" Qian Panpan was dumbfounded, and couldn't help saying the same sentence to express his shock. (To be continued...) u

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