The American Scripture

Chapter 803: Arrived

When Beasley turned around, Lieutenant Colonel Martin broke out in a cold sweat. He immediately gave the order and shouted loudly: "Retreat to the entrance of the town and block them. Major Gag, take people to evacuate. Residents speed up, no one should walk with luggage, and evacuate lightly, hurry up!"

"Yes, sir!" Major Gag agreed loudly. He turned and took the two squads of soldiers with him and walked towards the town. The town was already chaotic. Fortunately, there were soldiers helping them. Alert, so that no further riots and robberies occurred. <>

"Soldiers, there is the small town behind. If we retreat, everyone will die. Block him. Just block him and let the people in the town retreat safely." Lieutenant Colonel Martin encouraged his morale loudly, but he turned around. When I saw Beasley, who had a huge wolf beak with sharp teeth, he swallowed the words behind.

"Lieutenant Colonel Martin, leave it to us here, take your soldiers to retreat, and evacuate the people in the town to a safe place!" When Lieutenant Martin was about to give an order to fire, a voice suddenly came from him. It came out from behind, and he subconsciously looked back, only to see two people walking out from behind him.

"Hello, old friend!" Gicaro greeted Beasley with a smile, "Originally we were looking for you everywhere, but I didn't expect you to show up here and make such a big noise. It's great. Everyone knows that you are here and it will not take long!"

"Let's go, Lieutenant Colonel!" Steve also stood up and said to Lieutenant Colonel Martin.

Lieutenant Colonel Martin knew of the existence of these two men. But I don't know what their abilities are. I only know that a special department assists them in their work, so I hesitate.

"Are you threatening me?" Beasley had a wolf mouth. Spit out vague words, because of his verbal reasons, what he said after his transformation was a bit vague. But Gicaro still heard clearly.

"It's not a threat. As long as we can keep you for one more moment, you are destined to be more dangerous! After this world, you are not invincible. Someone can take your life!" Gicaro said calmly Nodded, then set aside, "Come on. Let's fight!"

"I originally wanted to play games with you, now it seems that I have to deal with you as quickly as possible, old man, go to hell!" Beasley roared suddenly. He rushed towards Gicaro. The speed is very fast. Although he spent a certain amount of physical strength in the fight with the robot, it seems that although he has been affected a bit, it is not enough to reduce his combat effectiveness.

Gicaro also moved, leaping high, and the two collided suddenly in the air, making a loud noise. Then they separated quickly, and Beasley staggered back several steps. Finally stood firm. However, Gicaro backed back again and again, and then he fell to the ground and slid a long way before stopping. The corners of his mouth were soaked with blood, and it was obvious that Gilaro suffered a great loss in this contest.

"Sir, if you still don't allow your people to evacuate, then we will all wait for death here!" Gicaro stood up swayingly, did not start again, but faced Martin Zhong who was stunned by the side. The school said, "Go, withdraw now, right now, **** it!" He swears at the back.

Lieutenant Colonel Martin was taken aback, and then immediately realized that the two men planned to use their lives to buy time for them to retreat, and could not help shouting loudly: "Retreat, retreat!" Then they faced Gicaro. After a salute, he turned around and got into the car, rushing towards the town.

"Really should applaud your bravery!" Beasley smiled sarcastically, but he did not intercept Lieutenant Colonel Martin and the others. After all, Gicaro is not so easy to deal with, he has to put out a lot of energy. I can only watch the soldiers board the cars one after another and rush towards the town.

"No, I don't need your applause!" Gicaro stood up, and then slowly wiped off the blood stains from the corners of his mouth, "Come on, some of us will die here, it's not you, it's me!"

"It's definitely not me!" Beasley suddenly yelled and rushed towards Gicaro. At the same time, Gicaro also rushed towards him. At this moment, Steve also rushed towards him. With a roar, he rushed towards Beasley's side. Two against one.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The voice is endless, there should be a muffled sound when I was beaten up.

The figures separated again. This time Beasley also fell to the ground, unable to get up for a long time, and Gicaro fell to the ground motionless, as if unconscious, and Steve was reluctant. Rising from the ground, he stood swayingly, but still couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

But he didn't care, and then he spit on the ground and looked at Gicarlo who fell on the ground. He was a little worried about him, but the current situation couldn't distract him, so he could only watch it with full attention. Beasley got up on the ground again, his body tensed, ready to use his final blow at any time.

"Be my helper, look at the **** of the government, they treat you like this. We are the same kind of people, even if you kill me now, but... can't you guarantee that they will be the next one to deal with? "Beasley also spit out **** spit, and said to Steve.

"That's something for the future, man, what we have to do now is let you die in front of us!" Steve was not moved, but said to him with some mockery.

"It seems that you really don't know life and death. Gilaro is dead. He will die. It won't take long, one or two days, and you will be the next one. Have you really made a decision? Are we superpowers? People who want to die? None of this is our choice. They made us, and then they want us to die when we threaten their existence!" Beasley seemed to want to win over Steve.

"I'm sorry, I can't promise you, mother knows and will scold me!" Steve smiled, but showed his unparalleled determination, even though he was more or less skeptical about the future And confused, but at this time, he has never succumbed.

"That's great, Steve, I'll tell your mother, you are a brave man!" Suddenly a weak voice came from behind, it was Gicarlo. He smiled slightly and sat on the ground. , Leaning on a big rock, "I will see your mother in heaven soon, and then I will tell her that her son is brave in battle!"

"Yes, I hope so!" Steve nodded, then looked at Beasley calmly, "Come on, I will die with honor, instead of surrendering to someone like you."

"Then I will fulfill you, you are such a kid who doesn't talk!" Beasley laughed loudly, then shook his head, and the sound of bones that made people piercing again made his neck. He walked towards Steve step by step, slowly approaching the poor soul like a **** of death.

"Go to hell!" Steve finally started. He had accumulated power for a long time, and suddenly broke out at this moment, like a gust of wind rolling up on a flat bottom, and like a monster roaring down in the wind and clouds. , Rushed towards Beasley suddenly.

Among the flying sand and rocks, a monster with a huge open mouth wanted Beasley to swallow it in one bite. This was Steve's illusion at the bottom of the box. He wanted to use this to confuse Beasley, and then attack from behind him. He has to be successful in one blow before he can turn defeat into victory.

"Haha, you really look like a clown!" Suddenly a hand was stretched out of the monster's mouth, and this hand jammed the situation of flying sand and rocks, and suddenly the monster disappeared. The wind and clouds disappeared, only one hand pinched Steve's neck tightly.

"It's a pity, as long as I use my hand hard, you will die!" Beasley laughed loudly. Obviously, the illusion just now was of no use to him. He just pinched it with one hand. Steve who attacked him, "I'll give you another chance, either to be loyal to me or die!"

Some blood foam came out of Steve’s mouth. He suddenly turned his head and looked behind Beasley. Gicarlo, who was sitting paralyzed, smiled: "Hey, old man, that’s it, you have to tell my mother. , I died in battle. I guess I won’t be able to go to heaven. I’m dying with the devil!” As he closed his eyes and was about to explode, he suddenly heard Jicaro’s voice.

" buddy, don't worry!" Gicaro suddenly showed a smile on his face, "We still have a chance!"

"You still have a chance?" Beasley said contemptuously. He was about to squeeze Steve to death. Suddenly his chest seemed to be hit by a sudden blow, and the whole person flew up immediately, and then heavily. When it fell on the ground, there was a burst of dust and dust.

Steve fell from his hands and fell to the ground. Gicaro crawled over with difficulty, then hugged him in his arms, patted his face hastily, and said, "Hey, man, don’t die. , Buddy, we have to go on the mission together, God, for God's sake, wake up!"

"Uh—" Suddenly Steve made a long sound from his throat, then opened his eyes and looked at Beasley, who had fallen to the ground in front of him and was struggling to get up, and said, "This What's the matter?" He was strangled by Beasley's throat just now, and he was almost pinched to death by him, but he couldn't help but ask, seeing what happened before him.

"Our reinforcements finally felt it!" Gicaro said, with a different surprise in his eyes. Because in his eyes, a person slowly walked out of the fire and smoke, a person who once made him hate and jealous, but now he is the most grateful person. He is dressed in black and his face is a little pale. Is coming slowly... (to be continued...) u

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