The American Scripture

Chapter 830: Make a deal

Since Zhen Fan performed in the bar, many people have posted videos on the Internet, and Zhen Fan’s re-emergence has also been raging. Many people have asked if it is true, and those who are familiar directly called and asked, for example, Domestic Feng Daran, Cheng Hu and others, as well as James Carmel and others. -

Feng Daran really wanted to cooperate with Zhen Fan in a movie, and James Carmel wanted Zhen Fan to make a cameo in his movie, but anyway, he wanted to take this opportunity to further consolidate and Zhen Fan. Relationship. These people eagerly want to catch Zhen Fan, but some people are different.

After Diego Farrell turned off the TV, he was still thinking about Zhen Fan's comeback. He is very vigilant towards Zhen Fan. The previous incident of the theft of the formula ended in failure, but he knew that Aaron Cranston's death must have something to do with Zhen Fan, so he kept paying attention to collecting Zhen Fan's movements.

Moreover, his business has been very difficult recently, and his people are often attacked, and several of them have died unclearly. And they are some of his capable talents, so he tries to keep himself low-key. Lest he didn't know how to die, because he was really not sure that he would be able to retire after he swaggered through the market.

Diego Farrell even bought a cross dipped in holy water for himself from the church because of the inexplicable deaths of his subordinates. This cross was taken with him and he would never take it away. . And he firmly believes that there must be something beyond human common sense in his vicinity, waiting for an opportunity to give himself a fatal blow. Because he sometimes uses those inexplicable powers to serve himself. For example, the descendants of Thailand, the Pharaohs of the Mona tribe in Africa and others. And good results can be achieved every time.

"I won't let you succeed, absolutely not!" Diego Farrell gritted his teeth and said.

It's really hard for people to succeed, at least Nancy Vergara can't succeed now. Because of the cross he carried with him, she always felt that she would be burned as soon as she got close. Therefore, every time she could only watch Diego Farrell coming and going freely from a distance, and there was no other way but to let his murderous **** get down to vent her anger.

The streets of New York at night are always brightly lit, and this is a city that never sleeps. There are no serious people walking on the streets, usually gang members who whistle and drive roaring motorcycles. They wandered, no one dared to provoke them. Night is their protective color, they can do whatever they want.

The door of the bar was pushed open, and a group of guys in strange costumes came out of the bar. There were people who were chasing after him, and then they found their mount on the motorcycle by the bar. Started. And there were screams and roars. There are women's laughter.

"Hey, big head, where are we going?" Someone asked a guy who looked big, with a band on his forehead, and his exposed arms were covered with tattoos. The flesh on his face made him tall. The figure looks a little hideous. It looks like he is the leader of this group.

"Go to our old place, do you still have the goods? You... I know you still have it, the boss gave you some. We will enjoy it together tonight!" The boss called the big head looked at one who looked thin. . "Really? Bring it out to me!"

"Well, this is yours!" The thin man took out a small packet of white powder from his trouser pocket and handed it over, shrugged, "That's all, I have sold the rest, originally this is for myself What stayed..."

"Shit, Giessen, you don't want to live anymore?" The big head looked at the thin man with sharp eyes, and threw the bag of powder on his face. "Are you going to entertain us with such a thing? Hey, listen up. Now, we are blessed to share it. If you don’t bring out all the goods, I will pick it up by myself. Don’t mess with me!"

"Big head, I really only have so much!" Giessen said grimly, "Let me go, I won't participate in your carnival, accept this, this is all mine!" With that, Giessen said Planning to ride his motorcycle and slip away in the other direction.

"Boom—" His motorcycle started, but just as he was about to leave, he suddenly heard a huge roar, and a dark shadow suddenly rushed towards his motorcycle, and he heard "Boom— "There was a muffled sound, and suddenly Giesen and his car were knocked out seven or eight meters away. Giesen turned twice in the air, then fell to the ground with a slumping sound, lying down in a strange posture, his head twisted Aside, there was no sound.

"Big head..." someone said with a trembling voice. Obviously, they can see clearly. Just now, the big head was driving his motorcycle and slammed into Giessen, and they also saw very clearly that Giessen was finished. He is dead, if there is no accident.

"No one is allowed to say anything about today. Whoever tells it, I will kill him!" The big head looked around in a gloomy look. He needs to rely on this iron and blood method to stand up, so even if it is murder, it is nothing Without blinking, make a decisive move. Sure enough, everyone around was silent.

"I'm going to go out and hide for a while now, listen, who dares to disclose this, I will make him worse than dead, and I will come back again, guys!" As he said, he beckoned and took another person's motorcycle The car took it, stepped on it, started it, and disappeared from the street.

"What shall we do?" someone asked.

"What else? Hurry up and get out of this **** place!" Someone reacted right away, without waiting for the reaction from here, they sent the motorcycle and galloped away. The rest of the people immediately scattered and scattered. Open, this place was empty for a while, and the whole street was empty.

The door opened, and it was a small and dirty room. Except for the bed, there was a TV, and then a mess of chairs and littering. Turning on the light with his big head, then took off his clothes, and threw it on a chair beside him, went to the refrigerator and took out a consistent beer. He raised his head and took a sip. Then he sighed comfortably. : "Damn bastard, I'll be back sooner or later!"

"Are you still thinking about coming back?" Suddenly a voice broke his self-talk, he was taken aback, then raised his head and saw a woman sitting on the chair beside him, telling the truth , Is a very beautiful woman, he was frightened, subconsciously took out a pistol from his want to change, and then pointed at the woman.

"Who is your tmd? How did you get in? You are a policeman?" There were a series of questions in the big hair, and the gun was pointed at the woman without letting go. He felt that this woman made himself a little nervous. Although this woman is unarmed.

"Big head, your name is Garnett Kelly, am I right? Because many people call your nickname, but your real name is rarely remembered. You are a member of Diego Farrell , I know, you worked hard for him for a long time and won his trust." The woman said softly, with a smile, as if she was talking to him as usual, "I’m not wrong, Kelly ."

"Who the **** are you tmd, if you don't speak, I will blow your head, bitch!" Garnett Kay used a gun to point the woman's head, slowly approaching, and said with some stern voice, "You call What name? What do you want to do? If you don't say it, I will **** you first, and then kill you!"

"Do you think you can kill me?" The woman smiled slightly, "I know that you killed someone today, or one of your little brothers, because he didn't give you the white powder, so you killed him! But... don’t you feel surprised? Why does your motorcycle rush so fast and so fast? So suddenly it’s out of your control?"

Garnett Kelly's forehead was sweating, and his hand with the pistol was shaking slightly: "Bitch, don't scare me, I just want to kill him, he made me faceless, so his death date is here. That's it, what do you want to say? What can you do if I killed him?"

"No, you just want to frighten him and knock him down!" The woman couldn't help but laughed, then stood up, stretched out her hand, and removed the muzzle pointing to her head, "I can let the police arrest you, because wait until Tomorrow morning, they will find the body, and they will watch the surveillance, and then issue you a wanted warrant."

"Do you think you will or leave here?" Garnett Kelly raised the pistol viciously and pointed it at the woman's head in a low voice, "I will let you die first, and then I will hide outside for a while. At most one year, I can come back and make a comeback. Don’t believe me, I can do it. This is not the first time I have done this!"

"Okay, can you shoot?" The woman took a few steps forward, then turned around, opened her hands and smiled at Garnett Kelly, "Shoot me, it's okay, I won't dodge."

"Don't think I dare!" Garnett Kelly opened the pistol insurance and then re-pointed the woman's head, "Don't force me to do it, but I will kill you without any psychological burden . Anyway, you are not the first person to die in my hands...woman!"

"Wait, are you so impatient?" The woman smiled at Garnett Kelly, "We might as well make a deal." She didn't know where to take out a hard drive and shook it in her hand. "This It was the surveillance video of the person you killed, and the motorcycle I had taken care of for you. If you want, we will make a deal."

"What do you want?" Garnett Kelly looked at the woman warily, but the pistol in his hand was still pointed at the woman's head, and looked at the hard drive in the woman's hand with some confusion.

"Do you know that Diego Farrell wears a cross? I like it very much, so my request is very simple. Find an opportunity and bring this cross to me. Our transaction is complete!" The woman shrugged slightly. He lowered his shoulder and said, "Then the police won't find you, you can continue to stay in New York... enjoy this colorful world!"

"Really? Why didn't I shoot you to death and then destroy this hard drive?" Garnett? Kelly smiled happily, "You are such a stupid woman, now the initiative is in my hands!" To be continued...) u

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