The American Scripture

Chapter 851: go to bed

The barbecue dinner was over, and everyone was still very satisfied. It was obvious that they were all satisfied with the dinner. -Especially Tessa and Elsa. They tasted Zhen Fan’s best craftsmanship. Even Elsa felt that it was better than what they usually do in the villa. This may be because they were in the wild. That kind of mentality problem.

After dinner, everyone dispersed. Annie and Zoe hid away and whispered while Miles was dragged by Tessa and Elsa to the river not far away. They were swimming there. The water here was not deep, but it was clear. They were in the tent. Li changed into a bikini and thumped in the river.

Christine took the two children to pick wild flowers on the other side of the river. But obviously, Maria was a little absent-minded. She looked at Zhen Fan’s side all the time. Because Zhen Fan was picking up the leftovers, she didn’t want to come over, while Mia and Helena helped Zhen Fan in the river. Go downstream to wash dishes and so on.

After 8 o’clock in the evening, everyone got into the tent. Zhen Fan and Christine hid in sleeping bags together. Although they were alone, they were surrounded by tents and people, so there were two people. There are no other thoughts, just lying and talking together.

"Have you ever thought about returning to the entertainment industry?" Zhen Fan suddenly asked Christine such a question, " still owe me one time!" He said solemnly, through the rechargeable LED lights, Chris Ting could see that Zhen Fan looked serious, and couldn't help laughing.

"I owe you once? Are you going to bed?" Christine smiled, "I know. We were all actors before, but we haven't worked together once. Look. Pete and Angelina have worked together several times. But we didn’t have it once. Do you want to say this?"

"Yeah, is there anything wrong with this?" Zhen Fan pretended to be surprised. "It's because we haven't been there once, so I feel strange. Isn't this a normal state of a couple?"

"Aha-you really are. Don't you know how many movies you have made since your debut?" Kristen couldn't help but laughed. "You just made a movie. They have made a movie for many years. Can cooperate several times. So... you are too eager, but... don't worry, I will cooperate with you as long as the time comes. It will!

"I'm not worried about this. You can be by my side anytime!" Zhen Fan turned over, turned sideways to Christine, and tentatively said, "Uh...Can I still ask a question? "He said hesitantly, but he seemed a little embarrassed.

Kristen looked at his expression in confusion, then suddenly patted his forehead and said, "Oh, God. I know what you are going to say, shall we talk about this now?"

"Okay. Let's not talk about this for the time being!" Zhen Fan reached in and raised his hand to make a surrender expression, shrugging his shoulders, "I just... forget it, just pretend I didn't say anything!"

There was a moment of silence between the two, and then Christine suddenly said, "Well, let’s talk about this now. Anyway, it’s going to be talked about sooner or later. Now... Tell me, you and Liu are When did it start?"

"Before we get engaged!" Zhen Fan nodded honestly.

"Okay, so be it. After we go back, you will pick her up as soon as possible. Anyway, I should be the godmother of that child. This is my privilege. I don't want us to be unhappy because of this. Yes, I never thought about sharing my husband with others... but now... I have to think so!"

Zhen Fan nodded affirmatively and said, "Yes, I didn't expect this to happen. Except for those countries where we can marry a few wives, I really haven't heard of such a thing. I know it's my cause. ..."

"Forget it, now is not the time to say who is right and who is wrong, we have to face it all, damn-why can't I make up my mind to leave you?" Kristen suddenly whispered hysterically He snarled, "This **** **** is really heartbreaking!"

"Sorry, Christine!" Zhen Fan hugged Christine from behind. Kristen suddenly became soft in Zhen Fan's arms. Her shoulders shrugged slightly, and she could feel that she was indeed Feeling a little excited, Zhen Fan grabbed her shoulders to comfort her.

"I know that you Chinese don't value these very much. Your country was able to marry several wives decades ago. I have read your history, and I also know that there is a practice of dual cultivation of yin and yang in the Taoist family. I know that traditional culture can be deeply rooted in people's hearts, so... I have to learn to understand you." Kristen took a breath and calmed down a little bit. "Maybe I am also suffering consciously or unconsciously. The influence of your Taoist culture."

"You mean, you can..."

"Don't even think about it, I know there are still a few women who are very possessive towards you. I'm not blind, I can feel it, like Zoe. I really don't know when you hooked up, and Annie, she has always had that expectation. These women may have been touched before me and you." Kristen suddenly covered his face and couldn't help saying, "God, I Why did you provoke a man like you!"

"But...this is definitely not returnable, but I can give you a discount!" Zhen Fan interjected unreasonably, and immediately made the excited Christine burst into laughter. One hand squeezed Zhen Fan's arm vigorously, then looked at the deep nail marks, and couldn't help but stretch out his hand and stroke it slowly.

"Well, I won't return the goods, but I have the right to check the quality of the goods!" Christine said, reaching out and stroking Zhen Fan's chest. This is the quality of the goods she wants to inspect.

"Why are there red dots? Is it your phone?" Zhen Fan asked.

"It's the camera, I forgot to turn it off. I took a lot of pictures today, and they are all good. I think it can be made into a documentary. This is a memory we share. Maybe when we are old, we can turn it out and take a look. !" Kristen said with a smile, "Do you want it? I can turn on the night vision mode, and we can record the exercise scene!"

"Oh, forget it!" Zhen Fan muttered in a low voice, and then the red dot disappeared, followed by Christine's faint gasps and Zhen Fan's warnings, "Claire and Maria are both possible Haven't slept yet, let's keep quiet!"

The lights in the tent suddenly went out at night, and Mia and Helena were discussing what to do tomorrow, and suddenly someone outside the tent said softly, "Hey, it's me, Zoe, can I join in?"

"Of course, you can!" Mia said, and then moved the middle to make a side space for Zoe, then Helena opened the zipper and let Zoe in. Zoe naturally lay next to them, and then said to Mia, "It's really hard to find a good place."

"This is a good place? If you return this tent, "I will be glad that the three of us will dance in the cold wind!" "

"Well, I'll just talk for a while." Zoe quickly raised his hand to signal to stop the dispute, and then said, "We are coming out together, don't you think about why Christine can be alone Zhen? I don’t understand, so do you understand?"

"Don't ask me this. I won't participate in any discussion about Zhen. I'm not yours!" Helena smiled happily, then turned over and got up, "I'll go to your tent for a while, maybe we can Switch positions.” She opened the zipper as she said, and then went out.

"Whatever you want!" Zoe yelled in a low voice from the exit of the tent, then re-zipped the zipper, lay down and said to Mia, "We have to form an ally, and Zhen and I will even bother you. Start before her, why should she be ahead of her?" Zoe said with some dissatisfaction.

Mia looked at Zoe, smiled a little compassionately, and shook her head and said, "I never thought about possessing him. Actually... I just need to be by his side. It doesn't matter if I can be a boyfriend or not. Or husband and wife, it doesn’t matter to me."

"Don't you want to form an alliance? The two of us still have Annie, and Liu will be added in the future. The three of us will be together... I believe we will occupy a favorable situation!" Zoe is very confident ~ ~ Then what? Then who will take possession of you? Will it trigger a new round of alliances? Forget it, Zhen is not an ordinary person. Monogamy may have no effect on him, but...It is undeniable that we all have deep feelings for him, but the way we guard them is different! "Mia said quietly.

"Okay, okay, this is a difference in our ideas, I'm just a bit unconvinced..." Zoe snorted, then sighed and said, "I don't know if this relationship is right or wrong to me. , I have persisted for so many years, and it is impossible to give up anyway!"

"Go to sleep, this matter will not be resolved in a short while, take your time, although I will not help Christine, but I will definitely not help you, because it is not good for Zhen!" Mia said He closed his eyes. Obviously, she didn't want to struggle with this issue anymore.

"Well, good night!" Zoe said a little worried, and closed his eyes.

It’s quiet down here, but there are still people who can’t calm down. Elsa and Tessa are also whispering. The two of them get together and look at a previous album. It’s a publicity album produced by the government here. A few simple pages. (To be continued...) u

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