The American Scripture

Chapter 866: Investment War Movies

The Japanese regard the visit of Hollywood stars as the top priority in the entertainment industry. Not only the entertainment industry, but even the Japanese foreign minister came to meet with these stars, shake hands one by one, and bend over to say hello. Their attitude towards Hollywood is still quite good. Yes, and when shaking hands with Zhen Fan, he clasped his hands and praised again and again: "You are an outstanding representative of Asian cultural communication. Welcome to Japan often to strengthen Sino-Japanese cultural exchanges."

\"Yes, no problem!\" Zhen Fan nodded. Regarding etiquette, he will not be rude.\"Of course, I will try my best.\" When he nodded and shook hands, it was the time when the Foreign Minister bowed. The reporters took the photo at that time, and then posted it on the Internet. If you look at the photo, the Japanese Foreign Minister nodded and bowed to Zhen Fan. He looked like a low-spirited slave, so many people in China felt that it was true. It is to increase the morale of the country.

Of course, they only saw the coincidence of this picture, but it is still hot in China.This picture has become a classic picture and one of the most embarrassing pictures of political leaders of various countries.It is often hot in China. As a result, Zhen Fan's domestic fame is imperceptibly raised by this external appearance. Of course, these are all things to follow.

During the reception, Zhen Fan chatted with Feng Daran and others in China. Of course, Feng Daran and others would not let this tease Zhen Fan. Several people laughed for a while, then hung up the phone, and then Christine called: \"How did you go to Japan to kiss a Japanese woman?\"

Changfeng Literature

\"I am a fan!\" Zhen Fan explained.

\"That's fine, kiss and kiss. But... Is this the beginning of the conquest of Japan? I can hide in the box office in the future! \" Christine laughed, this woman's thinking is really different. \"Caught the woman's box office. I caught the man's box office, so it's a bargain!\"

\"Of course, I am your fiance. If you add your charm, I think it will be even more crazy! There is a saying in China that couples work together, and the benefits are broken!" Zhen Fan said with a smile,\" So our partner’s movies will definitely sell well. From now on, you have to look for a script that suits us!\"

\"Okay, hung up!\" Kristen was also quite straightforward. Just hung up when she said to hang up. Zhen Fan heard the blind tone on the phone before he could respond, and she couldn't help but tilt her mouth. Seeing Angelina coming over, she looked at Zhen Fan, holding a glass of red wine, and raising it to gesture to Zhen Fan.

Zhen Fan also picked up the cup to respond, then Angelina walked over, stood face to face with Zhen Fan, and blinked her eyes and said, "Why are you alone here? But they don't give up chatting with Japanese beauties. They are looking for opportunities! Women... who don’t like successful men?\"

What Angelina said was straightforward. Zhen Fan couldn't help but smiled awkwardly and said: "I was about to find the target, but accidentally. The target came by himself, isn't it?" He faced Angelina Blinked.

\"Haha. I like to hear these words, I am your goal? So... I am still a beautiful woman in your eyes? Hmm... I am really happy to hear this. Come, let's have a drink!\ "Angelina raised her glass, then touched Zhen Fan lightly, making a soft "ding".

Angelina's plump red lips took a sip of red wine, and those **** red lips, when they squeezed the edge of the wine glass, were really amorous, which made Zhen Fan look sideways, and then laughed: \"If you go again Drinking like this in front of me, I might try my best to pursue you, Angie!\"

\"I’ll wait, will you?\" Angelina smiled slightly, and then said,\"There is one thing, I’m currently preparing a movie about World War II, an American pilot... Are you interested in the story of the Japanese prisoner-of-war camp?\"

Zhen Fan nodded as soon as she heard it: "Of course I am interested, do you need me to play a Japanese role?"

\"Uh...Of course it’s best if you want, may not, because I know some grievances between you and the Japanese, know, I have already chosen an actor.\"

\"You are right.\" Zhen Fan nodded, then sighed and said,\"Then you told me this, you must have made an investment, right? And you must have encountered trouble in financing. right?\"

Angelina couldn't help but laughed \"cock\", and then Zhen Fan said in vain: \"Well, I can't hide anything from you, my funds have indeed encountered problems. Because some people in Japan objected , So... some investors have withdrawn, will you help me?\"

\"Well, I have always been used to being a good person, so this time is no exception. Come on, Anji, how much money do you need?\" Zhen Fan said without any hesitation.

\"One hundred million U.S. dollars, if you put out one hundred million U.S. dollars, then I will be able to give you more in return!\" Angelina smiled, \"Are you confident in this investment? Confidence?\"

\"One hundred million dollars?\" Zhen Fan widened his eyes, then looked at Angelina in surprise, and couldn't help but shook his head and said, "Angie, 100 million dollars, I can almost invest in this movie alone. And I promise to pay There can be a lot more! You dare to speak, there are too many, I will not consider this! And the current market return rate of war movies will not be too high, business is business, no, Angie!\"

"Okay, 80 million, how? Eighty million dollars!" Angelina smiled. It really looked like this, "The film company’s investment funds are in place, but the gap is still large. If I If you can't get together, the film company will withdraw its capital within a certain period of time. Do you bear to watch my movie and it's finished?\" Angelina cast a wink at Zhen Fan.

\"Eight thousand. [,!] Ten thousand is still too much!\" Zhen Fan shook his head, this is the lion's big mouth, he has to pay the money on the spot. Angelina regards him as a business partner, then he should also take it When discussing this matter with a business attitude, public is public and private is private. He believes that even if the two cannot talk about it, they will not be unhappy with each other because of this matter. Friends are friends and have nothing to do with business.

\"Okay, okay, don’t let you see through it, fifty million dollars, it can’t be any less, if it’s less, I won’t be able to make it. Do you know how much the film company invests in me? Thirty million dollars, What kind of movie can this make?\" Angelina sighed and said sadly.

\"If I invest 50 million U.S. dollars in you, your budget will be 80 million U.S. dollars. As far as I know, the investment in this movie was about 70 million U.S. dollars." Zhen Fan shrugged, Said to Angelina, \"So your budget is high enough, I can only invest you 15 million dollars at most.\"

\"Fifteen million dollars? God, too little, do you know how old the 70 million dollars back then?\"Angelina couldn't help but shook her head and said no, \"No, no, No, that was the twentieth century. Now it is the twenty-first century. Don’t you feel that you are so far away from the old film a century? Even in 2002, Yusen? Wu’s investment reached One hundred and twenty million US dollars.\"

Zhen Fan couldn't help but shook his head and said: "In Shangyanshang, Anji, the investment in war movies is too high, and the return is definitely too little. Do you know what the consequences are? The bleakness at the box office caused MGM's stock to plummet , And the president of publishing, Robert Levin, took the blame and resigned. Do you know that the more money you invest, the bigger the pit?

"Okay, okay, forty million dollars!" Angelina raised her glass to Zhen Fan and tried to clink it with Zhen Fan. "Let’s celebrate, our cooperation is successful!"

\"Wait, no!\" Zhen Fan turned slightly to his side, raising the wine glass in his hand, without letting Angelina meet, \"I haven't promised, 40 million dollars will not work, well, if it is 30 million U.S. dollars, then I can agree to it, you know that my funds are a bit tight recently, because...I am also building some projects!\" Then he raised his glass.

\"If you agree, we'll touch it!\" Zhen Fan looked sideways at Angelina.

Angelina nodded, and then touched Zhen Fan with a wine glass: "Well, happy cooperation, who do I need to contact? Let's talk about investment matters. I heard that you have set up a team!"

\"Yes, can I give it to you, give me the phone!\" Zhen Fan said and hooked his finger to Angelina, then took the phone and wrote Melissa’s phone number on it,\ "You make this call and discuss with Melissa, uh, it's Melissa Bullock.\" Then he changed the phone to Angelina.

\"Happy cooperation!\" Zhen Fan raised his glass and took a sip.

\"Happy cooperation!\" Angelina smiled and raised the glass, took a sip, then put the glass down, blinked at Zhen Fan, \"There is a dance floor over there, I want to go dancing with me One song?\"

\"Of course, I am very honored!\" Zhen Fan also put the wine glass in the tray of a passing waiter, then as soon as he reached out, he gently pinched Angelina's hand and walked into the dance floor next to it. The music in the room has already rang, Zhen Fan gently hugged Angelina's waist, the two people spread their hands and danced on the dance floor.

\"Do you think 60 million can make a very good war movie? You are definitely not just me as an investor?" Zhen Fan looked at Angelina and smiled, \"You are very cunning, so I Don’t believe in the final capital of your investment at all!\"

\"Well, I can tell you that my funds include yours, which is already 80 million, and the film company invested me 50 million US dollars." Angelina smiled slightly and blinked at Zhen Fan ,\"You were fooled by me, have to believe me, your investment will be rewarded!\"

\"If you can get a global box office of 300 million U.S. dollars, I will be able to make my investment!" Zhen Fan smiled, \"You know, in China, war movies are the heavyweight movies at the box office. If your movie is going to be released in China, you can ask me for help. Of course, this is also helping me. If the box office is better, of course, the more I earn!\"

\"Well, I also hope you can help me find me a good film distributor in China!\" Angelina said, gently leaning her face, and then kissed Zhen Fan on the face a bit.

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