The American Scripture

Chapter 871: Come here quickly

Michi Kikuko really did not have such experience in massaging for men, even her ex-boyfriend did not enjoy it. She is relatively conservative in this respect. Now she does this completely from the two or three secretly rented by herself. The plot in the small movie, how can such plot be used as life experience?

So when two people who didn’t understand these were together, they had such an embarrassment. When Miike Kikuko wanted to bow, she was caught by Zhen Fan and her mouth was printed on it. Zhen Fan's body was held in his arms, and the friction between the two bodies' bodies aroused the **** of the two people. In the trembling of Miike Kikuko, the two were entangled with each other without much psychological burden.

Japanese people are more open to sex. Even a conservative person like Miike Kikuko, who mainly likes in his heart, will go with the flow. However, Zhen Fan originally came to Japan for pleasure and has no psychological burden. And he spent a long time in the United States, with so many women, he was not as serious about **** as he saw in China. Men love women, and they can also practice Dao Fa by the way. Why not do it?

So the water splashed in the warm water pool, Zhen Fan's Taoist sexual intercourse, tried many postures, and Meichi Juzi was a gentle and docile person, and Zhen Fan would toss her anyway. But that wave after wave of * surging, made her groan, who was more reserved at first. In the end, he couldn't restrain himself, and didn't care about being ashamed, he screamed loudly, and finally turned into a puddle of mud. With Zhen Fan's hands, he kept folding his body into various postures.

The middle-aged uncle listened for a while, smiled happily, and nodded in satisfaction. He has also been here with many men and women, some of them are couples. Some are not, but after washing, they will become boy and girl friends. This is the benefit of bathing together. So he felt that he had contributed to a team of marriage.

After waiting for two hours, Zhen Fan came out neatly dressed and nodded to the curious middle-aged uncle. Kneeling and sitting at the small table. The middle-aged uncle poured tea over, and when he was about to ask, he saw Miike Kikuko, who was overdue, and her face was radiant, and there was an amazing beauty.

The middle-aged uncle was a little surprised, and quickly let Michi Kikuko sit down again. After pouring tea, he stepped aside. Although he was very curious, it was hard to ask when the two of them were together. It's just that Miike Kikuko lowered her head. With a face full of shame, she even dare not look at Zhen Fan.

Zhen Fan is very satisfied with Meichi Juzi's physique, as if she was born with a soft physique, which is indeed enough to make people sexy. Seeing Miike Kikuko sitting down, she smiled and said, "After drinking this cup of tea, let's go back."

"Yes, Mr. Zhen!" Mei Chi Juzi sat down and bowed to Zhen Fan. He squatted forward, raised his teacup, and turned his head slightly. He drank half of the tea, then put it down, lowered his head, waiting for Zhen Fan's instructions.

Zhen Fan drank the tea in one sip, then stood up and waved to the middle-aged uncle outside the house. Say in English: "Check out!"

Michi Kikuko quickly translated, and the middle-aged uncle walked over with a smile. The dollars that Zhen Fan paid directly were not very expensive. One hundred dollars is enough, but Zhen Fan still paid two hundred dollars, because he felt very happy today, a hearty love that made him feel very good, so he paid a little more.

Michi Kikuko opened her mouth. When she wanted to say something, but she still held back, she still remembered her duty, so she stood up, followed Zhen Fan closely, and walked along. , Except for the hot spring shop. After being outside, she helped Zhen Fan to call a car.

I took a taxi, then changed to an express, and finally changed to a taxi. When I arrived at the hotel, it was getting late. At more than three o'clock in the afternoon, Zhen Fan looked for a restaurant and brought Michi Kikuko. Went in to eat something, drank two glasses of sake and returned to the hotel.

"Please come in!" Zhen Fan opened the door. The hotel here is where Michi Kikuko works. She followed Zhen Fan in, and Zhen Fan motioned to let her sit down. Then she walked into the room and changed to a more comfortable one. The clothes come out.

"I'm leaving here tomorrow. Fortunately for your help in these two days, I am very grateful!" Zhen Fan sat diagonally across from Michi Kikuko, and the distance between the two of them became closer. "This is Your hard work for the past two days is considered your reward, and there is no tax, thank you!" He said, he took out an envelope and handed it to Miike Kikuko.

Michi Kikuko hesitated, but she took it, stood up and bowed to Zhen Fan, saying, "Thank you, this is your care for me!" He bowed again, and Zhen Fan hurriedly said. Waved and told her to sit down.

"Uh, if there is anything in these two days, please call me. If I will help you, I will try my best to help you!" Zhen Fan nodded to her, "I will not go out again today. It's fun, but the time is too short, so your work is over here. Happy cooperation!" Zhen Fan stood up as he said, and stretched out his hand to Michi Kikuko who was still sitting.

This is a posture to shake hands and bid farewell. Michi Kikuko suddenly felt a little empty in her heart. Through these two days of contact, she felt that Zhen Fan did have a particularly attractive and unique charm, which always made people want to get close. She has been restraining and knowing that there are two people today. Clouds and rain in the hot spring pool.

It can be said that this fulfilled one of her wishes, and it was also her most bone-breaking love. I am afraid that this kind of feeling will never be experienced again. She felt lost in her heart. She also knew the identity of the two of Zhen Fan. The gap was too big, so I could only endure it. I stood up slowly, the circles under my eyes were still a little red, and I shook hands with Zhen Fan, a little bit reluctant to let go, but finally let go slowly.

"Goodbye, Mr. Zhen!" Mei Chi Juzi bowed deeply to Zhen Fan, turned around, and walked out of the door. She walked very anxiously. She was afraid that she would stay a little longer and her reluctant thoughts would become even greater. Strong, at that time, all reservations will be dropped. She still can't do that thing like that.

Walking out of the room, Michi Kikuko had been covering her mouth with one hand, her eyes were red. When she walked to the lobby, a familiar employee asked her, she just shook her head and walked to the street. Stopped a taxi and went home. She really wanted to go home as soon as possible, otherwise, she was afraid that she would cry.

Zhen Fan did not expect that he would be able to have a love with this girl in the hot spring. But all this came so smoothly, so Zhen Fan didn't resist, and even was a little happy, because the girl's physique was really good and made people very comfortable.

He also didn't expect that the girl who was in this dewy marriage with him could be so nostalgic for him in these two days. Of course he couldn't see Michi Kikuko's tears as soon as he entered his room.

Yes, Michi Kikuko couldn't help crying. Once she was alone, she would remember some details. Once she remembered some details, she would enter a state of attachment in emotion. After tears and crying, her mood gradually calmed down. Only then did she realize that she was still holding an envelope in her hand.

This was Zhen Fan's reward for her. She unconsciously opened the envelope, and then a large pile of dollar bills fell from the opening of the envelope. There are two stacks, both of which are made of one hundred dollar bills, which is about twenty thousand dollars. Twenty thousand dollars? This is her reward for two days?

Miike Kikuko placed two stacks of banknotes on her chest and held them tightly with her hands. This is a lot of money. Where did he get so much cash? Did he give himself so much money because he had a relationship with him? Does he see himself as a girl in those custom shops? If so, is the money given a little too much? Maybe it's different from those women? Does he like himself a little bit too?

Anyway, some weird questions were turning over and over in her mind, making her dizzy and swollen, and she slowly fell asleep. When she fell asleep, her arms were still hugging her shoulders tightly, and she curled up, as if someone was hugging her body tightly from behind.

Zhen Fan sent away Mei Chi Juzi, but did not take this girl to heart. He always thought that he was nothing but a wish with her, and there was nothing to miss. Not long after Michi Kikuko went out, Bit and Robles came, and they were very dissatisfied with Zhen Fan going out alone.

" The three of us must act together once!" Robles said, he turned and stood at the window, looking at the scenery outside and said, "This is Tokyo. I can’t come back with great fun, then...we are here for nothing, right?"

Bit also nodded, agreeing with his point of view: "We are a group of eating, drinking and having fun. Why should we go against the will of our own group? Zhen, we are done, don't want to regret it!"

When the three people were arguing, Zhen Fan's cell phone rang. He smiled and shook his cell phone at Robles, then went to the bedroom to answer the call. Emma called. As soon as Zhen Fan got through, she heard Emma say: "Come here, Zhen, we are in Roppongi Street!"

"What do you want to do?" Zhen Fan asked in a daze. He didn't understand the English pronunciation of a weird pronunciation like Roppongi, so he was at a loss. "You have been taken away, and you are now imprisoned on an alien planet. Is it a prison? How do I hear that is the name of a prison of personality?"

"It's you who are going to be caught, no, no, you are an alien. Come here and go shopping with us. There are a lot of good things here. Hurry up, come by car!" Emma's voice was singing, and She said "we", and it was obvious that Zhen Fan had indeed heard that there were other people there, and they were still women! (To be continued) R466

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