The American Scripture

Chapter 882: New life

There was no sign of the stomach pain, and everyone immediately took action. The nurse hurriedly pushed in the stretcher trolley prepared, and Zhen Fan picked up Liu Yifei and put her on the stretcher. Then he pushed into the delivery room. After Zhen Fan put Liu Yifei away, Liu Yifei suddenly said to Zhen Fan, "I...may I..."

Her eyes blinked at Zhen Fan. Zhen Fan knew what she meant, so she lowered her head and put her ear to Liu Yifei's mouth. She said softly: "I heard...after the natural childbirth, the couple's life is not good!" She said this. When I was in, my face was very ruddy, even if it was painful, I was forced to endure it. The slightly frowned appearance of the media made people very affectionate.

"Haha, why did you think of this problem?" Zhen Fan couldn't help but laughed, and said in a low voice, "My capital is very good, and... you forgot who your husband is? I'm a famous Chinese medicine doctor, don't Think about that, I promise, after you have a baby, you will still look like a girl, and you will still fascinate my husband and me!

"I got it!" Liu Yifei nodded in shame, and then felt a sharp pain. She couldn't help but bit her lip and shouted, "Baby, baby is coming out!"

"Don't worry, I am here." Zhen Fan comforted her.

Kraisman was ready with a cry, and said to Liu Yifei: "Don't be nervous, don't be nervous, pay attention to the rhythm of breathing, inhale and exhale longer than usual, okay?" She is a good one. The doctor knows when to regulate the mood of the mother and help them stabilize their mood.

"I know, I know!" Liu Yifei nodded, but the pain and force caused the sweat on her forehead to come out. Zhen Fan shook her hand. Then he nodded to Dr. Kraisman, put on sterile gloves, walked to the delivery position, and began to take over the work of Dr. Kraisman.

"The position of the fetus may be a little incorrect, and the possibility of a successful delivery is relatively low. Dr. Zhen, we should immediately change to a caesarean section. You should be prepared for this. The single room inside is a separately modified caesarean section. I suggest that Liu Madam, turn it over, one more minute. One more guarantee!" Dr. Kleishman frowned and made his own suggestions to Zhen Fan. These suggestions are very correct in the eyes of professional doctors.

Zhen Fan touched Liu Yifei's fetal position. It was indeed abnormal, but it was not a problem for Zhen Fan at all. He took out a few silver needles. Slowly pricked in Hegu, Sanyinjiao and other acupuncture points. This is the acupuncture method used in Chinese medicine to induce labor. The effect is very good, but now few people use it.

Because this inheritance is gradually being lost, and now that modern science and technology are developed, many people are willing to use C-section to complete the production process. They always think that the possibility of dystocia is very low, and they would rather suffer the cut. They are also unwilling to give birth naturally because they want to avoid the so-called risk of dystocia of natural birth. Therefore, Zhen Fan is almost lost, and not many people use it.

After the needle. Zhen Fan casually used Taoist vitality to penetrate Liu Yifei's body, alleviating her pain, and a comfortable feeling immediately eased Liu Yifei's painful expression. And this gentle Taoist air slowly penetrated into the fetal position, slowly correcting the position of the fetus, and regaining his position.

"Now you can use your strength. Use all your strength, don't worry. I will help you!" Zhen Fan held Liu Yifei's hand, her pain eased a lot. But Zhen Fan didn't want all of her pain to disappear, which had a good connection effect on the relationship between mother and child. Only after experiencing the pain of life and death, the mother's love for the child will be more profound. Zhen Fan is convinced of this.

"Well, I will, I want to see him, I want to see him too much, husband!" Liu Yifei said in Chinese, Dr. Kraisman and others did not understand, but they still understood what Zhen Fan meant. So they all watched nervously. With Liu Yifei's effort, the fetus's head was exposed. As soon as Zhen Fan reached out, she held the fetus's head, wet and her eyes closed.

"When the head comes out, he is about to descend in this world, Yi Fei, you are the greatest mother and the greatest woman in this world. Work hard, harder, the child will be born, you can see When he looks like him, he will be like his mother, handsome and handsome."

"My child, I want my child--" Liu Yifei suddenly yelled heartbreakingly, her whole body stretched like a taut bow, her hands tightly holding Zhen Fan's hands and fingernails Although it had been cut off, it still made a deep impression on Zhen Fan's hand.

The child slipped out of the birth canal smoothly, with dripping amniotic fluid. The whole body was red, and without Zhen Fan's order, the midwife came and cut the umbilical cord quickly, and then a nurse came to help clean the child. Another nurse came to help clean Liu Yifei.

Zhen Fan finally took a look at the child, and then handed it to Dr. Kreisman, and said, "I beg you for the rest of the work, thank you!"

Dr. Kreisman nodded, and as a result, the child, as soon as he was about to lift the child’s leg upside down, he heard a loud cry, the child made a sound, and this cry declared a new life into this world. on.

"I'll take a bath for him. I'll leave it to you!" Dr. Kleisman smiled at Zhen Fan, "Congratulations. I just checked the time. It happened to be 3:30 in the afternoon. You said so Exactly, this is a miracle, I admire you very much!" Then he took the child out.

Newborns can bathe and swim. Moreover, such services are generally provided in Western hospitals. Therefore, Zhen Fan doesn't have to worry about the follow-up questions of the child, everything will be handled by doctors and nurses. Zhen Fan only needs to deal with Liu Yifei.

To help Liu Yifei do the aftermath cleaning work, Zhen Fan did not ask the nurse to help, but did it himself. He did it very carefully, and used Taoist zhenqi to quickly repair damaged organs and let the wound heal as quickly as possible. This is what Zhen Fan is good at. Liu Yifei was enjoying it all in tears.

After giving birth, she felt exhausted. At this time, there should have been bursts of pain, but she miraculously no longer felt the pain, and she also felt a warm breath in her body quickly filling her body. Let yourself quickly regain strength.

She knew that Zhen Fan was doing all this. And Zhen Fan did not ignore her because she was left with the child. Instead, she looked at the child and put her mind on her. This made her very satisfied. Zhen Fan did not shift the focus of love to the child because of the child.

But she was a little worried, and she was afraid that Zhen Fan would not like children and would be too indifferent to them. This kind of thought was really complicated, but her thoughts were quickly dispelled, because after the child was cleaned, she was taken back to the delivery room again and placed next to Liu Yifei. She felt that Zhen Fan treated her child. Love, I also feel Zhen Fan's love for her.

Liu Yifei was cleaned quickly without complications. Everything went smoothly, so the nurses transferred her to a special ward. This was a ward specifically for Liu Yifei, and the child was wrapped and placed next to Liu Yifei.

"It's so ugly!" Liu Yifei's physical strength gradually recovered, and her pain was disappearing, so she tilted her head so intently at her baby, couldn't help but looked at Zhen Fan, and said with a bitter face. "Why are they so ugly, their heads are all long! Are children's heads not all round? Also, the skin is also wrinkled, like a little old man!"

"Haha, you're really not a qualified mother. Didn't you read all the parenting knowledge I bought for you? Newborn children are like this, especially the children who are born with normal childbirth. They have longer heads. The sky will grow round. At that time, the skin will grow round and tender." Zhen Fan sat next to him and looked at the child intently. This is his first child. Why, he was very excited inside.

"Well, what you said is right, but... But my belly will become ugly, will you dislike me?" Liu Yifei puffed up her mouth again and said to Zhen Fan a little coquettishly. At this time, She especially needs Zhen Fan's encouragement and comfort, or even proper flattery.

"No, I promise that your belly will regain its elasticity within half a month, and it will not become slack at all. It is the same as when you were not pregnant." Zhen Fan smiled and touched Liu Yifei. She kissed her forehead lightly and said, "Don't worry about this, I told you already, you will only become more beautiful after having a baby!"

"Really?" Liu Yifei acted like a child in front of Zhen Fan at this time.

"Of course it's true!" Zhen Fan smiled at Liu When the two people were talking, they suddenly heard a small movement and couldn't help turning their heads to see that it was Christine and Mia. Coming over, a group of women huddled over and surrounded Liu Yifei's bed. Some were looking at Liu Yifei, and some were looking at the new-born baby.

"This is a new life and a new member of our family. It's...what a miracle!" Christine couldn't use other words to express, so she said a miracle. She is now full of eyes full of this little baby, what a miracle of life, she is a little moved.

"You are amazing!" Kristen looked up at Liu Yifei, looked at her with a smile and said, "You are a brave mother, to be honest, now... I'm a little jealous of you, but I can't have a baby now, I There are still many things that have not been done. When I am free one day, I think, I will have a child, just like your child, he is an angel!

"Thank you, Christine, I..." Just as Liu Yifei was about to say, Zhen Fan suddenly saw Dr. Klei Schumann at the door beckoning him, holding a stack of banknotes in her hand, obviously, it was her. She has already taken the money she lost in the bet, and Zhen Fan won it! (To be continued) r655

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