The American Scripture

Chapter 885: Miles home

h2>   New York night, the night is still very charming, the feasting streets are still shuttled with various vehicles, and the lights make the night here even more charming. A gust of night wind blew over and rolled an empty wine bottle on the street, making a soft "ding-ding-dong" collision with the ground.

There is no one here, as if nothing happened. The difference is that the camera recorded all this faithfully, a short Asian old man, a huge spray cobra. Other than that, there is nothing more, the camera is gone, and when the old Asian man disappears, the snake disappears with it.

This incident was discovered by a policeman when he accidentally checked the video. After it was copied, it was sold to a reporter in private. The reporter posted the video on the video website, and the video was circulated. But... not many people follow, and this reporter doesn’t pay much attention to this thing. After all, none of these can happen in real life, or someone is deliberately doing pranks, but even though not many people have seen it, it’s still It was discovered by Melissa's team. Melissa knew that there were such amazing people in this world, such as her boss.

So Melissa sent the video to Zhen Fan and uploaded it to Zhen Fan's mobile phone via the Internet. Zhen Fan was eating breakfast, and he heard the ding of the phone. He picked it up and looked at it. It was a video file sent by Melissa. After opening it, he frowned.

He saw the weird old Asian man and the huge cobra that could spray. Obviously, all of this showed that this old man was not an ordinary person, and he was probably a depressor in the area of ​​Asia and Thailand. Because Zhen Fan is practising Taoism, it is inevitable that he has to come into contact with other cultivation methods that are different from Taoism, including the witchcraft technique, and the head drop technique. I also know that the lower head teacher will raise little ghosts and poisonous insects, etc., and use these things for his own personal gain.

However, what Zhen Fan knows about raising little ghosts has a certain relationship with China's Maoshan Taoism. Taiyi Zhenjun, the descendant of Maoshan, was the founder of this spell, but because this spell was too insidious and would cause harm to future generations, most people would not practice such a spell. By the time of the Republic of China, it gradually disappeared. . After spreading to Thailand, after some mage's processing and transformation, it gradually became the favorite practice of some Thai descendants, and after transformation, the karma of this spell was evaded to a relatively low limit. Can be passed down.

Of course, besides raising kids, there are also poisonous insects. This was also passed down from the witchcraft in the Miao borders of China, but it was transformed in Thailand and turned into their native magic, only more insidious. Moreover, once the poison is cultivated, it will become an inscription attached to the arm of the lower head master. When the lower head master chants the spell, the poison will incarnate from the inscription and fiercely attack the opponent.

Now from this video, if it’s true, it’s that a head-down master and his poisonous insects are doing something weird, because the smoke emitted by the cobra must be directed at a hostile object. This object does not appear in the video, so it is very likely that the object of the cobra spray is a soul.

"Unexpectedly, there really is such a head-down teacher in this world." Zhen Fan couldn't help but laughed. This video didn't make much sense to him. If he didn't provoke him, he wouldn't be bothered. Of course, if you provoke yourself, then you will ruthlessly hit this head-down master, and even destroy his body and soul.

Zhen Fan doesn’t have a good impression of the deceived master in Thailand. In the Taoist family, the depressed master is always one of the objects that Taoism wants to eliminate. It is a symbol of evil, but anyway, Zhen Fan knows that there is such a It seems that he is a deceiver worthy of vigilance.

But when she mentioned New York Zhen Fan, she felt like she had remembered something, frowned and thought for a while, then picked up the phone, dialed Miles Simon’s cell phone, and just rang a few times, and sent it from there. Here comes Miles Simon's voice: "Master, are you looking for me?"

"Yes, there is a video, I sent it to you, you can take a look at it yourself, if you think of something, just deal with it yourself, don't tell me!" Zhen Fan said to the phone, "Be careful to receive it. .Okay, goodbye!" Zhen Fan said and hung up.

Just now he did remember that there was another person in New York, no, to be precise, there was another soul, Nancy Vergara wandering in New York. The reason for calling Miles Simon was that he went In New York, Miles Simon helped Nancy fulfill her wish and took away Diego Farrell's cross, giving Nancy Vergara a chance to kill Diego Farrell for revenge.

It's best for Miles Simon to handle this matter himself. If it doesn't work, you can let Mia help him. Zhen Fan believes that in the world he knows, if there is anyone who can beat Mia, then this person must be himself.

Of course, the world is so big, there must be many uncertain factors beyond what Zhen Fan knows, but these are not important. The important thing is that he must protect his family and now has his own children. After making the call, he put down his cell phone. Now Melissa is basically unable to work as his secretary. He has to hire an assistant to arrange it for himself. Otherwise, everything will become a mess. , Because he is relatively lazy by nature, and he is unwilling to make more planning and consideration for those things. You have to have an assistant to arrange for yourself.

This matter Zhen Fan intends to hand it over to Melissa. So after thinking about it, she called Melissa again. She didn't expect Zhen Fan to make such a request, so she jokingly said, "Boss, are you planning to abandon me?" Her tone was particularly resentful. It sounds like a woman abandoned by a man.

Zhen Fan was stunned, and he heard a smile over there, knowing that the girl was joking with herself, so she nodded and said, "I'll leave this to you. Just pick me something better than you. , I am not very demanding!"

"Ah-better than me, and said that it is not demanding? I think this is almost an impossible task! But...I promise you will complete it, who told me to be abandoned?" Meili Sha said with a smile, but it seemed that there was something wrong with the logic.

This made Zhen Fan dumbfounded and stopped talking with her, and hung up the phone. Then he went back to the room, he was going to see his child.

Zhen Peng's face has grown open in the past few days, and the red wrinkled skin has become white and tender, smooth and tender, round and chubby face, and big eyes. He likes to turn around, but I don't know him. What are you looking at, the longer the more cute, Zhen Peng is very attractive.

As long as he returns home, Christine will always be the first to come to Liu Yifei’s room to see the little guy. He always takes it out, puts it in the pram, and strolls around his lawn and garden. At the same time , Mia, Annie, etc. also like to tease the little guy while walking with Christine, and Maria and Claire like it even more.

Because as long as these two little guys showed up, Zhen Peng would smile, as if he knew them two, dancing and dancing, still making a "babble" sound in his mouth, with a very excited expression. This surprised Annie very much. She knew that it was impossible for a baby to have such a strong reaction to the outside world within a few days. This guy is really a genius. According to Zhen Fan, he is born with a root of wisdom.

Helena also likes this little guy, but she would rather speak with Liu Yifei in the room. To be honest, Liu Yifei could have walked around, but Zhen Fan still has to follow the Chinese tradition to let her confinement, but time The number of chief mates was reduced, and it would take at least a week to get out of bed. During this period, Zhen Fan personally prepared the confinement meal and delivered it to the room, which made Liu Yifei very happy.

Christine was also very envious of Liu Yifei's treatment. He had told Zhen Fan in private that if she had a child, she must let Zhen Fan personally entertain him for a week. Zhen Fan naturally promised that he shouldn't favor one or the other. It seems that the blessing of all the people is not good.

When Miles Simon returned home, Tessa cooked dinner and waited for him to come back. He heard a knock on the door, Tessa looked through the cat’s eyes, it was Miles, opened the door, smiled, and delivered it. With their own sweet kiss, the two kissed at the door, Tessa greeted Miles in, and the two began their own dinner.

After eating for a while, Miles Simon looked at Tessa with a smile and said, "I might go out for a few days."

"Okay, do you need me to accompany you?" Tessa looked at Zhen Fan with a grin, "You know I have nothing to do anyway, it seems a bit boring to be alone at home."

Miles Simon smiled awkwardly at Tessa: "No, no, I need to deal with this matter alone, because...because this matter is a bit special, can understand me ?"

Tessa sensitively felt the strangeness of Miles Simon. The sensitivity of the woman made her frown and looked at Miles with some concern. Simon: "Woman, isn't it?"

Miles Simon froze for a moment, then looked at Tessa, nodded and said, "Yes, it's a woman, but... the situation is not what you think it is, it's a bit special, I don't know how to explain it to you. , But the time has come, I will tell you in detail, about Nancy!"

"Nancy?" Tessa's face was a little ugly. She shook her head to Miles and said, "I know...Go ahead, I don't want to spoil everything, can you tell me when you can go home?"

"I'm not good, don't worry, I will be back as soon as possible!" Miles Simon kissed Tessa's forehead, and then went upstairs. He had to prepare for this action because he could too From the video, he felt that the old Asian man was so powerful, so he temporarily ignored Tessa's feelings. R1152

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