The American Scripture

Chapter 891: Gu Jiang

h2>   A few silver needles trembled slightly in Zhen Fan's hand. At this time, his eyes seemed to be covered with a faint golden layer. At this time, there was no distinction between women and men in his eyes. Instead of flying the needle, it went down one by one, twisted slowly, and then penetrated deeply. The whole process was very slow, but Suphan and Mana were not willing to miss every one of Zhen Fan. For details, they all stared at Zhen Fan's every move, their eyes daring not to blink.

When the first needle went down, Yilan's skin slowly soaked a layer of water. She was lying on a small bed on the side, her brows furrowed tightly, her eyes closed, as if she was suffering from some sudden pain. Zhen Fan slowly took the second stitch. The same goes on slowly, and twists constantly.

"Chuck--" Yilan's throat suddenly made a sound like thick sputum stuck, her waist suddenly lifted up, and her abdomen sounded like a bow being pulled. After opening, the plump buttocks also left the bed and the mouth opened, and the "guckling" in the throat became denser.

Just like a broken bellows, she was gasping, and Yilan exhaled for a long time, as if she was sighing, and also like the long exhalation when she was dying. Mana looked at Yilan with some worry, and wanted to say something to Zhen Fan. But Suphan took his hand, then shook her head to her, beckoning her not to act rashly and not to disturb Zhen Fan's injection. Because he also understands that the more this time, the less interference from the outside world.

The third needle was also slowly pierced. This time Yilan's body suddenly fell, and then lay motionless, as if she was dead, her eyes began to open, and she kept turning white. Zhen Fan remained unmoved, still the silver needle in his hand, slowly going in.

Even if Zhen Fan's face was calm, Su Pan couldn't bear it anymore. He held his daughter's hand with his hand, shaking slightly. Mana's face became even more pale, but she still pursed her mouth, without saying a word, the father and daughter looked at them with horror, and they didn't dare to let out the atmosphere.

Zhen Fan let out a sigh of relief slowly, and then the fourth needle went down. The needle was stuck between Yilan's double peaks, and the needle was stuck suddenly. It's not as slow as the previous slow needle twisting. Even when Suphan and Mana weren’t piercing their eyes, the needle was already there, and Yilan’s chest suddenly stopped, and the plump and tall twin peaks shook violently, and there were waves of milk. Soon there was a layer of water on it. Suddenly Yilan's eyes opened. They were indeed extremely hollow. Her mouth suddenly opened. A small black shadow sprang out of her mouth and flew towards Zhen Fan quickly. go with.

Zhen Fan's hand shook, and a silver needle suddenly moved forward, and the black shadow immediately froze, and the silver needle stuck his head. Still twisting constantly. Zhen Fan casually nailed the silver needle to the wooden table, and the black shadow kept twisting on the table, but was firmly nailed by the silver needle. Where did he get away?

Zhen Fan ignored this little thing, rubbing his hands between Yilan's abdomen and chest repeatedly. Although the skin was snowy and the tentacles were smooth and elastic, but at this time, he didn't dare to have the slightest distraction and rubbed repeatedly After three times, Yilan did it suddenly, and then suddenly a few mouthfuls of black liquid spewed out of her mouth. It was sticky and smelly, and it was very disgusting when people smell it. Mana couldn't help taking two steps backwards, covering her nose with one hand.

"Okay, clean it up for her, and then take a good rest. When she wakes up, she will be fine!" Zhen Fan wiped her hands, and then said to Mana, "You should do this. It's best not to let her Outsiders know, including your servants. Don’t let the news spread."

"Yes, Mr. Zhen! I will!" Mana was very happy for Zhen Fan to let her do things. She felt that she was still useful, so she was very happy to leave, and even wanted to ask Zhen Fan on the silver needle. I forgot to ask what the nailed bug was. I went out very briskly.

"Mr. Zhen, thank you for your hard work!" Su Pan said respectfully to Zhen Fan, and then looked at the bar nailed to the wooden table and said, "What is this? Is it the lowering of the head under the head descendant? ?"

"Yes, this is the Gu drop in the head drop technique. It was originally from the Miao country in our country. What the Miao family likes most is to use poisonous snakes, toads, centipedes, etc. , It drops into human tea or medicine, and after drinking it, these poisons will be lurking in the human body. Normally, there is nothing to be seen, but the lower head teacher can make these poisons secrete toxins, which affect people with Gu It’s very vicious! Of course, the most powerful thing is to fly down the head!" Zhen Fan has washed his hands, and the worm stuck on the silver needle approached. If you look at it, it's a very small centipede. But now it doesn't move. The dead cannot die anymore.

"Flying head down?" Su Pan looked at Zhen Fan in surprise, "Is there any more vicious head down technique than this?"

Zhen Fan nodded and smiled: "Yes, you only need to take anything from the opponent, such as clothes, shoes and socks, accessories, or birthday characters to cast the spell. If one day your stomach is bitten by a centipede for no reason, Some poisonous insects crawled out of it, don't be surprised, it must have hit the flying head."

"Don't don't...Don't say it." Su Pan said to Zhen Fan repeatedly, his face was earthy, and the scene just now shocked him beyond words. How dare he even think about it," Now...what do we do? Shall we go to find the head-down master tomorrow?” Obviously, he has already disliked the master and changed from the master to the head-down master.

"Of course I want to go, I'm here, maybe he is the target I'm looking for." Zhen Fan smiled, "Of course, you only need to guide me to the place, and I will find him myself. If I am sure he is me I will solve the problem with him alone, you don’t have to intervene!"

"I still have a bit of face in the local area. It's better... we use public power..." Suphan wanted to help. He felt extremely angry at his wife's unprovoked suffering. Obviously, if there is Zhen now Anything that intervenes is a good opportunity for him to retaliate.

"Forget it, you should take good care of your wife. Her previous condition was supported by this poison. Now that the poison is removed, the condition may recur. I have already treated her. Just look at her." Zhen Fan said, patted Su Pan on the shoulder, "I understand your feelings, but... I will not be dangerous by myself, but if you are there, things will change. It has to be complicated."

"Okay..." Suphan had no choice but to agree, but still a little unwilling.

At this time the door opened, and Mana came over with a basin and clothes. Looking at Zhen Fan, she smiled: "I will clean her face first, then after changing clothes, I will go to the bathroom to wash her! "Then looked at Yilan lying on the bed, a little worried: "But how did I hold her over?"

"Leave this to your father!" Zhen Fan smiled, "I'm waiting for you outside!" He walked out, and then went around a few times and sat down in the hall. As soon as he sat down, a maid came over and brought him a cup of coffee. Zhen Fan sat down slowly, then looked around a place.

After watching it for a while, I felt a little bit interesting, so I just stood up and walked to the top of the building, watching the undulations of the mountains and the waves of the sea, thoughtfully, and nodded again, a little understanding.

When Zhen Fan first saw this villa, he felt that the feng shui of this place was very good. It had the effect of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages. It was also a place of gathering wealth. The reason why Suphan was able to make a fortune was the same Great relationship. And more importantly, it is surrounded by mountains on three sides and water on the other. It is a typical feng shui place where Panlong draws water. The Coiling Dragon **** water and spit out the Dragon Ball, and the villa is on the position of this Dragon Ball. No wonder Zhen Fan felt a distinctive breath as soon as he entered. Sure enough, it is some famous.

Thinking of this, Zhen Fan couldn't help laughing. It seems that this so-called master is really well-intentioned. It seems that he might have the idea of ​​killing two birds with one stone. Yilan can be used to help him seduce some strong men to be puppets for his head-down art, and he can use Yilan to seize Suphan's property. If it weren't for Zhen Fan's follower Suphan, it is estimated that this time, Suphan would be murdered by Yilan who lost his nature!

The treasured geomancy land is indeed a place of right and wrong that is contended. If it is not for the powerful and powerful, it is impossible to keep it. It seems that even after passing the so-called master's level, if he doesn't make some changes to his house, it will still cause other people to conspiracy.

When I was thinking, I heard someone coming up. Zhen Fan looked over and saw Su Pan coming up. He walked over and stood beside Zhen Fan with a grateful smile: "Thanks to you this time! I didn't expect it to be like this. It turned out that the head-down master was unpredictable."

"It's not just him!" Zhen Fan sighed, and then told Su Pan what he said about this geomantic land. "Even if this so-called master doesn't come to try to seize, he won't be able to stop others from coming. You have to be careful!" He patted Su Pan on the shoulder.

"Ah—" Su Pan was really taken aback. His mind kept turning, thinking about Zhen Fan, it was indeed like this. He didn't have much money at first, but after he bought this villa, His business is getting smoother and smoother, and his career is gradually taking off.

Thinking about the awakening thing that he had just experienced, he completely trusted Zhen Fan, so he didn't doubt the authenticity of this statement, but he was very worried. If it was the so-called master's idea, without Zhen Fan, he might be ruined. Even if the master had Mr. Zhen dealt with, but he didn't know who else would conquer this place. I just thought about buying a place with beautiful scenery, but I didn't expect it to be a trouble. Although I have made some money, it is far less troublesome!

Thinking about it, he couldn't help but feel a little worried, and didn't know what to do for a while. Looking at the Cangshan sea in front of him blankly, he had no idea. r1152

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