The American Scripture

Chapter 894: Kind of jade

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"Mana, go!" Suphan yelled to Mana desperately, but he also knew that Mana would never be able to escape. He only hopes that Zhen Fan can appear here. He comes. Maybe it might be saved. [It's only possible, because this pervert can catch the bullet.

"God, God, save us, save my daughter!" Suphan roared desperately, and then rushed towards Long Zan Putuo. The moment he lunged over, Long Zan Putuo Suddenly looking back at him, a black shadow flew out of his hand, and the black shadow flew towards Suphan like lightning.

Suphan didn't even have time to react, and the black shadow was about to fly into his grown-up mouth. He could only stare in horror, and it was too late to close his mouth. Suddenly a hand appeared next to his mouth, and then that hand squeezed the dark shadow, and the dark shadow twisted and twisted on that hand, but couldn't get rid of it. He raised his hair and said, The sound of "Ping" highlighted the long letter, which turned out to be a dark little snake.

The triangular head and fierce eyes of the little snake rush towards Zhen Fan from time to time, but they can't move at all. Zhen Fan made a little effort, and the snake went down. Zhen Fan rubbed it casually, and the snake turned into powder, and fell from Zhen Fan's hand one after another, and then looked at the person who put the snake.

"Long Zan Putuo?" Zhen Fan smiled slightly and patted the dust on his hands lightly. "Don't anyone teach you to take care of the environment when you are in school? You can easily poison others by doing this. , Even if the poison is not good enough for others. Even if it is poisonous to flowers, flowers and plants, it is not good.

When Long Zan Putuo heard this, he was so angry that he almost vomited blood, and he ignored Mana. Just staring at Zhen Fan fiercely, especially after seeing Zhen Fan showing this hand, he didn't dare to act rashly. Just staring at him so fiercely, like staring at a life and death enemy.

"Mr. Zhen!" Mana and Suphan cried out in surprise almost simultaneously. Then the two ran towards Zhen Fan and stood tightly beside Zhen Fan. Mana even embraced Zhen Fan's arm with both hands, for fear that he would run away again. Now Zhen Fan is the backbone of their father and daughter.

Long Zan Putuo took two steps back. The distance from Zhen Fan was a little bit open, and he was very afraid of this young man who suddenly appeared out of thin air and easily destroyed his Gu worm. Knowing that this is a character that can't be easily provoked. And he thinks that it's not cost-effective to provoke this person for nothing. Because I really have no chance of winning in it. So his face kept tugging, changing form.

"Are you the Mr. Zhen who broke my head drop technique?" Long Zan Putuo took a deep breath. Let my mind slowly calm down. After so many years of comprehending Buddhism, he has not enlightened him, but has developed a good habit of calm and self-control, which makes him even more difficult to deal with.

"Haha, you can actually understand the English I speak. It's really good. The monk can speak a foreign language, which is also a trend. Yes. I did it. It is like a fake replacement!" Zhen Fan smiled. "I don't like these things, and I don't like my friends being violated by these things. Master Longchan, I am not a nosy person unless someone provokes me or my friends. And Mr. Suphan is my friend. . So your Gu worm must die!"

"I know, I don't like others to provoke me, and provoke my friends." Long Zan Putuo actually agreed with Zhen Fan's opinion, "So you killed my bugs, and I don't intend to claim against you. , So the two of us are clear!" Long Zan Putuo said to Zhen Fan with a smile. His face full of pleats, when he laughed, seemed even more permeating, where there is any posture of a virtuous monk, it is completely rascal.

"That's good, but my friend and you are having a holiday, so it is really difficult for the two of us to want to clean up, so let's do the right thing, and I will still embarrass you!" Zhen Fan said, watching. Looking at Long Zan Putuo smiled, "You say we are enemies, OK?"

"It's not good, it's not good, it's not good at all, let's be friends!" Long Zan Putuo couldn't help but said with a ridiculous smile on Zhen Fan's face, "Even if you can't be friends, It can also be irrelevant. I will not trouble you, and you must not have trouble with me! And your friends are my friends. In this way, I will not trouble them anymore, and I can even use my influence. Come and help them! What do you think?"

"This proposal is pretty good!" Zhen Fan nodded, and then said with a serious look at Long Zan Putuo, "There is one more thing I want to verify with Master Long Zan. Do you know this person?" With that said, I took a photo from my pocket. This photo is the one taken by a street camera.

When Long Zan Putuo looked at it, his face suddenly changed slightly, and then he smiled and said, "I don't know this person, you want to find him? Where was this taken? I might be able to help, I I can help you find it!"

"Haha, I'm afraid that the master is really familiar. The master has three disciples in his life. The first disciple is dead. I am afraid that he also died from the backlash of the head drop technique. The second disciple shaved like you. The head became a monk, but he is also a lower head teacher like a master. He has never changed, and I am afraid that he is still the master’s right-hand man. As for the third one, I am afraid it is the one who helped murder people on the streets of New York. Right?" Zhen Fan looked at Long Zan Putuo with a grin. It was obvious that he already knew the answer he wanted.

The one who robbed Nancy Vergara on the streets of New York is probably his disciple. Zhen Fan smiled, and his disciples rushed to save the people. When the two of them met, they would definitely be the winner. Zhen Fan is not worried about Miles Simon, but this old fox, he still has to be more cautious.

"I have no relationship with him for a long time, and I don't have any opinion on Mr. Zhen." Long Zan Putuo hit Zhen Fan as an inspector, then turned and left, laughing as he walked, "Mr. Zhen , I hope we will no longer be enemies!"

Zhen Fan also laughed and said: "Wait, Master, I will give you a gift!" He said that a small jade was suddenly added to his hand, the size of a grain of rice, but in Zhen Fan's hand, it sent a bright Ying's light.

"No need, Mr. Zhen's gift, I can't afford it, goodbye!" Long Zan Putuo turned around and ran down the mountain quickly. The speed of his escape was not slow at all. But Zhen Fan's hand raised, the jade the size of a grain of rice flew off Long Zan Putuo, a faint glow appeared, and then when it approached Long Zan Putuo, it suddenly accelerated, slammed into it. Into Long Zan Putuo's body.

Long Zan Putuo only felt that his body was slammed by the invisible breath. He staggered and almost fell to the ground. Then he felt that there was something in his body, holding it as if he was alive. , Suddenly wandered in the body.

"Ah-this...this..." Long Zan Putuo was shocked, but he did not dare to stay, and he dared to rush down the mountain. He did not dare to stay for a moment, only to hear that Zhen could still be heard from his ear Every sound can't escape.

"Master Longzan, this is a gift I give you. It is our Chinese favorite jade. This kind of jade is placed in the body, and we call it kind of jade at home. You will gradually experience the kind of jade. It's good, so I can't give it away!" Zhen Fan's voice followed like a shadow, unable to get rid of it, making Long Zan Putuo shocked.

"Just... just let him go like this?" Mana stomped severely at Long Zan Putuo's figure, it was obvious that she hated this guy to the extreme.

"Don't be rude, Mr. Zhen just saved us, are you still not satisfied?" Su Pan quickly stopped her daughter and said apologetically to Zhen Fan, "Mana was unintentional, don't mind. I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

Zhen Fan waved his hand and smiled: "She is true temperament, you should be happy! By the way, this Long Zan Putuo is no longer a concern. I was worried about his strength, but now it seems that I am too I overestimated him. Although the head drop technique is also a vicious witchcraft technique, it was also passed from China. And... he was planted jade by me. I guess he will not have the guts to come to you in the future. In trouble!"

"Growing jade? What is it?" Su Pan quickly asked Zhen Fan.

"A technique of our Taoism ~ people who are planted with jade, usually feel calm and calm. If they have a bad heart and want to use evil methods to harm people, then what will they give people? I will suffer the double backlash from this lowered head. The pain is so painful that I can't solve it."

"Ah, there is such a clever way?" Su Pan exclaimed in surprise, and he thought in his heart, if Zhen Fan kills this Master Longzan, he will take the position of Master Longzan in the local area and there are so many more. People watched Master Long Zan enter their own house, I am afraid they can't get rid of the relationship, and they may end up miserably.

It turned out that Master Long Zan came here with such a big fanfare, but it turned out that he had such thoughts. Because after all, someone broke his head-down technique. He came to test the reality and he had to make sufficient preparations. If he couldn't beat him, he would have to escape, and everyone was watching Suphan’s home. If he died, Here, Suphan is definitely inseparable from the relationship, so the opponent will have some concerns.

It seemed that this strategy was quite right, Master Long Zan flew away, secretly proud of his news. It's just that he doesn't know what this jade is. He has also consulted Chinese Taoism, but he has never heard of such a practice. After walking for a while, he doesn't feel anything, just like Nothing comes in the same. Is it the same as your own head-down technique? He was really not sure. I felt a little nervous. (To be continued...)

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