The American Scripture

Chapter 934: Washington's decision

If Zhen Fan could say that, General von Kasser would of course believe it, but he could only believe part of it, not all of it. After all, there is no more evidence to show that what Zhen Fan said is right. ↑ Just after Zhen Fan said it, Alan Frankl, who came with Zhen Fan, walked over with a look of excitement, and said to Zhen Fan: "Here is a patient who said he was treated by you. We compared the situation of him with six other patients. His condition is much better. If he can be cured, antibodies will be produced in his body, and it will not be a problem for us to develop a vaccine."

"I've been cured. You can study me. There will definitely be antibodies in my body." Old Jack suddenly turned his head and said to Alan Frankel, "Zhen gave me a needle last night. And taking medicine, I was the one who was the most ill, now you look at me, I can hold a gun and **** with those guys."

"Dad—" Rachel looked at Old Jack worriedly. She didn't want her father to be the research counterpart of these people. In her impression, the people who became the research subjects were tied to the laboratory in the movie. Inside, and then those poor people who draw blood with a big syringe. Now it's her father's turn, how can she not worry?

"Don't worry, everything will be fine!" Old Jack reached out and stopped Rachel from coming over. He was still very happy to be able to do something for the residents of the town, let alone just cooperate with the research, and would Why not take your own life? So his heart is very firm.

"Don't worry, ma'am, I can promise. Your father will be fine." At this time, Alan Frank took off his hood as well, and now the old Jack is all well. It shows that Zhen Fan's treatment is effective, so he is still wearing a headgear to find himself unhappy.

"I respect your choice. Jack. But there are still a few people here, I have to show them!" Zhen Fan said to the old Jack, "I don't want the town to be blocked."

Seeing Zhen Fan said the same, Rachel stopped insisting. The distribution of Chinese medicines that had been discontinued has been persuaded and guaranteed by Dr. Allen Frankel, and the Chinese medicines continue to be distributed, which also relieved the residents of the town a lot. They looked at Old Jack falling ill, but now that Old Jack has recovered, they originally trusted Zhen Fan. Now they choose to believe him without hesitation.

The situation gradually stabilized, and many medical experts came one after another, including two authoritative doctors from Los Angeles public hospitals. It seems that this incident has attracted enough attention from the White House, and some people have even proposed to list this incident as the highest-level terrorist attack, but this time it was not a bomb but a virus.

The virus has been extracted and sent to the Washington, D.C. anti-terrorism medical institution for virus testing with more advanced equipment and more confidential researchers. And in the combat office of the Ministry of Defense. Many people are waiting for the result. Obviously, if it is really an enemy invasion, then the United States will face a huge crisis.

"Can we be sure that this is a terrorist attack?" The person in charge was a Lieutenant General named Bailey Ramores. Responsible for the overall dispatch and mobilize all the forces that can be mobilized to participate. This war room includes personnel from the National Defense Intelligence Agency, the Central Intelligence Agency, the NSA National Security Agency, the DHS Homeland Security Agency, and the FBI. It seemed that it was a great effort.

"It's not certain at this time, General!" A man in his thirties wearing a suit stood beside General Bailey Ramores. He shook his head and said, "What we have obtained so far is only research conclusions. This virus is a new type of virus and has not appeared at any time or region. Even... the first person who discovered it can do it. I went to declare for the Nobel Prize, it is very mild and very fatal!" He said, he smiled softly.

General Bailey Ramores gave him a dissatisfied look: "This is not funny, sir, don't you understand our current situation? If this is a terrorist attack, we will face a new virus, a violent infection. disease……"

"We have some people studying vaccines, and some people have been cured. We will soon send these vaccines to those infected areas." Another woman, seven or eight years old, took a step forward and watched. Look at General Ramores said, "In this regard, we can relax, it is impossible to have a large-scale infection!"

"I know, of course I know, but... if they can develop such a new virus artificially, then it may be possible to research a more infectious virus again. Gentlemen and ladies, don't be grateful for the current Circumstances, this lets us know how bad the environment we face is."

"General, I'm sorry...may I insert a sentence? Basically, the hostile forces in the Middle East can be ruled out. Judging from their current scientific research efforts, they cannot study such a super virus. So we can rule them out. But it can't be China or Russia. They don't need to use the virus to deal with us, even though they have the ability to study it..." A guy in a white coat stammered.

"Who are you?" General Ramores looked at him and said something harshly.

"I...I'm Professor Kyle Banderas in charge of this virus research!" The man was a little bald. He looked at General Ramores and continued, "As far as we know, this is A new kind of virus, with strong lethality, can be transmitted through contact, even a small number of infected people are infected through the air. If there is wind, it will spread faster. So... the degree of danger It is no less harmful than the Black Death, which killed almost a third of the population of Europe, the Middle East, North Africa and India in the Middle Ages."

"Speaking of the point!" General Ramores looked at Professor Kyle Banderas sternly, "Can we withstand this virus attack. I just want to hear this. Has a vaccine been developed?"

Professor Kyle Banderas was obviously taken aback by General Ramores, and he involuntarily stepped back two steps and stammered: "Yes, we are developing a vaccine. I believe it will be available in two days. ...No, maybe it will succeed tomorrow, it's just...we haven't had time to experiment, the process is very long...specific to the time it takes to apply to the human body, we have to wait, maybe half a month...maybe longer... …"

"But some people have cured this disease, some patients have recovered, and some patients are recovering, and those in the infected area are also taking a Chinese medicine. I heard that this Chinese medicine can prevent virus infection. I haven’t seen the scene, but from the information from the scene, it seems... very effective.” Professor Kyle Banderas continued, “What we have to do now is... let more people learn Treat this disease..."

"Chinese medicine? Are you kidding?" General Ramores frowned, waiting for Professor Kyle Banderas, "Are you kidding, Chinese medicine? Have you heard of Chinese medicine?" He was asking. Some of the other members in the office. Obviously, the general did not believe it.

"Yes, I have heard that there is a Chinese medicine clinic in Billy Foshan Village. I heard that many people have been cured there, including malignant tumors. So many wealthy people like to go there for medical treatment, not just Billy. The rich people in Foshan Village, the rich people all over the world like to treat their illnesses there!" The woman who spoke earlier summoned up the courage and said, "I believe that I am not the only one who knows this, but some intelligence agencies also know. For example; people!"

"I agree!" At this time, a man in his thirties wearing a vest raised his hand. "She is absolutely correct. We have known that there is such a clinic for a long time, and the information that came out showed that those infected were cured The author is Mr. Fan Zhen, the owner of this clinic. A very powerful guy in Los Angeles, who has contacts with many politicians, is also a Hollywood star, and..."

"Stop talking, I know this guy, the founder of h?c?d wine, damn, why is this guy?" Lieutenant General Ramores sighed helplessly, facing such a rich and powerful People, you can’t do whatever you want to do to them, you have to consider their feelings. Moreover, Lieutenant General Ramores knew Fan Zhen because he was also a drinker. Those who like to drink, it is impossible not to know Fan Zhen and his h?c?d wine.

"What should we do?" someone was asking.

"My suggestion is to let him treat patients in the epidemic area first!" Professor Kyle Banderas said, "Then we can cooperate, and with him, the Chinese medicine about him...maybe very useful to us. The role of..."

"Of course... I know." General Ramores said, "The thing to prevent now is to prevent anyone from leaving this town, and notify them to check the video of entering nearby and various others. The personnel exchanges between the intersection and neighboring towns, as well as the sales of cattle, sheep and other animals here, must be checked, and then apply for a ban! The meeting is over!"

Lecce, Montana.

"It's amazing. The high fever of seven people has subsided, and their body temperature has become normal. We are doing virus testing and antibody testing for them. It is estimated that there will be no problem returning to normal." Alan Frankl was excited. Rushed into the military tent and shouted loudly at Zhen Fan who was recovering old Jack.

The medical staff here basically don’t wear protective clothing. They all drank Zhen Fan’s traditional Chinese medicine. In fact, it proved that after drinking the traditional Chinese medicine, they can indeed resist the virus, but when they leave the town, they must be disinfected all over the body. Going out will not take the germs out of the town.

"This is an expected thing!" Zhen Fan smiled slightly, then gave old Jack a few massages, and said to Rachel next to him, "I will give Jack this bowl of medicine later, he needs to be quick Recover your own body!" He stood up and washed his hands.

"Thank you!" Old Jack watched Zhen Fan stand up, sat up from the hospital bed, and smiled, "I am not thanking you for myself, but for the people in town!" (To be continued. .)U

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