The American Scripture

Chapter 936: Hashimoto Garden is here

The lights in Old Jack’s bar were bright again. When the night fell, Old Jack decided to let the bar open as usual, and General von Kasser did not interfere in this matter. As long as the group of people do not go out, he does not care if they are in the town. How to do it. ︾⑦︾⑦, so the guys in the town rushed to the bar after holding back for a few days. Even more annoying than usual, because they have nowhere to go, this is the most popular place.

"A toast to the **** virus!" Will Feaver raised his glass and shouted loudly. He was very excited and the danger was relieved. He could continue to stay here and continue to manage the pasture without wandering around. He has been here for so long, and he has long been fighting with the townspeople here.

"Come down, **** bastard, you stepped on my skirt!" It was his wife Laomi Kinia who was scolding him, and she pulled Will Pfeiffer's body off the table with a hard effort. , Almost fell that guy to the ground.

"What do you know, don't be disappointed, dear!" Will Pfeiffer said with a big smile, "Today is our day of celebration. It shouldn't be drunk, guys, do you think?"

"Of course, women who don't drink should go out, go home and take their children. This is the world of men, or dance." A man also shouted loudly.

"Haha—" a large group of men laughed. Someone was knocking on the table. There were not many women here, but a minority. So the man’s laughter covered up the women’s humiliation, and women had already watched. But these men also yelled at old Jack for drinking.

For a while, there was a lot of voices. Several soldiers patrolling the village looked a little enviously at the brilliant lights and the noisy sound of drinking. Some muttered enviously: "Assholes, we think they can smell alcohol when they pee."

"Cough!" Suddenly a few coughs came from the front. The two soldiers took a look and quickly closed their mouths. He saluted the man and stood on the side of the road and said, "General!"

General von Kasser responded with a military salute and walked straight to the bar. Pushing open the door, seeing the brightly lit scene and the noisy scene inside, a smile appeared on his face. When von Kasai Jingjun entered, the two soldiers smiled and left here quickly.

"Later, I bet that the general's pee will be stronger than brandy later." A soldier smiled happily. "It would be great if I could get in, but unfortunately there is no pretty girl here."

"I've seen the daughter named Old Jack who distributes potions to those people. It's very beautiful. I went there to see it when I was on duty. It's a pity...she is very close to the Chinese."

"Come on, that Chinese is very powerful..."

The two said as they walked. After a while, I walked to the other side of town, and the bar was still very lively. When General von Kasser entered, someone was drunk. Singing loudly.

"General!" Old Jack took out a glass from the counter and squeezed it over. General von Kaser sitting in front of the counter poured a glass of h?c?d wine. He smiled and handed it over, "This is the place to enjoy yourself in our town. The popularity here is very good, today is the best. The plague is finally over, isn't it?"

"Yes, the plague is over, everything will be okay! I envy you, Jack, when I get old, I will also open a bar, in such a small town, for those who travel north and south, Watching them drinking with me, this is life, man, I am looking forward to such a life." General von Kasser drank the glass in one drink, and said in admiration, "This is h?c?d I know the taste. I have drunk it a few times, but it is too expensive. Just give me a glass of brandy." Then he handed the glass back.

Old Jack was really reluctant to keep drinking such expensive h?c?d wine for this guy, so after he poured a glass, he stopped pouring him and replaced it with a better brandy. He also poured a glass, raised it, and smiled at General von Kasser: "Come on, for an old guy like us, and also for the sake of the two of us. They smiled tacitly and touched it and took a sip.

The arrival of General von Kasser did not cause any discomfort to the residents. On the contrary, they felt that the general was very good and had a great appetite for them. From time to time, people raised their glasses and shouted at von Kasser, inviting him to drink. .

"Are they a couple?" General von Kaser suddenly saw Zhen Fan and Rachel sitting in a corner drinking, he couldn't help but smile at old Jack: "I can see that your daughter likes it very much. He, he is a good person, worthy of being liked this way, but...I heard he is engaged!"

"Who knows, I can't care about her anymore, she has her own idea, drinking... Leave their business alone, will the vaccine arrive tomorrow?" Old Jack turned off the topic.

"Maybe, I'm not sure. Although the vaccine is being developed very quickly, it still has to undergo human experiments. Fortunately...we have controlled this place..." General von Kasser said absently, and then looked Moving away, he wanted to ask Zhen Fan how this virus infection was caused. Because up to now, those so-called experts have not made a final conclusion, but they have all reached the same conclusion, that is... this virus has not appeared in human history, it is a new type of virus!

Zhen Fan is talking with Rachel, drinking and chatting. Rachel is a little tired for a while. Drinking a little can relax her. She smiled and looked at the joyous scene of the people around her. She felt very satisfied. So he turned his head to Zhen Fan and smiled and said, "To be honest, I was very worried during that time. I was afraid that Jack would leave me and leave forever. So... I also look forward to Will be able to call you."

"You have to learn your lesson. Whenever you feel something difficult to control, call me and I will settle it for you. Look, even for such a virus, for me, It’s not difficult.” Zhen Fan laughed, “You know my abilities. Although I don’t want to rely on my abilities to win anything, I can rely on my abilities to save my friends, right?”

"Well, it's my problem this time!" Rachel smiled at Zhen Fan apologetically, then raised her glass, touched Zhen Fan lightly, and drank it all with a "pop". Put the glass down and smiled at Zhen Fan, "The guys are shouting for wine again. I feel that if this continues, our wine inventory will be consumed by them. Okay-I'm here, **** it. Yes, put your hand down, I see it!" Rachel yelled at the guy and got up and went to the counter to get a drink.

Zhen Fan smiled, he really likes Rachel's hot personality, a very capable look. This is the busiest place in town tonight. Zhen Fan faintly felt a little uneasy. This emotion was lurking in his heart. He had a subconscious feeling that this time did not happen by accident, nor was it a punishment by nature to humans, but a kind of punishment. It's just a thought event.

Not only does he think so, but the White House also thinks so, and from the current point of view, there seems to be nothing wrong with this view. The next morning, Zhen Fan opened his eyes and the sunlight outside the window came in. Zhen Fan heard a knock on the door, so he said loudly: "I'll be out right away, wait a while!" Get dressed quickly. He still lives in the old Jack's house, which is a room specially prepared for him.

"It's the general!" Rachel said outside, "He is waiting for you in the living room, and there is another person... I believe you know it too, it's a woman!" Rachel said, "Ding Ding Ding" and walked away. .

"A woman?" Zhen Fan couldn't understand who would come here to see him. In such a heavily guarded place, Mia and Christine would not come, because they felt that they were not in danger and their work It's also very busy, so naturally it won't come. Emma, ​​Ke Luo and others will certainly not come, because Bit will not let them come, Bit must be part of other people's scenes during Zhen Fan's absence.

Zhen Fan opened the door with doubts, and then he saw a woman sitting on the sofa in the living room a little uneasy. You can see her side from the I heard the sound of opening the door, that The woman turned her head, then stood up quickly, looking at Zhen Fan a little uneasy, putting her hands and fingers crossed on her chest, constantly wringing.

"She said that she knew you, so we didn't drive her away. General von Kasser asked me to bring her here. If we do, let her stay here. If we don’t, we will be charged with deleting the barracks. Prosecute her. Or send her out of the country." It was the lieutenant that Zhen Fan met that day.

Zhen Fan ignored him, but looked at the woman and couldn't help but yelled, "Hashimoto Garden? Oh, my God, why did you come here? Don't you know that there is martial law here? Is there a serious epidemic here? I believe it has been said in the newspapers and news, and we often watch such news channels here."

"Yes, yes, Mr. Zhen, I have caused you trouble, but... I just don't worry, I'm sorry!" Hashimoto Garden's flustered expression on his face, and then he bowed to Zhen Fan.

"Well, in this case, I will report to the general first, and she will stay here!" The lieutenant was ignored by Zhen Fan again, so he quickly found an excuse to leave with some embarrassment. Zhen Fan shrugged his shoulders and said thank you. The lieutenant left immediately. He didn't want to stay in such an embarrassing atmosphere because the people here didn't seem to welcome him. (To be continued...) u

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