The American Scripture

Chapter 939: remains

Zhen Fan's place will not be affected by the virus, because there is a great feng shui array set up by Zhen Fan, so I think that things like viruses will not exist here. Hashimoto Garden soon woke up. The first thing she wanted to do was to get up and ran out, but when she saw her environment, she stopped and only made a ridiculous body In the forward position, she looked at Rachel with a smile, and felt embarrassed. The danger has passed, but she has not awakened from the fearful environment.

By now, she thought to understand that the snake was exactly like Zhen Fan’s pet, so she thought about it, that fear was slowly disappearing, and she was a little embarrassed to sit upright and looked at Lei. Chel bowed and said, "I'm sorry, I don't know... I made you laugh!"

Rachel looked at her and said in a puzzled manner: "Have you always talked to people like this? I feel tired when I look at it. We don't need so much etiquette, okay? It's like... a conversation between friends , Don’t bow at all times, I have to pay back when you bow, but I don’t like bowing..."

"Okay, of course!" Hashimoto Garden hurriedly bowed to express gratitude. Rachel could not laugh or cry when she was watching. There is no way, just let her go. So she stopped entangled in this aspect, just asked how she knew Zhen Fan, and how did she know how to find her here. Hashimoto Garden didn't conceal it. He told Rachel about his own affairs one by one, except that he concealed his dealings with Zhen Fan. This kind of thing cannot be mentioned.

When the two women were talking in the living room, Zhen Fan had already brought Tortoise Ryan to the lake. If you want to find out the virus incident this time, there is no doubt that these two talented guys are the most suitable. Because they are more able to appreciate the changes between the world and the earth than ordinary people.

When Demi heard Zhen Fan’s question, she nodded, indicating that she knew something, and then waved her tail so that Zhen Fan would walk with her, and the tortoise followed. This person, one snake and one turtle, walked along. Walking towards the outside of the lake, this lake may be connected to the inland river.

"Where are they going?" From the living room, Hashimoto Park watched Zhen Fan walk towards the outside of the lake with the snake and the tortoise that had become a big one. He couldn't help turning his head and asking Rachel.

"I don't know, but it must be related to this plague." Rachel looked at Zhen Fan's back and said, "We will stay here and he will be back, and Demi and Ryan will be together. , He will have no problem. Don't worry!" Then he planned to go to the kitchen to make some food.

"Demi and Ryan?" Hashimoto Park just remembered at this time. It seems that Rachel called the snake by some name when he saw the big snake. It seems to be "Demi" or something. It seems that this snake Yigui is really Zhen Fan's pet, and he even named them.

Zhen Fan's investigation is indeed related to this plague. Followed Demi towards the woods. Once they entered the woods, they moved very fast. After a while, they were out of the woods. After leaving the woods, Zhen Fan suddenly saw the openness in front of him. The endless grassland, but not far from my own eyes, there is a huge slope, and there seems to be something cast a shadow on the back of the slope.

Demi kept wagging her tail towards the other side, but didn't want to go over. Ryan did the same, even shaking her head over there, Zhen Fan also felt a very powerful energy over there. So he pressed his hand down, calmed Demi and Ryan, and walked over there.

It was a very deep hole that appeared on the grass like a hill. Because it was still covered by deep grass, it was difficult for ordinary people to find this hole here. Zhen Fan slowly approached, the energy Zhen Fan could clearly feel, and the closer she got, the more foul smell she could feel.

Is there something dead here? Zhen Fan walked slowly towards the entrance of the cave. The entrance of the cave was tight enough to accommodate a person to enter, and the stench came from the entrance of the cave. Zhen Fan held his breath and continued to walk inside. If it was an ordinary person, I was afraid that he would have passed out from the smoke a long time ago. As expected, there is no one here for a reason.

As she walked inside, Zhen Fan felt more frightened, because the inside actually slowly expanded until it could accommodate a behemoth inside. Moreover, this behemoth was dead, and the stench came from it. Zhen Fan looked up to see how tall this behemoth was.

This dragon is already decayed. Many flies flew up from that dragon, and flew towards Zhen Fan in a black and heavy motion. Zhen Fan waved his hand, and those flies seemed to be covered by an invisible net. The net suddenly burst open, and those flies fell in the air like a black rain.

The whole world is quiet. Zhen Fan frowned. It seemed that this was the source of those unknown germs, this behemoth, and the germs were brought out from the behemoth by these flies, and then infected the surrounding cattle and sheep and then threatened humans.

It's just that this behemoth seems to be even more than twice the size of Demi and Ryan. How can such a behemoth come in through such a small hole? How would it die inside. Obviously all of this indicates that Zhen Fan cannot be able to explore a clear immediately.

Especially after clarifying that this behemoth is the source of the virus, Zhen Fan can't easily let people discover this place. God knows if there is any unknown threat. He must ensure the safety of the people in the town here, so he does not intend to inform the military, nor does he intend to let the residents of the town intervene in this matter.

It was dark inside, but it did not prevent Zhen Fan from looking at the monster. He stepped back a few steps, and then looked at the monster from a distance. It seemed to have a familiar taste, the head, the long neck, and The body extending from the back of the long neck, and what looks like wings can be seen on both sides of the body.

"God, is the legend true?" Zhen Fan couldn't help but yelled. This monster looked like its outline slowly became clear in Zhen Fan's eyes. This monster is an evil thing in Western legends. , Something that can bring death and disease-this is a dragon, a dragon with a pair of wings that has existed in the western mythological world. As for whether it will breathe fire, Zhen Fan doesn't know, because this is a dead dragon.

I don't know why after the dragon died, its energy could be easily detected by people. Zhen Fan has stayed nearby, even his own villa is next to him, but he can't feel the existence of this dragon. Either this dragon came later, or it has existed here long ago, but it hasn't died yet. Be good at hiding yourself at the time.

Zhen Fan felt that his brain was not enough. The evil things in Western myths actually exist, so does God really exist? Zhen Fan suddenly thought that since evil dragons in the West can exist, do Chinese dragons really exist? If they exist, where do they exist? Do they, like in the myths and stories, will soar and ride the clouds and rain, and make waves?

For a while, Zhen Fan stood in front of this giant dragon. He didn't know what to say. He just looked up and looked at him. In front of this dragon, he was really very small, even a behemoth like Demi. In front of this dragon was only half its size, and the energy message sent by this dragon made Demi and Ryan not daring to approach easily.

And what makes Zhen Fan feel uncomprehending is how many years this dragon has existed in this world, does it have any companions of its own, and if so, where do its companions exist? It seems that this dragon died recently, so where was it when it was alive? Is it also here?

Zhen Fan's various emotions and thoughts were intertwined for a while, which made him a little bit unbelievable, but he had to believe it because this was what really existed. After thinking about it for a long time, I didn't think clearly, I didn't have any clue. There was no way, Zhen Fan had to go out first. Except for the entrance of the cave, he sealed the entrance of the cave easily, lest flies and other organisms that are easily infected with the virus come out from here, lest it harm the residents of the town again.

After thinking about it, Zhen Fan arranged another Feng Shui array here, so that no one would find this place. Let this hole be hidden. Then slowly search for the answer. Maybe you can find a paleontologist to help yourself!

Thinking of this, Zhen Fan suddenly felt that his assistant might be able to help him, an archeologist, isn't that giant dragon just a paleontology? Maybe there is something to figure it out? Zhen Fan is not very clear about these things in the, including Western myths, is not very clear, so he decided to ask his new assistant Christina Weiden, maybe she can Some clues were found from there.

Zhen Fan felt relaxed when he thought of this place. It was temporarily sealed off. No one but himself would find that there would be a hole here, and there was a discovery buried in this hole that could shock the whole world. For thousands of years, people have believed that the evil dragon in the myth is just a legend, but once they know that the legend is true, what will the world become? No one can be sure.

Regardless of whether this dragon has evil power or is just an ordinary creature, like the pterosaur among dinosaurs, Zhen Fan decided not to touch this secret first, and he is almost certain that if there are other such creatures in this world If the dragon appeared, he would be able to sense it. Is there just such a creature?

Maybe there is, maybe not. What Zhen Fan can be sure of is that apart from the dragon he discovered, other dragons have not appeared in this world yet. Otherwise, the world would have been messed up.

Regardless, Zhen Fan decided to make a clear conclusion. Just now from time to time. Now he has to make a movie. After the filming, he asks Christina to invite a paleontologist and come here to explore together. R1152

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