The American Scripture

Chapter 941: Lecce Lecce

At the intersection of the town, the martial law is slowly relaxing. Some townspeople can walk around freely after disinfection, but they are still strictly restricted from taking buses, trains or planes, and the scope of activities is also It cannot exceed the counties of Montana, but the townspeople are also greatly encouraged by this.

The compensation agreement is being urgently negotiated by the state government. This large sum of money will be compensated in the form of Washington grants and state government grants, but it is absolutely symbolic compensation and will not subsidize the herdsmen here on a large scale. Many people expressed dissatisfaction. In the past few days, some people have been holding up signs to protest in front of the army. Some even took out rifles from their homes and rode horses to roar in front of the army. Others were pulling banners to protest against the army and the government. Shameless behavior.

Zhen Fan said goodbye to Old Jack and Rachel at the intersection of the town. Before that, the residents of the town held a farewell banquet for Zhen Fan in Old Jack's bar. As a result, several people were drunk on the spot. In the end, despite the loss, Zhen Fan left Will Feif, and chatted with him for a while, mainly to tell him about the future development of the ranch. For this loss, Zhen Fan no longer plans to do any remedial measures, as soon as possible. The development of a new pasture industry is the most important. Now we can buy some cattle, sheep and horses only after the martial law is over.

Will Pfeiffer is a very honest person. Although he looks a bit rougher, he is diligent and conscientious. Rachel repeatedly talked to Zhen Fan about this, saying that he had found a reliable agent. In fact, Will Farrell is much more diligent than many people in this town, and he takes care of those cattle and sheep much better, and even put a lot of his feelings in it, so when the army ordered When he wanted to slaughter all the animal husbandry and burn them for burial, he was full of sadness, a kind of lonely emotion that could not be said.

"Come early, bring some more wine next time!" Old Jack always said this every time. To be honest, Zhen Fan sends wine here every month, directly from the winery in Temecula Yes, the old Jack is not short of alcohol. He said this only to express his feelings.

"No problem, I'll bring some good ones here!" Zhen Fan smiled. What he said is a good wine like h?c?d, which will make old Jack's body stronger and stronger. He lives healthier and longer.

"Sometimes I really want to punch you in this face." Rachel stepped forward, hugged Zhen Fan tightly, then took up Zhen Fan's face, gritted her teeth and said, "Don't forget here, Remember!" He rubbed Zhen Fan's face as he said. He turned around and shook hands with Hashimoto Garden, his mouth moved, but he restrained and said nothing.

Hashimoto Garden was still very obedient, with low eyebrows and a procedural smile on his face. He politely said goodbye to old Jack and Rachel. Then she waited quietly by Zhen Fan's side, saying nothing, as if following orders at any time, and then following the orders.

For such an old-fashioned Japanese woman, Zhen Fan really has no good way to change her, not to mention that she and she have not been able to rise to a lover relationship. This is how they are maintained, said to be a deal, from Hashimoto When Yuan came to the small town of Lecce alone, this kind of transaction relationship seemed to be changing. No one involved in the transaction would be so deeply into the danger, which was beyond the scope of the transaction. It's not a deal, but Zhen Fan has never been able to give her the kind of family or lover, even if it is.

"Okay, man, you are leaving. My people are still waiting for you!" Outside the town, General von Kasser kept urging. This guy is now easier to talk, and he specifically approved Zhen Fan to leave. Application from Montana. In fact, it was not completely approved by him. He reported Zhen Fan's application to Washington, and then Washington personally ordered that Zhen Fan could leave.

Zhen Fan walked into the disinfection room honestly, stripped his whole body for disinfection, and then put on clean clothes. This is a process and must be done for reporters and high-level Washington officials. So Zhen Fan is not very repulsive, and sometimes he can't be too maverick.

When Zhen Fan was dressed neatly, Hashimoto Garden came out. Her face was flushed. Obviously, the naked disinfection process made this Japanese woman feel ashamed. So when she saw Zhen Fan, her expression was a little different natural. Zhen Fan is a bit speechless, and Japan is considered a country where personality education is more open and avant-garde. Why is this woman sorted out of antiques?

"You won't go back to your home directly. You have to go to Washington first. Some big people want to see you. Then you will know. I don't know very well, so we have a special plane to send you off!" General von Casser looked at Zhen Fan shook his hand, "Starting today, the vaccines have been delivered one after another. I a while, when the vaccines take effect, our people can evacuate here. This is not a big time. But the specific reason has not been found out."

General von Kasai said here, his expression was a bit lonely, and he looked at Zhen Fan: "Originally, I hoped you could intervene in this to investigate, but...I know this is impossible. The upper level will not agree. They I always care about my little secret, shameful things."

"I won't agree, because I have a lot of little secrets!" Zhen Fan smiled and joked, "Okay, don't be sad like a poet who wants to throw himself into a lake. I'm leaving now. When I meet, I have to say, this time I have changed my opinion of you...I used to think of you, you are a friend worthy of being with!"

"I know that everyone will change, especially when his environment changes. If... I'm still in the 51st district, maybe I will still make you annoying!" General von Kaser haha Laughed, then hugged Zhen Fan, which led Zhen Fan to walk towards a helicopter parked nearby.

Zhen Fan will take a helicopter to the nearby airport, and then take a special military plane to Washington. This process may take six or seven hours. It is estimated that the sky is already dark in Washington. The one who went with Zhen Fan was a major, with a pale face and a relatively burly figure. He was wearing a military uniform and sat in his own position. His face was serious.

"I am Major Orant Tony, and you will be accompanied by me throughout today's journey." He said, without reaching out to shake hands with Zhen Fan, and with him were four soldiers with live ammunition. One of them was a sergeant, a first-class soldier, and two second-class soldiers, one of whom was a black soldier. He opened his mouth, revealing the white teeth inside and smiling at Zhen Fan.

"Do you know me?" Zhen Fan couldn't help but smile at the black soldier.

"Of course, I grew up in Los Angeles, and I know all those celebrities in Los Angeles." The black soldier said with a smile, "You may not know me... Of course, you must not know me. My name is Adam Matt. Pull, of can call me Adam, and my friends call me McGovern."

"Aha—I like this name, McGovern?" Zhen Fan also smiled. "You must like to chatter, but that's okay, I like to chat with people!"

"Yes, yes, that's it. To be honest, I have always liked you, magic, movies and picking up girls. I have never stopped seeing your scandals, different women, Hollywood, doctors and Asians. This lady is Chinese?" Sure enough, this black guy just likes to chatter.

"I'm Japanese!" Hashimoto Garden bowed to Adam Maitra, still with a gentle smile on his face.

"Haha, man, did you see it, did you see it, she bowed to me, and I said, I am a very attractive man in this world, of are a little bit more attractive than me!" Adam? Mitra danced proudly. The first sentence was addressed to the other three soldiers, and the last sentence was addressed to Zhen Fan.

"Perhaps you are a little more attractive than me!" Zhen Fan also smiled, this guy is so loving.

"I just said, I'm a movie star, did you hear that? Zhen...The famous Zhen said that I am a little more attractive than him. I like to hear that. You are not the first to say that. My people!" Adam Maitra smiled happily, somewhat proud.

"Shut up, Adam!" The sergeant couldn't listen anymore, and said to Adam Mitra, "He really wasn't the first to talk about you, of course, besides yourself, you can Find out what the third person said about you? It's a hell, you want to be a star? So... I'll go to Washington for a good There is a third person..." Adam murmured , And then looked at Zhen Fan, leaned over, and said in a low voice, "Actually... My mother said this to me when I was three years old. She said,'Hey, Adam, you are a star. Look at you, always saying stupid things when the guests are around.'Am I suitable to be an actor because I am stupid?"

Zhen Fan must have laughed uncontrollably. The soldiers also laughed. The sergeant slapped Adam Mitra’s helmet with a slap and laughed and cursed: "Shut up, Adam, you're a clown. Yes, you are most suitable for acting as a clown in a movie, you tmd make me unable to eat today, you are disgusting to me!"

Everyone on the helicopter was laughing. The major wanted to laugh, but he didn't want to laugh. So he had to hold back. Seeing Zhen Fan looked over, he forcibly stopped the muscles on his face that were already twitching and preparing to laugh. , That expression is weird!

Soon the helicopter arrived at the airport. There was a special transport plane waiting at the airport. After Zhen Fan and the others got on the plane, the plane immediately began to take off. It's just that the transport plane is not as comfortable as the passenger plane. It is very simple and bumpy inside, which makes Hashimoto Garden not very comfortable, and his face is a little pale. r1152

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