The American Scripture

Chapter 944: Chance encounter

With Zhen Fan’s medical formula for treating viruses, the U.S. government showed some sincerity and directly allocated 50 million US dollars to Zhen Fan, but it also added a clause that after the completion of Zhen Fan’s Chinese Medicine Hospital, it must be recruited from across the United States. And train doctors, and recruit 30 people every year. Of course, these people do not stay in the hospital for a long time, but rotate every five years in order to train more medical staff who understand Chinese medicine. In order to achieve this goal, major medical schools in the United States and medical specialties of comprehensive universities are preparing to establish exchange mechanisms with some Chinese medical schools in China. Every year, a group of people will be sent to the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in China for study and further training.

It is for this reason that Zhen Fan did not say much, and 50 million US dollars is considered a kind of sincerity of the U.S. government, because Zhen Fan has never thought about selling this formula for money. What he thinks is how to help the people. Those residents in the small town infected by the virus, because Zhen Fan lived there for a while, and had feelings. Will not watch the residents of the small town accidentally.

So when Zhen Fan received the transfer from the government, he had already arrived at the Hilton Hotel in Washington, DC, and the car was parked in the hotel. Then he called the lieutenant colonel and told him where to take the car back. I went upstairs and found Hashimoto Garden's room directly.

"I heard that they won't let you out... I'm a little worried!" When Hashimoto Yuan saw Zhen Fan, he wanted to rush over, but he still held back. He was talking a little hesitantly, twisting his hands with both hands. The belt on the skirt, "I'm sorry...I caused you trouble!"

Zhen Fan couldn't help but stunned for a while, and then shook his head at her with a dumb smile: "Why do you say I'm sorry? It's not your fault. On the contrary, you are the victim. For no reason, because of my relationship with the military. Detained here, all right. We are free now, and we will go back tomorrow!"

"Go back tomorrow? You mean...we live here today?" Hashimotoen's voice trembled slightly, and he obviously felt the change in his voice. Hashimotoen blushed, and he lowered his head and dared not look. Zhen Fan stared at his toes and kept moving alternately.

"Yes, I won't go back. It's hard to come to Washington. We don't have to rush the night. Isn't it good to go back tomorrow comfortably?" Zhen Fan smiled and shook his head. The appearance of this woman always makes people feel I can’t help but want to feel love and affection, "Let’s go, let’s go to dinner, I’m not too familiar here, I don’t need to find the best place."

"I... I'll get a bag!" Hashimoto Garden said in a flustered manner, jumping and running away like a rabbit, hiding in the room. I didn't know what I was doing, and waited a while before opening the door. Zhen Fan saw that she had already changed her clothes. I also combed my hair, drew eyeliner and lipstick. There is also light makeup on the face, very plain. It's not very rich and gorgeous, and I sprayed some perfume by the way. Took a shoulder bag and slung it.

This woman still has time to clean up herself. Zhen Fan can't help shaking her head. Hashimoto Garden is actually no different from the women in her own family. It has the characteristics of all female animals. The makeup for going out is certain, and she is doing this. After doing these things in a short period of time, it can be seen that she has done makeup as a homework, and she has done a really good job, and she can get an excellent reward.

"Your speed is fast!" Zhen Fan laughed. He didn't mean anything else but just said in passing.

But Hashimoto Garden became a little nervous when he heard it, and he stammered: ", I just put on a little makeup...I usually do this too, sorry, I wasted your time, I..." She stopped and bowed to Zhen Fan with a serious look, as if embarrassed.

Zhen Fan was speechless in an instant. He decided not to joke with this woman casually, and even pay attention to what he said, otherwise he would make this woman bow to him accidentally, making it as if he was dying forever. Say goodbye to the same ceremony.

"Let's go, there is a steak house in front!" Zhen Fan looked in front, and he saw a steak house. Two people went in and ate a little casually. They weren't very hungry. Zhen Fan, who had just made $50 million, didn't feel much excitement. Making money is nothing to him, but for five thousand dollars, the government has tried every means to deduct a huge amount of tax. What really went to Zhen Fan's account was only 34 million dollars.

The two walked along the Capitol until they reached the National Mall. This is a large park, an open national park. After walking for a while on the road outside the National Botanic Garden, the two of them walked along. After chatting, I asked about some things about Hashimoto Garden, and Zhen Fan learned that although Hashimoto Garden inherited the family tradition in Japan and engaged in acting work, it is also very famous in Japan, but she has not had a mother since she was a child, and My father lives together, and my father is very strict with her, so he expects her to be very high, and intends to further improve her reputation, after having an international reputation, he handed over his entertainment company to Hashimoto Park management, but Hashimoto Park is not interested in the management company, but has to succumb to his father’s arrangements, so he has always been conflicted.

"I have never said this to anyone. I'm very sorry, I hope it didn't disturb you!" Hashimoto Garden owed Zhen Fan a little bit. She didn't bow just now, but the habit still made Zhen Fan somewhat He couldn't laugh or cry, "Well, I know that no one likes to listen to these trivial matters. You can listen to me so much, it must be very annoying, right?"

"No, it's okay, I like to listen to some stories, even the most cumbersome things, there are always some human emotions in it... This is a life experience, just like my own experience!" Zhen Fan patted Hashimoto Garden on the shoulder, "Let's go, let's sit there!"

There is a long bench in the park. Two people sit down, and there are people playing music next to them. It is the teenagers and young people who dance hip-hop. Some also light up a laser light, which suddenly becomes radiant at dusk. .

"This kind of street art performance reminds me of a magic team." Zhen Fan looked at the energetic teenagers, and suddenly remembered the magic team he had supported at the beginning, Jolie Martinez in that team. , This girl’s team started from street performances. Through their own support, they are now a very famous magic team in the United States. Of course, they rarely do street performances.

However, the expression on Zhen Fan's face soon became a little surprised. He actually saw someone starting a street magic show beside these young street dancers. And the two groups clashed. One of the more familiar voices came over: "Hey, buddy, this has always been my place, can you not make me angry?"

"Let me see!" Zhen Fan couldn't help laughing as soon as he heard this voice, then stood up and walked towards the quarreling side. Sure enough, I saw my acquaintance, and couldn't help but yelled loudly, "Diago, are you?"

The quarreling guy heard someone call him, he ignored the quarrel, looked over, and immediately smiled in surprise: "It's you, Zhen, is it really you? God, I didn't expect to meet him here. You, this world is so wonderful!" He poked his finger in the chest of the young man who was arguing with him and said, "Good luck, boy, here comes my friend, big star, great magic Master, Fan Zhen, wait for me to come back, you will look good!" As he said, he stretched out his hand and shook Zhen Fan, and then the two came and bumped their shoulders.

Zhen Fan didn't object to this guy borrowing his fame as a fox, so he didn't mind at all. It was human nature, so he didn't care much, so the two of them walked away together. The young man behind was obviously not very reconciled. He lost a **** to Diago's back and said loudly, "Is it great to have celebrity friends, grass!"

As expected, Diago was not willing to suffer. He immediately turned around, raised his **** to the young man with both hands, and then hopped to keep up with Zhen Fan's pace and laughed: "I remember you staying in Los Angeles, why did you arrive? Here?"

"It's a long story, let's find a place to sit down first." Zhen Fan smiled at him, then shook her head to let Hashimoto Garden follow. This woman seemed to be in a relationship with Zhen Fan in addition to her cautiousness. At the time, she was a bit natural and cute, which is also the reason why Zhen Fan is more and more fond of her.

"I know a place where the coffee tastes very good, but I don't like it very much. The bar over there is also very good. We can find a place to sit down and have a drink!" Diago ~ Pulling Zhen Fan forward, the bar is not very far from here. It was only a few steps away. After entering, it was really noisy, but Diago still found a relatively quiet place to sit down.

"Beer, how about you?" Diago snapped his fingers at the **** waitress.

"Same, beer, what do you drink?" Zhen Fan said to Hashimoto Garden. Hashimoto Garden said quickly, "Just a glass of water!"

"Sorry, our water here is mixed with alcohol!" The waitress said to Hashimoto Garden while chewing gum, and Mina spit out a word without expression.

"Then... wine, have a glass!" After Hashimoto Garden ordered the wine, he looked at Zhen Fan specifically, and saw that Zhen Fan was talking to Diago happily. Without noticing himself, he secretly relieved . Watching this **** waitress writhe **** and walk away.

"Why are you performing in the street alone? I thought you don’t have to do street performances anymore. I didn’t expect to see you anymore. Do you know what I was thinking? Think, I have also met a group of magic geniuses on the street." Zhen Fan smiled happily. (To be continued...) R1292

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