The American Scripture

Chapter 946: Know a paleontologist

Zhen Fan and Hashimoto Garden didn't talk much along the way. Zhen Fan had asked the front desk to order a taxi for himself. When he went out, under the guidance of the doorman, he got in the car and left. Hashimoto Garden seemed to have something to say to Zhen Fan, but when he reached his lips, he held back. Two people were silent on the way, knowing that the plane had arrived in Los Angeles.

When we arrived in Los Angeles, it was already noon. Zhen Fan called Christina and asked her to pick herself up at the airport. Eating something on the plane can’t fill up my stomach at all. I originally planned to go there with Hashimotoen for some food, but seeing her like that, I don’t need to think about it. Let her have room to think, so she just went straight Asked a taxi to take Hashimoto Garden to the hotel she had decided, while she waited for Christina at the airport.

The taxi in Hashimoto Park only took more than ten minutes. Christina drove over in Zhen Fan’s Volvo cx90. Seeing Zhen Fan, she waved her hand. After Zhen Fan sat in, she smiled at Christina: "go home!"

"It's really a wonderful trip, isn't it?" Christina looked into the rearview mirror and smiled at Zhen Fan, then started the car and drove directly to the villa. "I saw that your personal account has been credited again, which is more than three thousand. Ten thousand dollars, is this your gain this time?"

"Yes, I have gained a lot this time. I have a gift for you." Zhen Fan suddenly moved a glass box in his hand. The box is airtight, but you can see an oval like scales. Things, but much larger than scales, like a soup pot.

"What is this?" Christina glanced at the large glass box in Zhen Fan's hand. To Zhen Fan said, "You caught a big fish? A big fish from a navy ship?"

"Can you guess what this is?" Zhen Fan shook his head and said to Christina, "Obviously. Your imagination is very limited. No fish has such large scales. So... the answer is wrong and there is no reward. , Please continue to guess, maybe it is something that interests you very much."

"If it's not a fish, then... a lizard? God, it's not like a lizard scale at all. I don't want to, and who can imagine that there are such large scales. What is this? Don't ask me, I am totally I can't think of it, even the largest animal, I can't think of such a large scale." Christina said to Zhen Fan. "Well... I give up, you won, tell the answer!"

"Are you detailed God?" Zhen Fan did not directly answer Christina's words, but asked another question. "Is there a creature like God in this world?"

"Oh, my God, you are the first... I heard, the first person to call God a creature. This is really... let me subvert my previous view. You are really without faith and awe. People. Well. If God is a kind of creature, then this kind of creature can only live in fairy tales, just like those dragons with wings that can breathe fire. I believe in God’s integrity and tolerance. Also Believe in the evil and jealousy of the dragon!"

"Yes, you are right, this is the scale on an evil dragon!" Zhen Fan laughed and said to Christina, "This is a gift for you, and this..." he said . Suddenly he took out a glass bottle from his side, inside it was a piece of meat that seemed to be cut from something.

"Animal or human?" Christina opened her mouth. Zhen Fan suddenly became speechless.

"Well, no matter what it is, I suggest you go back and study it, but... you can show it to your previous colleagues, and if necessary, you can contact a paleontologist. I believe you There will be a shocking answer!" Zhen Fan shrugged.

"Shocking answer?" Christina smiled, glanced at the two bottles, then nodded seriously, "If it confirms an idea in my heart, then it will be shocking, you Isn’t it a murderer? The one reported by the media recently has not been caught yet. I think that guy must be a carnivore!

"We can’t chat anymore. You will know everything when you get home. I will give you a two-day vacation. You have two days of free time from sending me back home. If there is anything that shocks you, You know...that's all done by murderers and cannibals. Don't come to me!" Zhen Fan decided not to talk nonsense with her, and directly put the two bottles into his mustard space.

For the sudden bottle and the bottle that disappeared suddenly, Christina felt that this should be a basic skill that a magician should have, so she didn't care, until she sent Zhen Fan back to the villa, she got off the car and looked at it seriously. Zhen Fan said: "I need to make sure, Boss, you really want to take me two days off? Although I also hope for the holiday, but... I have to say that the environment here is very good, I like it very much!"

"Take it and leave, right away! Don't let me see you in two days!" Zhen Fan unceremoniously began to order to leave, Christina smiled and held two bottles, ready to leave.

"It's best to wear protective clothing, this is what I brought from the plague zone!" Zhen Fan said while looking at Christina who was about to leave in her own car, "Also... this matter cannot be spread for the time being. Please keep secrets with your colleagues and it is best to use people you trust."

"I see, boss, I will!" Christina really paid attention to Zhen Fan when she said so seriously. Although the time spent with him is not long, Christina knows that Zhen Fan is serious. Shang will not exaggerate or reduce the nature of the matter, so he also solemnly promised Xia Li.

After coming out of the villa, Christina returned to her family with two bottles. She didn't care about changing clothes, she placed the two bottles in her living room, staring at the two things in the glass bottle, she couldn't help but wrinkle. My brows started thinking, yes, as Zhen Fan said, these two things seem to be unusual.

"What the **** are you? Man!" Christina stared at the two bottles in a daze for almost an hour, then she remembered to take out the phone and call her former mentor, the famous archaeologist Colm Hardy. Telephone, that is a very rigorous archaeologist in his fifties who is now teaching at the University of Los Angeles and is usually involved in archaeological work.

"Professor Hardy, I’m Weiden... Yes, it’s Christina Weiden. I have something on hand now. I want you to come and take a look... Yes, something very important. I have never seen it before. .Ok...I will wait for you at home." Christina put down the phone and continued to lie on the coffee table looking at the two glass bottles.

Soon there was the sound of a car outside the yard, and then there was a knock on the door. Christina went to open the door and saw the man with white hair in his 50s outside, and immediately stepped forward and gave him a soft hug. , Smiled enthusiastically: "You came so fast, I'm afraid you don't have time!"

"Since you said something very important, must be very important, how can I not come here soon?" Professor Colm Hardy laughed, then walked into the living room and sat next to the coffee table. On the sofa, looking at the two glass bottles on the coffee table, he couldn't help but was taken aback, and then said: "This is what you said is very important?"

"Yes, Professor, would you like a cup of English black tea? Your favorite taste!" Christina stepped aside, preparing to make a cup of black tea for Professor Colm Hardy. She knew the professor's preferences and habits.

"It doesn't matter what it is, but... these two things seem to be... really interesting. Let me take a closer look, man, what is this?" Professor Colm Hardy leaned down. , Then frowned, staring at the two glass bottles intently.

"It's really unusual. It seems to be a scale. I have never seen such a large scale. No, no, I have seen it before. It is very similar. It was discovered in a mural unearthed in India. .It's like their Totem Dragon, but the Indian dragon became evil after the Aryan invasion. I remember that the scales of the huge dragon on the mural look like this. Yes... …That’s it, it’s shaped like a shield, but…I really didn’t realize that there would be dragons in this world…"

"Wait, Professor, what did you just say?" Christina brought a cup of black tea and handed it to Professor Colm Hardy who stood up, while she took another cup of coffee and took a sip.

"The Indian dragon later became the evil dragon in the "Bible" These are different biological attributes given by different doctrines. I just think... this scale is a bit like that. The dragon in the mural is shield-shaped and the shape is exactly the same." Professor Almu Hardy took a sip of coffee and exclaimed, "It still tastes good. By the way, what did you just say?"

"Yes, yes, biology. You mentioned biology just now. Before you, someone mentioned this to me. It was the person who gave me the glass bottle. My boss, he told me, let me find a paleontology. Scientist, there may be unexpected gains!" Christina was suddenly excited.

"Paleontologist?" Even Professor Colm Hardy was also very interested. "Your boss? He gave it to you? Why do you need a paleontologist? Is it... Oh, God, this... No way……"

"I don't know, maybe this is an accident, Professor, do you know a paleontologist? An authoritative scientist in this field?" Christina looked at Professor Colm Hardy expectantly, "I think ...Our discovery may shock the world!"

"Of course, I know!" Professor Colm Hardy stood up suddenly, put the teacup on the coffee table, and started to touch the phone in a hurry. (To be continued) r655

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