The American Scripture

Chapter 961: Found the trail

"Cut, this won't work, Hashimotoen, you have to invest a little bit, understand? Do it again!" This is a kiss scene between Zhen Fan and Hashimotoen. When the two met in Tokyo, Zhen Fan was trying to steal A business plan in Tokyo met Hashimotoen, and then talked about love with Hashimotoen under half-truth, but actually used her to enter the group and steal secrets of the plan. Fiction,

This experience is very similar to the experience of Zhen Fan and Hashimoto Garden in real life. Therefore, Hashimoto Garden’s heart was a little lumpy and she couldn’t enter the play. Zhen Fan had no choice but to come back over and over again. After more than 20 years, Hashimoto Garden’s mouth became swollen. The play had to be postponed. To shoot again, I was so angry that Bit cursed Hashimoto Garden several times on the spot. Fortunately, the reporters and onlookers on the scene were cleared during the shooting, otherwise it might have a negative impact.

Michi Kikuko also went to the filming site to see it, and I don’t know what caused it. Anyway, he didn’t listen to his brain’s call, so he moved his steps over there, even though he had to turn there. She went there three times, but unfortunately, she didn't see the shooting scene because the shooting scene had been cleared. Suddenly, she wanted to become an extra.

She was frightened by her own thoughts. Fortunately, I can stop my emotions in time. I heard that this time it was filming the kiss scene between Zhen Fan and Hashimotoen. She was in a daze, as if Zhen Fan’s kiss should be for herself, and she felt that Hashimotoen and Zhen Fan were a natural couple, a golden girl, anyway. All kinds of messy thoughts flooded into his mind.

Not seeing Zhen Fan and Hashimoto Garden's kissing scene, Miike Kikuko felt a little regretful in her heart. I just wandered around in the streets nearby, walking aimlessly. Don't know where to go. There are TVs in the shops on the street, and even the high-rise buildings on the street have large-screen TV walls.

A beautiful host is broadcasting the news. It seems that there was news about Zhen Fan and others, and some scenes of the filming. Inside, Zhen Fan was interviewed by reporters with a gentle smile as always, and there was also the funny Robes, who focused on interviewing himself. Star Hashimoto Garden.

And what Hashimoto Park said the most about the camera was the feeling of shooting rivals with Zhen Fan. Of course, this is what the Japanese love to see. Because many Japanese people like to look at the pair who looks like a golden girl.

Michi Kikuko was very disappointed. She felt that it was a wrong decision to come here like this. She could only find more emotions that made her depressed. So she decided to look away when she was about to leave. Suddenly the camera switched.

"A huge bird..." someone was shouting loudly, pointing at the TV wall and shouting, "It's the Americans, the American army, what kind of movie is that? Is it a sequel to Godzilla?"

Before the shout fell, I heard the voice of the news reporter's live voice coming over. It was the same voice: "This is a big bird. I don't know what bird it is. It is so huge. Oh, the National Guard... ah ......My eyes......" Then the TV screen suddenly blurred, becoming not very clear, and finally the image was completely removed.

"This is an instant report sent by a reporter from the front. A huge bird appeared on the border of Montana in the United States. It is still unclear where this bird came from. Anyway, we This is the first time I have seen it on Earth. Perhaps the "Godzilla" invented by us Japanese has really arrived in the American sky. The last point I want to emphasize is...this is not a movie. This is a fact... "

"Godzilla--" Some Japanese have already exploded, and people have all kinds of expressions. Some cheered, some panicked. There are also those who are indifferent, in short, all kinds of expressions are mixed in it. This is really shocking news, isn't it?

It’s really shocking news. This dragon-like creature suddenly appeared in a border town in Montana, far away from the town of Lecce. The dragon is well hidden, but It was still discovered by the US team. In front of the super large radar, it appeared. Its huge size made the army searching for it panic. They launched an attack hastily. Yes, facing such a behemoth, they could not calm down.

"Shoot, shoot!" a sergeant yelled loudly, and his military Hummer rushed forward, but was slapped into flight by the behemoth's wings. Suddenly, the whole car was slapped into the air. It turned a few somersaults in the sky and then fell to the ground. It seemed that people would definitely not be able to keep it.

All kinds of light and heavy weapons began to launch toward the monster, even the rocket launcher was used, but this thing was too flexible, and as long as it waved its wings, even the launched missiles had to deviate from the direction.

"Call for support, call for support!" a lieutenant yelled loudly, waving his arms constantly, "Red Bat 13th, Red Bat 13th, call for support, call for support, we are under attack, please send a fighter to support ."

The Montana Provincial Command Center of the National Guard. The command center was set up near the forehead that was found. In the large tent, Lieutenant General Krakow was walking around in the tent. At this time, a major stood up and said to him : "General, our patrol squadron found that kind of creature, and it's being with it, calling for support!"

Lieutenant Krakow frowned and remained silent. The major reminded him again: "General, they are under attack. There are 27 people in a squad. Their equipment cannot stop the beast. What is your decision?" Obviously, the major is also A little anxious.

"Let the f-16 take off!" Lieutenant General Krakow thought for a while, and made up his mind. A small team of 27 people, he can't afford to lose, because this is a major mistake, and he doesn't want to make any mistakes. .

"Tweet--" The dragon-like beast kept avoiding bullets and rocket launchers from time to time in the air, and suddenly made a sharp scream, and the soldiers suddenly felt a "buzz" in their ears. Then I can't hear things clearly, and the whole person is constantly wilting.

"Damn, our people are dead, why haven't the planes come?" The lieutenant hid behind a stone and complained to a soldier beside him, "Damn, damn, what the **** is this from tmd? Star creatures, or ran out of Hollywood movies?"

"Sir, our fighters!" Suddenly a soldier pointed to the sky and shouted at the lieutenant. He had to shout loudly. Following his fingers, five fighters could be seen supporting the character shape. Fly towards them. With a sharp howling voice.

"Damn we give them the coordinates." The lieutenant said, grabbing the radio telephone of the correspondent next to him, and constantly reporting the location of the monster here.

"Received!" The pilot received the notified coordinates and said, "Received, we will launch an offensive immediately. Please look for shelters and shelters by yourself!” After speaking, the five aircraft sent out two missiles and ten missiles. The tail flames shot at the monster that was still whistling in the air.

"Damn it, the missile deviated! It didn't hit the target." The pilot kept reporting his results to the headquarters. In the headquarters, Lieutenant General Krakow couldn't help but dropped the phone when he heard it, and cursed: "Damn it, what the **** is this?"

Before his words fell, I heard someone screaming and desperate voices during the call: "Our equipment is malfunctioning, and the plane is not under my control... God, help us... is crashing." , Crashing..."

"Skydiving, skydiving, hurry up!" The major here yelled loudly, and then there was a burst of noisy voices that lost contact, "Obviously, these planes are dead."

"General..." The major was dumbfounded, and then slowly got up and looked at Lieutenant General Krakow. He wanted to say something, but he didn't dare to say anything, because Lieutenant General Krakow was already a little dumbfounded, and then weakened. Said to the major, "Continue to contact, and shoot a few more teams, try to find the surviving pilots and the members of that team, as many as you can find."

"Yes, General!" The major nodded, and then went out to arrange a patrol team.

Obviously, Lieutenant General Krakow felt that it was impossible for him to undertake this task alone. He had to report to Washington because the ability of this monster exceeded his expectations. It was not an ordinary creature, but a kind of A creature with super combat power, if fighters can’t destroy it, what other weapon can destroy it? Is it necessary to use nuclear weapons? Then... the disaster for the American people will come.

Washington, White House of the President.

A staff member in his forties ran towards the president’s office in a panic, and everyone in the corridor looked at him in surprise. He is the Secretary of State of the United States, Philip Highlander, and few people see him. Such a gaffe. He even opened the door of the president's office without knocking.

Some people in the president's office are talking to Mr. President, and obviously they are in a meeting. Philip Helgrande looked at Mr. President with a serious face and said: "Mr. President, I am afraid I have to interrupt you. Would you please leave these gentlemen and ladies temporarily?"

Mr. President frowned and looked at Philip Helgeland, looked at him with a serious expression, nodded and said apologetically to those people: "Sorry, we will stop here today. If we need to continue, I will ask people in my office to call you, thank you for your cooperation, I'm sorry..." Then I sent those people away.

Philip Heilgrande walked over and closed the door. Mr. President looked at him and said: "Philip, you rarely do this kind of performance. Let's talk, what's the matter?"

"We are in trouble, very big trouble! Mr. President!" Philip Helgeland said, and handed over a report. (To be continued...) u

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