The American Scripture

Chapter 972: Adventure

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"Call for help, call for help..." The captain felt that he could no longer control the plane, so he desperately called for help on the channel of the US fleet that he was talking to, but he also knew that this was far from satisfying near thirst because of the crash It may take less than ten minutes, and the US fleet is still five hundred nautical miles away from them.

"Ah—" Yao Yao screamed madly. She tried to hug her husband Zhang Xuechu, but the seats in the first-class cabin were much wider than those in the ordinary cabin, and they were all secured by safety belts. They can only hold hands, look at each other, and cry helplessly.

"Husband...I don't want to die...husband save me..." Yao Yao took Zhang Xuechu's hand, her expression was so desperate, but also so longing, as if Zhang Xuechu was her only sustenance of survival, "husband... ...I still have a baby for you...I don't want to die here..."

Zhang Xuechu's heart was like a knife. Although he was terrified in his heart, he continued to comfort his wife Yao Yao and said: "Don't worry, don't worry, baby, we will be fine. When we go out, you Don’t remember that my mother had fortune-telling for us? The old Taoist said that if we go out and meet nobles, everything will turn out bad. I still remember you, we will be fine, you know?"

Going out to meet a distinguished person? Where's the nobleman? They only talked to Zhen Fan on the plane, so when it came to this noble person, the two of them looked at the seat next to each other. The seat was empty, and Zhen Fan seemed to have disappeared. Both of them were shocked.

"Could it be that he has..." The two people glanced at each other in unison, feeling extremely scared. Could it be that Zhen Fan has already left his seat? Or has he been met by accident?

"Don't worry, be worried, he will be fine, our nobleman must be in this plane, believe me, Yao Yao, believe me, you have always believed in me, don't you?" Zhang Xuechu decided to continue to encourage his wife With his courage, he couldn't let his wife collapse, even if he died, he had to face it calmly.

"Yes, yes, I know, my husband... I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I... I'm sorry you... I did something wrong." Yao Yao suddenly collapsed and gradually stabilized, and then said to Zhang Xuechu In this case.

"I'm sorry, no matter what you do, I won't blame you, you are my wife..." Zhang Xuechu held his wife's hand tightly and looked at her firmly. Yes, no matter what he did wrong at this time, even if she was out of the wall, he would forgive her. A woman who lived and died with her, what can you ask of her?

"I... secretly took my little mi home, but... it was raised by Sister Wang next door... I'm sorry, I shouldn't hide it from you..." Yao Yao was crying, pitiful Looked at Zhang Xuechu happily, "I always feel sorry for you. I know you don't like raising cats, but...people just like it so much..."

"Puff!" Zhang Xuechu couldn't help but laughed, and then firmly held her hand, nodded firmly and said: "Raise, from now on, we will keep cats in our house, as long as you like it. !"

"I...but I only like Xiao Mi..." Yao Yao said with tears and tears.

"Then take Xiao Mi home, and when we go back, we will take him home!" Zhang Xuechu suddenly looked at the girl in front of him very happily. Yes, this girl is beautiful, kind and caring, you What else can I ask for? You only have this time to be a husband and wife in this life, so let's be a husband and wife for the rest of your life.

Zhang Xuechu silently looked at Yao Yao's smiling face, with infinite feelings in his heart. At this time, the plane was still falling rapidly, maybe his life was only a few minutes left. But dying with such a woman is also a blessing. Both of them seem to understand each other’s thoughts and look at each other silently. Regardless of the scenes of shouting for help, screaming, and falling things around, just so silently. Facing each other.

"There are still seven minutes before the crash. Prepare to withstand the impact. If you fall for another minute, even if the power is restored, we will not be able to pull the plane up. Only death is waiting for us." The captain sighed. Looking at the co-pilot, "I am very happy to be flying this plane with you." He said calmly and stretched out his hand to him.

"I...and...I'm very happy...sir, maybe... a miracle will happen, sir..." The co-pilot's voice was choked, and it was obvious that he was too scared to speak.

"Hope, maybe God will see us..." The captain couldn't bear to put out the first officer's expectation for a moment, and followed his words, "God will see us..."

"Ah—" Suddenly the plane shook violently, the co-pilot hurriedly looked towards the dashboard and said loudly, "Captain, we are slowing down, God... our power is restored, we can..." Before his words fell, he saw the captain pull the plane abruptly, and the nose began to turn slowly, and then began to turn upward.

"God... God must have heard our prayer!" As the captain tried hard to get the plane to fly, he shouted loudly and excitedly, "Help, man, Fly up... my baby, hurry up... fly up—"

"Flying, God...we are flying!" The captain suddenly yelled loudly. In that ten seconds, the plane slowly raised its head and its speed began to rise. The plane passed by the sea level, and the huge air wave caused the sea to draw a very deep wave, which separated towards the two sides, and the plane flew.

"Ah-we are flying, we are flying!" The co-pilot yelled frantically, then hugged the captain and kissed him on the cheek with "Bhaw". Obviously, he has restrained He couldn't help his excitement anymore, and the feeling of being left behind made him lose a bit of self-control.

"Everything has stabilized. We made it!" The captain looked at the co-pilot and nodded with a smile. Yes, he understands this mood, and he is also very excited, but it's just not through this way of exposure. expression. The plane flew more and more smoothly, and once again stabilized in the stratosphere.

The captain stabilized his emotions and set up autopilot. He turned on the broadcast system and coughed softly. Then he said: "Passengers, I am the captain. Just now our plane encountered some trouble, but ...I want to say that we are safe and we can reach Los Angeles safely. Thank you all and wish you all... a happy journey... a perfect adventure!"

"Wow!" Suddenly the passengers in the cabin, whether in the ordinary cabin or the first-class cabin, couldn't help applauding. Yes, many people were scared to death just now. They thought they were dead this time. At the last moment, it calmed down like a miracle, which is simply a masterpiece of God. On the seats, many people have already crossed their chests, and they are thanking God.

"We've really turned the danger into a bargain, husband, husband...I love you!" Yao Yao held Zhang Xuechu's hand tightly and couldn't help but said such a sentence, which she said involuntarily from the bottom of her heart. This man had lived and died with himself just now. In any case, he must grow old with his white head and live up to this life.

"Yes, so am I!" Zhang Xuechu also said emotionally, and then laughed, "I'll just say it, the old Taoist said, we will turn bad luck into good fortune, but now it's... we went out and met Noble man!" Talking about the noble man, the two couldn't help looking towards Zhen Fan's seat.

"Just... it was very exciting, wasn't it?" Zhen Fan suddenly sat in his seat, waved at them and smiled, "I have never experienced anything like this before, and this journey has a very unique flavor. ."

"Irritation?" Yao Yao wrinkled her nose and snorted to Zhen Fan very angrily. "Almost dead, and irritation, I don't want to do this again. By the way...Where did you go just now? Didn’t see you in the seat, did you fall... why didn’t you get hurt?"

"Ah-this..." Zhen Fan was stunned for a moment, and then smiled, "I went to the bathroom just now, and I didn't know that when I pulled the toilet, the plane would go down. It scared me and didn't dare to return. The seat is here, I'm afraid the captain will trouble me. I'm fine now, so I'm back...

"It's not funny at all!" Yao Yao wrinkled her nose, snorted at Zhen Fan, then turned her head and smirked at her husband Zhang Xuechu, "My husband is still the best."

Zhang Xuechu shrugged his shoulders at Zhen Fan, and smiled: "I'm sorry... she was in a bad mood just after experiencing this one. Don't blame her, Mr. Zhen!" Zhang Xuechu was a little helpless for Yao Yao's straightforwardness, so he had to let him right Zhen Fan said sorry, but it seems that Yao Yao is just It’s okay, it’s okay to be safe. It’s fate to be able to experience a very exciting adventure together. I’m in Los Angeles. Goodbye chance. "Zhen Fan nodded to them, then closed his eyes slightly. He needed to adjust his breath to calm his emotions.

The distress signal reached the fleet, the colonel immediately reported to General von Kasser, and then the fighter plane rushed into the air and flew towards the place where the distress signal was last issued. Only after ten minutes, they got the captain’s In reply, they have passed the danger and are flying normally towards Los Angeles.

"Normal flight?" After receiving the reply, von Kasser frowned, and then said to the colonel, "Continue to the place where they sent the distress signal to search for anything that can be done, and... I request all the information on this flight. The names of the people and the list of crew members. The sooner the better!"

"Yes, General, I'll contact you right away." The colonel said, he started to call, and then a message spread across the sky, and soon gathered at General von Kasser's desk. (The novel "Dozo America" ​​will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be 100 lucky draw gifts for everyone! Open WeChat now, click on the "+" sign at the top right "add friend", search for the official account " qdread" and pay attention, hurry up!) R1152

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