The American Scripture

Chapter 984: court

Angus Blake has been very diligent in the past two days. He has found many news media, and these news media heard that Zhen Fan was involved in the lawsuit, and they were all as excited as a chicken blood. √∟Fiction. On the day of the trial, the door of the court was crowded with reporters. Although yesterday’s news in Long Beach, New York was very popular, the news was not bad.

Zhen Fan did not appear in court as Charles said, because the more he did, the more he had to prove his innocence in court. This was the most powerful counterattack against that guy. Therefore, when Zhen Fan's car stopped at the gate of the court and got off the car, the reporters squeezed past like crazy.

"Do you have anything to say about the accusations you are facing? Do you think you killed the great white shark on purpose? Did it attack you?" The reporter's question was strange, but they were expecting Zhen Fan to have one too. Wonderful answer. This is deliberately setting up a problem trap.

"Well, I jumped off the plane to kill a great white shark deliberately." Zhen Fan deliberately spread his hands and said, immediately causing the reporters to laugh. The person who asked the question was a little embarrassed. He hesitated, but soon he was squeezed out of the crowd by others.

"Well, ladies and gentlemen, if you have any questions, wait until I finish the court session. The time is coming. I don't want the judge to condemn me for contempt of the court." Zhen Fan said, squeezing into the crowd with Charles Carter. Together with his assistant and Christina, they walked into the courtroom, and then the qualified reporter quickly entered the courtroom and sat down.

The courtroom is basically full, but there are still a few chairs left in the front row. Obviously this is reserved for those who are qualified to sit here. And Angus Blake sat in the second row, and Christina sat in the same row. There is a corridor. There is nothing to say about the entire trial procedure. Regardless of whether this lawsuit is won or not, Angus Blake is always making money without losing money, when Zhen Fan entered the court just now. He just let go of his words outside the court, only the more frightening he said, the more angry he was. The more it can reflect his efforts to protect these protected animals. He will also appear in court as a witness today.

"Well, this is our accusation. We think Mr. Fan Zhen deliberately murdered a great white shark, and this conclusion will not be changed!" The prosecutor shook his head helplessly. This is to drive the duck to the shelves. It could have been They didn't file an appeal, but due to pressure from those environmental protection organizations, they had to do so. But the result... they are not optimistic!

"Your Honor, please speak!" Charles raised his hand at this time. To the judge, "I have a few questions to ask my client and Mr. Angus Blake, the witness of the prosecution."

"Of course, it's your right, but... don't cross the line, Mr. Carter." The judge is an old guy in his fifties, fat, black, and has sharp eyes. Looks smarter.

"Thank you!" Charles walked up to Zhen Fan and asked, "You were filming on Bit Jackson's set that day. There was a scene where you jumped off a plane and swam into a submarine?"

"Yes. I was filming this scene at the time. It was this scene. I was driving a light seaplane. Then I dived into the submarine, and when there was still a certain distance from the submarine. I dived. That's it." Zhen Fan answered seriously.

"How high was your diving, from the plane!"

"I don't know. About more than sixty meters, right? I think so." Zhen Fan shrugged. "This is my estimate, but the TV station later gave a test data, which is about seventy meters. Anyway, it broke the previous limit of human diving height, this should not be wrong!"

"In other words, you broke through the limits of human beings, jumped into the sea, and then actively attacked to kill a ferocious great white shark? Know that when you enter the water, the pressure damage you endure is completely Can kill you. In this case, you provoked and killed a great white shark. Is that true?"

"No, that's not the case! The great white shark took the initiative to attack me, killing it is a very coincidental opportunity, otherwise I will die!" Zhen Fan said, shaking his head, he is also talking nonsense, in fact, the great white shark is indeed his initiative. It was killed because it was getting in the way by his side, but this cannot be said in court.

"Well, Your Honor, I want to ask Mr. Angus Blake, the witness of the prosecution." Charles said to the judge.

"Excuse me!" the judge nodded and said, "please ask questions related to this case, and pay attention to your time!"

"I will!" Charles said, and walked to Angus Blake's side, then looked at him and said, "Are you a member of the American Endangered Animal Protection Organization?"

"Of course, everyone knows this. This is my ID!" Angus Blake said, taking out his ID and putting it on the table, obviously he came prepared.

Charles took a casual glance and then nodded. Instead, he nodded and said, "I know this. What I want to ask is, for what purpose do you want to sue my client Fan Zhen. We all know that. Under the circumstances of Mr. Zhen at that time, beyond the limits of human beings, it is impossible to actively attack a great white shark with great lethality. This is tantamount to suicide. Why does it seem to you to be a kind of suicide? What about proactive attacks?"

"We have already seen it on TV. Fan Zhen was riding on the back of the great white shark, and from the results, Fan Zhen was unharmed, but the great white shark was dead. This can already explain the problem. The strength is one-sided, Fan Zhen's ability far exceeds the ability to kill great white sharks. That is to say... he has the ability to actively attack great white sharks." Angus Blake said, then looked at Charles and said, "This That's my answer."

"And all of this is based on your assumptions, isn't it?" Charles smiled slightly, nodded and said, "We all know that great white sharks are actively aggressive animals, and Fan Zhen is a human being, and it turns out, He is still a very popular person. Whether it is his friend or anyone who has been favored by him, he knows that he is a good person. He even said that he has no criminal record, so today when he is paying attention to evidence. Any speculation is meaningless. of."

Charles said and smiled at Angus Blake: "At that time, I will be very interested in what you are trying to sue Fan? Zhen, you said just now. Is it to protect endangered creatures? Maybe there are others. The purpose of this may be, I heard that your organization is now going to general elections. Are you confident that you will be elected as the chairman?"

"This question has nothing to do with this case. I request to be dismissed!" The prosecutor immediately stood up and said to the judge.

The judge looked at Charles and said, "Mr. Carter, if you don't have evidence in this regard, it's best not to talk about it. Do you have any questions?"

"Of course, Your Honor, I ask for an evidence!" Charles said to the judge. "This evidence is used to prove how ridiculous the testimony of our witness."

"Okay. The evidence is allowed!" The judge slapped the hammer, then Charles took out a storage card from his pocket, and then handed the storage card to the judge and said, "There is an audio in it, I request to play it in court! "

"Agree to the request!" The judge nodded, and then handed the memory card to the staff. The staff brought a player and used speakers. And at this time Angus Blake was a little fidgety. He didn't know what was in the memory card, but he knew that he might have something recorded.

Which passage was recorded? He calculated quickly, and then suddenly thought of his own woman. Yes, it should be the **** woman. She said so many things that she shouldn't have said that day, she thought it was her own. But he didn't want to... But he expected that it was not the news that the woman had leaked, so he silently begged God in his heart to see if he could escape by luck.

"...As long as we go to court. We will win, and we will meet at the door of the court. I believe there will be many reporters coming by then. He is a celebrity. This is enough. As for how the court decides, It doesn’t matter anymore... I’ve always been a badass. I have provoke celebrities before, but today’s one is obviously a big fish. After this time, our reputation will definitely rise. Don’t worry, our plan is seamless. , And... there was no failure, did it? Zhen fell into our trap, he is our prey..."

"...If I get the chairmanship, then this is the time for the most money. Knowing that many of our factories are not up to environmental standards, polluting water sources, and causing the gradual extinction of organisms? I know, and I I also know which factories and companies are evading the government's eyeliner. They have a lot of tricks, but not here. I will find their evidence, and then use the same method to sue..." Angus Blake With a If they withdraw my accusation to me, then...there is only one way to go...Money, dollars can stop a person’s mouth, and our financial resources will continue... …"

This is indeed my own voice. This paragraph actually appeared in the court. That **** woman, damn, should have killed her, how could this be? Angus Blake's cold sweat suddenly emerged from the top of his forehead. He suddenly rushed towards the player, shouting hoarsely: "No, no, this is not me, this is not me, some devil must be occupying my heart, I am innocent, believe me... …"

"Quiet!" The judge struck the hammer, "Take this guy down, I don't want him to stay in front of me for a moment." The judge couldn't bear it either, and said angrily to the bailiff. Soon, Angus Blake was dragged out by the judge like a dog.

The crowd at the hearing was in an uproar, and it was obvious that this decent guy had such bad water in his stomach. Not only did he harm his own reputation, but it also hacked the endangered animal protection organization. It is estimated that some time later today, the people of the animal protection organization will draw a clear line with this guy. And his friends, friends, friends, originally wanted to gather at the door to protest against Zhen Fan. But seeing this result, a few people who heard the trial slipped out quietly and persuaded those who were preparing to demonstrate at the door, and they all hurriedly left here in despair. (To be continued...) u

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