The American Scripture

Chapter 988: They are coming

In the end, Zhen Fan did not see General Campbell, so he chose to leave. …≦The apex novel, .. Since the army does not need itself, then take good care of your home. Zhen Fan thought. But Gicaro and Steve have a cooperative relationship with them, so Zhen Fan can go, but they can't.

Until Zhen Fan left, General Campbell did not show up, and he wholeheartedly looked forward to the arrival of his x-17 upgraded robot. He smiled confidently when the two huge Global Overlord transport planes transported the X-17. He had seen the power of these two robots with his own eyes. Even if the bullet can't penetrate the skin of those monsters, as long as x-17 shoots, they will definitely use their sharp blades to chop off the heads of those monsters.

When the robots took off their disguise and appeared in front of him, General Campbell would look up at them. Yes, compared to the original version of the original x-17, these two robots are much taller. They are two or three stories high, and about ten meters high, making people have to look up at them. The huge mechanical body, the gleaming steel, and the weapons equipped on the hands and body are really a big killer that makes people tremble at first sight.

"The latest Edman alloy is unique in the world. No one can replicate it. It is made of alien celestial metal materials. It is a unique material. Therefore, their main combat weapon is a knife, which can be retracted and retracted in the arm. The Edman alloy blade, even the hardest thing, will look like a puddle of mud under the attack of this weapon. This is the deadliest!" A middle-aged man in a suit briefed General Campbell , These two huge robots are placed in the tallest warehouse of the military base, standing side by side.

"Very good weapon. This is our most deadly thing!" General Campbell nodded and said to the middle-aged man with a smile. "I saw you, when I visited Goldman Company. I saw you. At that time you were serving this weapon? I remember that the explainer was you!"

"Yes, General, my name is Nicky Raikkonen. I have served Goldman for fifteen years. I am considered a senior clerk. I am very happy to cooperate with the military again. But... please rest assured, I believe this is also a very pleasant cooperation. Our cooperation in the past has always been so successful and pleasant!" The middle-aged scientist smiled at General Campbell and stretched out his hand, and the two shook hands.

"Can you show their performance?" General Campbell asked.

"Of course, I can show it to you now!" Nicky Raikkonen nodded. "Weapon display is also one of the purposes of this time. Of course I will. First of all, we have to activate them. But you'd better choose a target. Otherwise, you won't see its greatest power."

"The tank over there is one of our targets!" General Campbell pointed to the several tanks in the shooting range in front of them. They were the T72 tanks that I didn't know where they got from, and they were also one of the main targets of the US military. Place it there, waiting to become a target for the US main battle tank m1a2.

"Okay. Barely!" Nicky Raikkonen nodded, took out an LCD panel remote control from his pocket, turned on the control switch on it, and then started the robot. Enter instructions. Set a goal, and then you hear a "call", as if a strong wind blows. Two robots nearly ten meters high suddenly rushed out of the warehouse, and then made a "swish". Flying into the air, they are as vigorous as two dexterous birds. It's hard to imagine that such a robot can be so flexible. This caused a smile to appear on General Campbell's face.

Before the smile on his face disappeared, he heard two sharp sounds of "pop", as if the sawtooth were passing through the steel. In fact, it was also passing through the steel. I saw that the several t72 tanks were caught by two robots. It was cut in half by the huge sharp blade in their hands like a knife cut into cheese.

"Oh, God, it's amazing!" Someone at the scene exclaimed that they were born, including Colonel Stanton and Lieutenant Goodwin. They looked at each other, and their eyes were filled with unbelievable expressions, yes, what kind of sharp blade is this, it can easily cut the steel tank.

"I'm very satisfied! Mr. Raikkonen, I am very satisfied with your company's products, and thank you for your continuous contribution to the Ministry of Defense. Thank you very much!" Lieutenant General Campbell looked at it and felt very good. Yes, yes. These two robots are here, and he will kill the monsters-no, the dragons one by one, and then become American heroes.

He had to thank those monsters for allowing him to go further and paving the way for him to become the next Secretary of Defense. Thinking of this, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Well, monsters, don't let me wait too long!" Campbell smiled, then patted Nicky Raikkonen on the shoulder and said, "Stay here, knowing that we have eliminated those **** monsters. If it weren’t for them, we might have kept this weapon secret, and could give the enemy a fatal blow at a critical time. Now...but it’s okay. In this regard, we are ahead!"

As the general said, he walked towards the office. All he had to do now was to wait, and he decided to throw out the smelly corpse in the base to attract the monsters to collect the corpses for their companions, or come. revenge. Of course in Campbell's heart, it was here to die.

The sun is shining all over California, including military bases in the suburbs. Several huge transport planes are using net bags to suspend the corpses of the monsters to the nearby mountains, which are all bare mountains, with very little vegetation behind them, only some grass suitable for growing on the sand, which is sorrowful in the sun. There is almost no wind.

"Damn it, why is it me again. Why do these **** errands always let me do it?" a sergeant said to a lieutenant, and the helicopter dropped the big net bag, except for the monster's In addition to the body, there were several soldiers, including a lieutenant.

"I haven't complained, what are you complaining about?" The lieutenant took a sip on the ground. They are now fully armed. In addition to weapons, they have to wear protective clothing because this thing is so stinky. And if something happens under such intense sunlight, if you don't take precautions, they will probably be poisoned to death by the polluted air.

"You can only complain to your chief, not us." The sergeant said with a grin, and then looked at the corpse. "Perhaps, you can still complain to this big guy. Why are the people in the camp? Can hide in an air-conditioned room, and we can only smell the smelly meat here?"

"This is a good question. I'll explain it to the general." The lieutenant said with a grin, and then found a shady place behind the rock and sat down and pulled off the gas mask he was wearing. "Maybe I can ask. Colonel Stanton, he only took me on this mission!"

"Then you found some of our unlucky ones again?" The sergeant said with a grin, and leaned over, took off the gas mask, threw it on the ground, took a deep breath, and it was a little windy now , They hide on the leeward side. In this case, there will be no smell.

"Yes, we are just a few snacks under the sun, guys. I think I must have offended that Colonel Stanton, that **** bastard. I really want to punch him in the nose, I want to do it most now That's the thing!" The lieutenant breathed a sigh of relief, "Lieutenant Goodwin, I trust you, I will entrust this difficult task to you, don't disappoint my trust, man, come on!" The lieutenant learned Stanton The colonel said with a smile to the sergeant, "In this way, I came to this ghost place!"

"I see, Lieutenant, you said that to me at the time!" The sergeant smiled happily, "I know, I have sinned against you, must be... Although I don't know now, I must be offended By yours."

"Yes, at lunch last time, you took away the luncheon meat on my table. I know you did it. There is no one but you. So... Since it is a blessing to share, then now it has to be difficult. Let's play together!" Lieutenant Goodwin said with a grin, "Don't complain about this task, it's all destined by nature, you can't escape!"

"Well, I admit, I did this thing." The sergeant raised his hand helplessly and made a gesture of surrender. "At the same time, I also know what will happen to the officer who has offended me? This is blood. The lesson is worth telling me to my children and grandchildren."

"Who knows, who knows if we can go back now!" The lieutenant looked at the sergeant strangely, "Have you not read the news? You don't know how powerful those monsters are? Now that we are here~www. we are snacks, bait, and we are born to be killed by others!"

"You really killed me this time!" The sergeant muttered, finally his face changed a little. Yes, they are responsible for playing an outpost here. Although they are not involved in the attack, they need to observe the monsters nearby. A monster is so powerful, if four monsters gather here, the chance of survival is indeed very small.

"Yes, this is the price, the price of a plate of luncheon meat!" Lieutenant Goodwin put away his hippy smile, then looked at the sergeant and said, "But... this is also a gamble, if... they attack first If it is a military base, we might be able to escape."

"Maybe? Maybe?" The sergeant muttered again, "God knows... Maybe!"

As he was talking, since a few people felt a little strange. There seemed to be a strong wind blowing in the sky, and they also felt a shadow above their heads, like a dark cloud suddenly appearing, covering the sun. It was gloomy and depressing, like a storm coming.

"They are coming—" Lieutenant Goodwin said in a trembling voice, and then motioned for the soldiers to get down. (To be continued...)

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