Chapter 107 : Kaitian essence! It turned out to be it! ! -Ask for automatic subscription for data!

The essence of opening the sky! It is the essence of Pan Gu opening the sky and the earth in the past! It is the world origin of the entire Ancient World heaven and earth. It is the source of the birth of the Ancient World heaven and earth. It is the imprint of the essence of Heavenly Dao! Heavenly Dao According to this, you control the Ancient World world, the heavens and the universe! The world gains it, and you can attain the Hunyuan Attainment status and enter the Sage realm! Compared with the Kaitian merit, this Kaitian essence is even more remarkable and rare. Where, it can help Heavenly Dao stabilize the Ancient World world and control the world! No wonder the reaction of Ancient World Heavenly Dao is so excited! This opening spirit, this is the lifeblood of Ancient World Heavenly Dao! He doesn’t want to kill him. Give others a point!! If you have the merits of opening the sky, if you get the extremely rare essence of opening the sky between the world, then even a pig can cultivation into a powerful god! Now Ye Tian just opens his mouth He wanted this thing, and Ancient World Heavenly Dao’s heart was about to break.

Ancient World Heavenly Dao now wants to cry without tears, and he keeps slandering in his heart.

“Hehehe, so so.”

Facing Xiao Tiantian’s complaint, Ye Tian smiled unconsciously, and then stretched his hand forward: “How about it, hurry up, don’t grind it.”

The current Ancient World Heavenly Dao had a look of 950 in despair, and he nodded helplessly.

No way, even if you don’t like him, you can take it! If you give it, you can keep a little bit, but if you wait for Ye Tian to do it, it is estimated that even the scum will not leave him a little.

So I understand this Ancient World Heavenly Dao Xiao Tiantian, this time he consciously chose to cut his own meat.

He closed his eyes slightly, hand seals his hands, and his mouth was plausible, not knowing what he was talking about.

Soon, under his operation, a circle of golden letters began to float around him, all of which were ancient special-shaped ancient characters. The Sacred breath of Sacred contains the most profound and profound essence of Heavenly Dao! Every word here is Pan Gu’s deep insight when he opened the sky, and contains the supreme rule. After thorough penetration, you can comprehend the mystery of heaven and earth and control it. Heavenly World, lay the foundation of Heavenly Dao!! Ye Tian looked at the golden light words that emerged, and nodded involuntarily.

From his perspective as Dadao Sage, these essences of opening the sky are still very deep and extremely precious, and can be regarded as the origin of the birth of the entire Ancient World world.

Because of this, after waiting for these people with the spirit of opening the sky, the whole person will fit Heavenly Dao incomparably, and can fully integrate into this Ancient World world, and receive the protection and blessing of heaven and earth! Do not enter Samsara, and do not stick to Karma , You can lay the foundation and embark on the road to sanctification! Soon, the countless golden light characters slowly bred out three more from the four sides of Ancient World Heavenly Dao.

Each copy is re-enacted from the source of Ancient World Heavenly Dao, and the text above is exactly the same, except that Spiritual Qi, and Dao Yun appear to be relatively thin, but it is also extremely good! At this time Ye Tian sleeves With a wave of his hand, three copies of Kaitian Essence reproduced, and slowly flew to Tongtian, Yuan and Daddy under his lead 3.

The reason why he robbed Xiao Tiantian’s Heaven-opening Essence was naturally not that he wanted to use it himself, but that he was going to distribute it to the three Tongtian brothers, to make up for their existing deficiencies, and to make their cultivation foundation close to perfection! , I still need to take care of my own children

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It was not very fast. The three people of Tongtian 3 accepted the three essences of opening the sky with a face of surprise. Countless ancient golden light characters all poured into their limbs and hundreds of skeletons, hiding in every part of their body. Place.

From now on, their whole bodies are coincident with Heavenly Dao, and every move is Tao Yun Tiancheng. In the future, they will cultivate, and naturally no one can compare! It can be seen how good Ye Tian is to the cheap nephews picked up by these three 3. ! For the descendants of Pan Gu’s reincarnation, Ye Tian is dedicated to them and spares no effort to help them grow.

Here, the three Tongtian brothers are digesting the essence of Insight, while the cut meat of Ancient World Heavenly Dao over there is disappointed and sad.

“This time, this is a big loss. This is my little master’s savings that I have saved for many years.”

Xiao Tiantian didn’t run away at all this time, and a little resigned, he directly sat on the ground, looking like he was going to die, and sighed.

Ye Tian glanced at him, seeing this big nephew like this, he was still a little bit guilty in his heart.

Thinking of how to compensate him, he slowly walked towards Ancient World Heavenly Dao.

“Xiao Tiantian!”

It doesn’t matter if he doesn’t shout. Under this shout, the Ancient World Heavenly Dao, who had already had a shadow in his heart, suddenly became agitated. It exploded directly from the ground, and there was an idea in his mind! Flee! But before he left, he was caught Ye Tian caught it.

“Uncle, please forgive me, you can’t keep stalking me to death, I have been robbed and impoverished by you.”

Xiao Tiantian cried her face sadly, thinking that Ye Tian still wanted to rob him.


This time you can rest assured, rest assured! It’s not robbery or robbery!”

Ye Tian touched his nose, soothing the Ancient World Heavenly Dao who had already had a shadow in his heart.

“Uncle, do you still believe what you said?”

Xiao Tiantian looked at Ye Tian and blinked.

“Ahem, don’t get me wrong this time, hehehe.”

Ye Tian smiled embarrassedly.

“You took so many things to supplement your three 3 Little Brothers this time, and you paid a lot. Uncle, I can’t bear it either. I can’t favor one another, right?

“So I am also going to compensate you with something good, do you want it?”

Ye Tian smiled mysteriously.

“real or fake”

Xiao Tiantian looked at the uncle Own with some suspicion, and felt as if he had just met him.

Even if he didn’t hesitate me, he was still ready to make up for my uncle. Isn’t it a change of sex now? But curiosity and temptation, in the end he defeated reason and belief, Xiao Tiantian looked at Ye Tian with a sincere expression.

“What a good thing”

Ye Tian smiled, waved his hand, and a small thing suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand.

This thing is crystal clear and transparent, with sparkling light, and reveals the noble and pure Sacred breath, which makes people feel rippling and naturally quiet.

“It turned out to be it!!”

As soon as I saw this, Ancient World Heavenly Dao’s eyes straightened instantly! The eyes were filled with endless scorching light! To read the novel without underline, please download Fei

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