Chapter 109 : A sword to the sky! The accident of the fierce beast catastrophe! ! – Ask for automatic subscription!

On this day, the mountain behind Kunlun Mountain.

“One sword opens the sky!”

A childish voice sounded! The slightly older Xiao Tongtian held the Qingping sword and swiped it directly, accompanied by a majestic Sword Qi rising to the sky, directly above the void! “Boom!”

There was a loud noise, and the entire top of the back mountain shook, and the sound was like thunder.

Ye Tian on the top of the tree not far away couldn’t help but roll over, squinted lazily, and continued to doze again.

“This kid, who usually cringes and is suppressed by his two Dages, is very focused on cultivation, and he has determination and perseverance. He is indeed a creative talent.”

Half-squinted Ye Tian muttered to himself.

Thousands of years have passed, “Nine-Five-Zero”

Now the three of Tongtian Brothers 3 have crossed the Golden Fairy Realm from the Xuanxian Realm, and now all have reached the Taiyi Golden Fairy Realm, and the strength of the Cultivation Base can be regarded as extremely fast.

And for these tens of thousands of years, Ye Tian has been staying on this Kunlun mountain, getting along with these three brothers, and has already figured out the characteristics and habits of these three brothers3.

Among them, the youngest youngest, Xiao Tongtian, fits Ye Tian’s temper the best.

Ye Tian loves and protects this little Tongtian the most.Generally, there are any good ways and treasures, and it is generally given priority to Xiao Tongtian.

So although Xiao Tongtian is the youngest of the three brothers, he is the most powerful and the most powerful among them. Compared to Tongtian, Ye Tian has a general view of daddy, and only thinks that his boss is a little hypocritical.

As for that… the second child is primitive, but Ye Tian is least welcome to see him.

There is no other reason, just a person who is extremely hypocritical and extremely shameless.

For those who are stronger than him, they are extremely respectful and flattering, but for those who are inferior to him, they are superior, defiant, and don’t put others in one’s eyes. To put in one’s eyes, like an ant, look down on others. People who are indifferent are very difficult to get close to.

“This primitive, even the younger brother Own will reprimand him if he moves through the sky. If he proclaims and becomes holy in the future, I really don’t know what will happen.”

Ye Tian murmured, slightly confused, and soon fell asleep again.

And at this time, as the sword of Tongtian opened the sky and slashed out, a figure slowly walked down from the sky and came towards the back mountain of Kunlun.

Xiao Tongtian looked at the figure coming down from the sky with some surprise, and he couldn’t believe it.

“Isn’t it that I practiced the world sword so quickly that I can use one sword to open up the sky”

“With such a sword, Dage was cut down. I’ll do it too, I’m not dreaming, right?”

Xiao Tongtian was simply unbelievable, and he shouted at Ye Tian on the tree in the distance: “Uncle, uncle!”

“Come and see, see, I practice

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It has become a trick!”

“Just now I cut Dage off with a single sword! Uncle, look at it!!”

Xiao Tongtian was very excited. The whole person holding a Qingping sword bounced for joy, and he was so upset! “What’s wrong! This stupid kid is probably a silly sword practicing!”

Ye Tian rolled over on the tree, raised his eyelids slightly, and finally murmured in an angry voice, and shouted directly at Xiao Tongtian: “Xiao Tongtian, I think your eyes are not so good, so I’m going to have a look. ”

After speaking, he lay down again, and closed his eyes slightly to rest.

But here, Xiao Tongtian was not happy, so he was slapped with a big hand on the top of his head, and the painful little Tongtian screamed hoarsely.

“Xiao Tongtian, just your semi-finished product. It is not like you. The sword opens the sky, and I want to hurt you Dage me”

A ridiculous voice rang from Xiao Tongtian’s ears, and a thin figure stood beside him.

That’s right, it’s not someone else who just came down from the sky, it’s Tongtian and their Dage, which is Ancient World Heavenly Dao, Xiao Tiantian! It’s just that he was not cut down by Xiao Tongtian, but he walked directly from the sky. 0 “Oh! It’s boring!”

It turned out to be empty and happy.

Xiao Tongtian’s excitement was suddenly extinguished, pouting a small mouth, and his face was full of unhappy.

“When will I be like the uncle and truly achieve the ultimate goal with one sword?”

Xiao Tongtian murmured.

“Hey hey I don’t think you can do it even if you practice in your next life.”

Xiao Tiantian directly poured a basin of cold water on him.

Tongtian’s small face suddenly collapsed, and his face was full of loss and sadness.

At this time, a faint voice came from under the forest in the distance: “Xiao Tiantian, you dare to break the Dao heart of Xiao Tongtian’s practice like this. Believe it or not, I will teach you how to be a man in minutes.”

Ye Tian’s threats blasted into Xiao Tiantian’s ears, causing him to feel tight in his heart.

“Huh, be careful uncle to clean up you!”

Xiao Tongtian also glanced at Ancient World Heavenly Dao with an angry look.

5.2 Ancient World Heavenly Dao couldn’t help but shrugged his sword helplessly and walked towards the small forest in the distance.

When he came down this time, he came specifically to find Ye Tian, ​​because there are some important things to report to Ye Tian himself.

Ye Tian rolled over lazily, and squinted his eyes: “What’s the matter?”

Xiao Tongtian immediately smiled flatteringly: “Uncle, there seems to be some accident in this fierce beast catastrophe now.”

“What else can be unexpected?”

Ye Tian squinted disapprovingly, and asked casually.

Ancient World Heavenly Dao raised his head slightly, his expression turned a little dignified to Ye Tian: “Ancient World beasts have grown out of hundreds of thousands of mountains and ravaged the land of Ancient World, and now the entire Ancient World world is in horrible conditions, and all creatures are charred!”

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