Chapter 111 : To be rude to my uncle, will kill him!

Ye Tian looked in the direction Xiao Tongtian was pointing, and then glanced at Xiao Tongtian: “The silly boy really has never seen the world. That thing is called a dragon, and it is the offspring of one of the three god-tier beasts, Ancestral Dragon.”

“I think you will have to go out and walk more in the future, otherwise you will stay on the Kunlun Mountain and don’t understand a lot of things.”

Ye Tian stroked Xiao Tongtian’s little head.

Xiao Tongtian’s eyes flashed, and he nodded repeatedly.This was the first time he came out of the mountain.What he saw and heard made him very surprised and shocked.

While talking here, people from the Innate Hundred Races Alliance are here.

A black dragon flew from a distance, with a group of shrimp soldiers and crabs behind him, looking up and down the three Ye Tian 3.

“Who are you and where are you from”

Now Innate’s Hundred Races Alliance is fighting fiercely with the beast army.

And because it is located in the East China Sea, this dragon race has the advantage of the landlord, and has a greater right to speak, and is in charge of these trivial matters.

“This seat is the ancestor of Ancient World, come to Qilin, and meet you, the leader of the Innate Clan!”

The leader of the Innate Hundred Clan is now the three great Innate beasts of Zulong, Yuanfeng, and Qilin in 95. Ye Tian now directly seeks them when he comes, just to quickly and directly control the situation and help the Innate Hundred Clan Alliance! However! Unexpectedly, the small black dragon of the other party would not open his eyes, and there were some gaps and friction between the three god-tier beasts.The people of the dragon clan were not too cold to the Qilin clan.When they heard that they came to see Haji Qilin, their face was not very good.

“The ancestors of Ancient World have never heard of where this came out as Rogue Cultivators, and they even dared to come to the door.”

The little black dragon thought silently in his heart that he had never heard of this character.He thought it was where the Rogue Cultivators were so arrogant and dare to call the ancestor of the Ancient World.

“You go back, the leaders of our Innate Clan are very busy, but there is no time to meet you Rogue Cultivators!”

The little black dragon relied on his identity as the dragon clan of the sacred beast, but he was not very polite. Finally, he directly ordered the dismissal and reprimanded: “You will go back wherever you go. Rogue Cultivators, don’t stay here to get the eye out!”

The little black dragon said arrogantly, and looked at Ye Tian three people 3 coldly.

He was originally the collateral branch of the Ancestral Dragon, and he was considered the nephew of the Ancestral Dragon.

As soon as these words came out, Ye Tian and the others were annoyed! “Get off”

Rogue Cultivators jokes! Are there any more powerful characters in this world? Even the Innate three god-tier beasts are nothing but ants in the eyes of Ye Tian and others. This little black dragon with no eyesight, I dared to speak to the dignified Dadao Sage Ye Tian in such a tone! I was so impatient! This is!! If you provoke someone who shouldn’t be offended, the consequences are very serious! Ye Tian is slightly unhappy, and Xiao Tiantian They also frowned, and both of them planned to take action and directly destroyed this little black dragon with no eyes.

But before the two of them did it, the Sword Ray that came together quietly burst out from them, shining with a terrifying and dazzling light!

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Someone shot earlier than them!! Ye Tian and Ancient World Heavenly Dao couldn’t help being slightly surprised in an instant, and looked at the little figure beside them with surprise.

“Presumptuous! How dare to be so rude to my uncle!”

“capital offense!”

A childish and angry voice suddenly sounded in the high air. At this time, Xiao Tongtian who was holding a Qingping sword and drew out the sword was like a very angry little lion, his eyes were so angry! “A sword opens the sky!!”

With a roar of Xiao Tongtian! The huge and terrifying Sword Qi flashed away in an instant, and directly cut off to the little black dragon in front of him!! Powerful: Fear!! Xiao Tongtian’s sword opened the sky, although it was more powerful than Ye The sword that Tian used was still far away, and it was far from reaching the point where a sword could open the sky, but it was enough to kill a general existence!! The heart of Xiao Tongtian at this time It’s angry! In his young mind, Ye Tian, ​​the uncle, is the most important existence in his life. Brother! So when he saw that his most respected uncle was treated so rudely by the other little black dragon, Xiao Tongtian exploded in an instant, and the anger in his heart ignited instantly. Cut it out! Vow to kill the opponent completely, so that the hatred can be eliminated! “No one can be rude to my uncle!”

“Never! Otherwise I will kill the sky!!”

Xiao Tongtian screamed frantically in his heart, and Sword Qi also carried endless killing intent and anger.

This sword was cut out, and its power was several times stronger than usual. It was an unexpected surprise! Sword Qi, with a violent killing intent, slashed directly at the black dragon, and the little black dragon that never slipped into the autumn suddenly felt shocked in his heart. The ice became cold, and he was firmly locked by that Sword Ray! His huge eyes were filled with endless terrifying regrets. Under the sword of the sky, he felt the suffocation and suffocation of Death very clearly. Threat!! However, he has no power to resist. Under this imposing Sword Ray, his insignificant Cultivation Base is not worth mentioning, unable to resist this murderous sword light! So in the end, Sword Ray directly Slash through! Accompanied by the scream of the black dragon, this soaring Sword Ray passed directly through his body, cutting out his long, coiled and huge body by dozens of segments, and all fell from the air. Go on, you can’t die anymore!! With a single sword, a black dragon of dragon blood was completely slain!! This combat power is also enough to let Tongtian stand proudly in the Ancient World, and have a foothold. !! “Killed!! Lord Black Dragon was killed!!”

“Come on!!”

As soon as the black dragon died, the shrimp soldiers and crabs behind him immediately fled in all directions, shouting for help to his home base camp, ready to find reinforcements!! But Tongtian didn’t care, and directly raised his hand and there were a few more swords. In the past, under the sweep, all the remaining small shrimps were killed! Kill them all! The first shot after Xiaotong went down the mountain, he could be so decisive and cruel! Thunder means, cruel and cruel! Disagreement means doing it! As expected, it is Tongtian who is vigorous and resolute! Ye Tian and Ancient World Heavenly Dao are both very surprised at this time looking at Tongtian, with inexplicable expressions and surprises on their faces!: I don’t know if you like Tongtian like this, I I prefer such a Tongtian, so you can leave a comment.

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