Chapter 116 : Edict canonization, Ye Tian intercepts destiny! ! –Please support! !

Heavenly Dao’s command! Speak out and follow the law! The majestic voice resounded over the entire Ancient World, blowing in the ears of Si Mixiang and everyone!!! Everyone looked at this scene with great surprise, and they were all caught The shock couldn’t be added, everyone was stunned in an instant!! And at this time, the little Heavenly Dao, the initiator who was lying on the ground, was a carp who was struck immediately, and shot directly from the ground like an electric shock! He covered his mouth tightly, and the boss with two eyes staring, as if he had made a big mistake!! “Fuck! What did I just say!!”

“It seems that I just said to make his whole family a quasi saint. Is this really what I said?”

“Fuck, I didn’t mean it!!!”

Say what you say!! As the ruler of Ancient World, Heavenly Dao, his every word, deed, and words are the highest rules of the entire Ancient World world! With one word, the edict can be canonized! All of a sudden! The Realm of the Four Immortals from the Taiyi Golden Immortal directly crossed the Daluo Golden Immortal and reached the realm of Quasi-Holy!! This was something that was shockingly heard in the eyes of other people!! However, no one expected this shocking thing. It turned out that this little Heavenly Dao, who was standing next to him with a sad face, did it! Now Xiao Tiantian wants to cry without tears.

In the entire Ancient World world, the quasi-sage is the number of sages of Sage, and there is a fixed number within a certain period of time! In the early stage of the development of the ancient world, there is no sage, and the highest peak is the quasi-sage. Now! Only after the accumulation and accumulation of time, the resource Spiritual Qi in the Ancient World world reaches a certain amount, will it feed Heavenly Dao back and produce the Heavenly Dao luck in the Ancient World world! And with Heavenly Dao Fortune, in the entire Ancient World world, quasi-sages and even Sages can be born! That is to say, the more Heavenly Dao luck, the more quasi-sages Heavenly Dao can in this world, the greater the number of Sage’s holy places. Much!! Therefore, every quasi-saint position, Sage position, is only the gathering of luck.

The number of days in the underworld has been set, and it is absolutely difficult to change! And now, these four incompatibility, because of the little Heavenly Dao’s casual remark, take advantage of the trend to occupy a quasi-sage position!! This must also represent the future of this Ancient World In the world, there will inevitably be a person who will be squeezed out, a quasi-sage position that should belong to him! You know, it is still the Ancient World early stage! There is no sage, and the quasi-sage is already in this world. Inside, the highest Realm peak that Innate creatures can reach! “Oh!”

Little Heavenly Dao couldn’t help but sighed slightly.

At this time, Ye Tian walked over slowly: “Big nephew, not bad, you are so happy to play!”

Little Heavenly Dao was crying and she didn’t dare to answer.

Violating the rules of heaven and earth, even if he is Heavenly Dao dominated by Ancient World, he will inevitably have to bear a little Karma.

“Yes, let me see which hapless one is and lose a position of quasi-sacred profession.”

Little Heavenly Dao pinched a finger and said to herself: “This quasi-sage position, it should have been.”

“In the original fate of heaven and earth, 76 million years later, a dragon clan rose into the sky from the East China Sea. Insight was obtained, he was certified as the Golden Immortal, and he was awarded the quasi-sage position.” This person is a descendant of the dragon clan, and his name is Azure. Dragon”

“Blue, Azure Dragon”

After deducing to this point, the little Heavenly Dao suddenly stopped, as if thinking of something.

The little cyan reptile that was half-dead by myself just now seems to be called Azure Dragon “It’s not such a coincidence.”

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Little Heavenly Dao was a little surprised and couldn’t believe it, and continued to derive the hand seals frantically, and wanted to verify it again! But this time after verification, there are still no errors and omissions, and the deduction is directed to the dying Azure Dragon at his feet! Little Heavenly Dao’s brows jumped, and she was happy: “Fuck,! It’s really fate, this is!”

“This little Azure Dragon, since your fate is like this, I can’t blame me.”

“In your entire life, you will stop at Da Luo Jinxian. Who would let you dare to offend us!! Hahahaha!!”

Little Heavenly Dao smiled triumphantly.At this moment, he looked up and saw a meaningful smile on Ye Tian’s face.

Little Heavenly Dao immediately ran over flatteringly with a smile: “Thank you, Uncle, for intercepting the fate and changing everything, otherwise I really don’t know how to end it!”

Little Heavenly Dao has a sincere gratitude from the heart.

That’s right, Ye Tian made a secret move just now, and saved Little Heavenly Dao’s mistake. From the boundless fate of heaven and earth, he intercepted the next paragraph, and then changed his life to change his life! He would be squeezed out of the quasi-sage. People who forcibly changed to the Azure Dragon of this dragon race! It is also a Karma cycle, and the retribution is unhappy! From then on, this Azure Dragon can only stay in the Realm of Daluo Jinxian, and it will never be possible to step up Ascension! It’s a slight punishment for this Azure Dragon! Just now I dared to talk to Ye Tian and others like that, and threatened, this is the end! If he didn’t completely kill him, he was already regarded as Ye Tian benevolent, otherwise, just rely on it. The offense of Azure Dragon just now was to completely obliterate him, and it is definitely not an exaggeration! In the face of little Heavenly Dao’s gratitude, Ye Tian just waved his hand, which was just a trivial matter for him.

He turned to look at the ecstatic little Qilin in front of him. He frowned slightly and said: “This little Qilin has obtained the quasi-sacred position that shouldn’t belong to him, and he doesn’t know his fate. Can you live with this blessing!”

“With a good fortune opportunity, you also need to have a number of days to take it, otherwise, it will only be counterproductive and suffer backlash.”

Ye Tian said softly, the little Heavenly Dao standing by the side lowered his head slightly, not daring to speak.

He did all of this, and no one knows how it will end in the future and what will happen.

“Fine, everything has its own set, let him go!”

Ye Tian shook his head, “I hope he can endure this good fortune!”

As I said here, there was one step to the Quasi-Sage’s four different aspects, but he didn’t realize it. At this moment, only surprise and ecstasy remained in my heart!! One step to the Quasi-Sage, this is something he never dreamed of! You know, he As an Innate beast, his father has gone through countless tribulations, and he has been practicing for tens of millions of years before reaching the quasi-sage Realm. It is extremely difficult! But now, he himself can do it in one day, so that he himself can’t believe this. Everything is true!! Feeling the Heavenly Dao air luck remaining in the body, and the extremely powerful surging power in the body, the Sibuxiang heart is excited at this moment, and it is almost uncontrollable to jump up!! At this time, The little Heavenly Dao with a low head slowly walked past Little Heavenly Dao.

Looking at the ecstatic little Qilin, the corner of Little Heavenly Dao’s mouth twitched.

“Boy, your life is damn good!!”

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