Chapter 123 : The legacy of Avenue Sage! Orthodoxy dominated by chaos! –Please support!

Two people, Tongtian and Sibuxiang, got along with each other during this period of time.

Xiao Tongtian has been there before: practicing on Kunshan Mountain, he has never had any real friends, so in fact, he is very lonely inside.

So this time when he went down the mountain, Xiao Tongtian was a worthwhile trip, and he met a good friend Qilin Sibuxiang.

“Four nonsense, I want to go back to Kunlun with my uncle, and you can come to Kunshan to find me to play in the future.”

Si Buxiang nodded: “Okay, Tongtian, after this fierce beast catastrophe, I will definitely go to Kunlun to find you!”

“En, I will come down the mountain to find you when I have time!”

Xiao Tongtian said goodbye to Sibuxiang, a little reluctant.

The friendship in the youth is always the purest and most precious, isn’t it Ye Tian looked at the little Tongtian and Sibuxiang in the distance, a little lost.

From them at this moment, Ye Tian seemed to see himself when he was a teenager.

In this life of our people, there are many years and years, and the people we have met are tens of millions.

But among these people, there can be a few real friends who can accompany you to the end. Ruyi Scepter does not do anything about it, but it can only be one or two or three with others! Life is enough to know yourself.

“Four nonsense, you are my first friend in Tongtian!”

“Be sure to take care!”

In the end, Xiao Tongtian was still reluctant to separate from Sibu, lowered his head, and followed Ye Tian a little sadly.

At this time, it was far away from the East China Sea, but Xiao Tongtian was still a little unhappy.

“Tongtian, why don’t you want to be different from each other?”

Ye Tian asked gently.


Xiao Tongtian nodded.

“Uncle, Sibuxiang is my first good friend.”

Tong Tian said seriously, a small face looked very serious.

“Oh, you Dage, am I not your friend?”

Little Heavenly Dao joked.

Tongtian frowned and said, “You are me Dage, this is different!”

Little Heavenly Dao shook his head, shrugged his shoulders and said quietly: “It’s a pity, you kid, the road will not be smooth in the future!”

Tong Tian couldn’t help but be surprised, and quickly asked: “Dage, what do you mean?”

“Uh, this one.”

Little Heavenly Dao suddenly realized that he had leaked his mouth and revealed the secret secret, so he looked at Ye Tian for help with some embarrassment! Ye Tian gave him a white look, and touched the small head of Xiao Tongtian with an eager face, slowly And said: “Tongtian, your friend, little Qilin, no four, there will be a catastrophe in the future, I am afraid it will be hard to escape.”

“The Great Tribulation”

Tong Tian looked blank, and asked very nervously: “Uncle, can you save him?”

“Uncle, you have great magical powers and you can’t do things, you should be able to save him.”

Xiao Tongtian looked forward to it.

Ye Tian shook his head.

If he makes a move, he can indeed save the four non-physical elements, but in that case, it will completely mess up the heaven and the earth.

In case it is not good at that time, I am afraid that this ancient world will be backlashed, which will affect the road to Pan Gu’s resurrection, so

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Ye Tian has always acted extremely cautiously.

“Tongtian, you have your friends to save, uncle, I also have my brothers to save.

All of this has long been doomed, and it is difficult for others to intervene.”

“Your Father God Pan Gu is my brother, and everything I do is to resurrect your Father God.

All of this has Karma, uncle and I cannot be an exception.”

Having said this, Ye Tian paused and looked at Tongtianyu and said earnestly: “Therefore, Little Qilin Simei is your friend. Only you can save it, and only you can save it, so that you can comply with the fixed number of heaven and earth, and will not cause heaven and earth. turmoil.”

“This is also the Karma between you and the four. Uncle, if I intervene in it, it won’t work.”

Xiao Tongtian seemed to understand but not understand.

“So Xiao Tongtian, if you really want to save your friends, then you will have to cultivate well in the future.”

“Only when you are strong, can you save your friends and protect the people you want to protect, so that you can control all this and change all this.”

“Do you understand the sky!”

Ye Tian said slowly, hoping that Tongtian would understand.

Xiao Tongtian beside him finally understood Ye Tian’s good intentions, and nodded heavily.


“Uncle! I know! Don’t worry, I will cultivate it!”

“I will definitely go down and do not let him suffer any harm!”

At this moment, Xiao Tongtian’s eyes became extremely firm, and it seemed that he had never been as firm as today.

He turned his head and looked into the distance with a serious expression: “Four different, don’t worry, I will definitely come to save you in the future!”

After saying this, in his young mind, a firm thought sounded at the same time: “I must cultivate!”

“Only in the future can I protect Uncle Dage, protect Dage brother! Protect the person I want to protect”

Xiao Tongtian thought in his heart that the thoughts in his heart were extremely firm.

He sprinted directly to the Kunlun Mountain in front of him: “Uncle, Dage, I’m going one step ahead, I’m going back to cultivate!!”

Listening to Xiao Tongtian’s voice, looking at his little figure running away, Ye Tian couldn’t help but nodded in relief.

Nuoli was able to teach such a Tongtian.He was very satisfied and had high expectations for Tongtian.

“Uncle, you have high expectations for Tongtian.”

Little Heavenly Dao looked at Ye Tian and said with emotion.

“Naturally, I raised him since I was a child, and I have high hopes for him.”

“I am going to let this kid inherit my legacy and orthodoxy in the future!”

Ye Tian stood with his hand, and said softly, with a look of pride.

With the proud descendant of Tongtian, he is naturally very satisfied.


“Inherit the legacy orthodoxy!”

Little Heavenly Dao was shocked when he heard these words, and his whole body was shocked! His eyes were so wide that he couldn’t believe it! Quality! “The legacy of Dao Sage!”

“The Orthodoxy ruled by Chaos!”

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