Chapter 125 : Hong Jun Daoist! Come to grab apprentices? -Seeking all kinds of support!

“This seat came from Kunlun in the west, and I am here today at Kunlun Mountain. When I see you, it is very predestined!”

Heard this sentence.

Ye Tian’s feet were involuntarily stagnated, his eyebrows were slightly raised, and a burst of light burst out of his eyes! This person turned out to be from West Kunlun!! Then it is self-evident who came from this mountain!! Others! It is the Hong Jun Daoist of West Kunlun! It is for: high lying Ninth Stage sky, futon is Daozhen, heaven and earth are mysterious and yellow, I am the head teacher! Pan Gu produces Taiji, two rituals and four elephants, one pass three friends, two The teacher explains the cut-off, the leader of Xuanmendu, and Hong Jun is qi.

Now this Hong Jun Daoist, which is the original time and space, that… The Supreme Dao ancestor in the legend of Ancient World! It is the ancestor of the future Xuanmen, the Master of Sanqing, the spokesperson of Heavenly Dao! Hong Jun Daoist! As the previous life Samsara, and San Qing has a great Karma Master.

I traveled all the way from West Kunshan to this point. At the last whim, I went to Kunlun Mountain. It was originally a tour, but when I saw it up the mountain, I saw Daddy and the original brothers! Hong Jun was deeply surprised by Daddy and the original blessing. The relationship is deep, the foot is extraordinary, I am greatly admired, and I am very fond and satisfied in my heart.

Under the influence of this view, for some reason, under the guidance of Karma’s secret, the three people actually developed a natural sense of intimacy, and they also feel that they are destined! Here Hong Jun and Daddy are originally in the Yuxu Palace. Talking is very happy, very destined! At this time, Xiao Tongtian, who happened to be the first to rush back from the East China Sea, happened to be hit by Hong Jun! As soon as he saw the third youngest Xiao Tongtian who appeared last, Hong Jun’s eyes flashed with sparkle He could tell at a glance, this little Tongtian has the deepest blessings and the highest perceptive talents, and it will definitely be extraordinary in the future! “All three of them must be included in my sect, especially this Tongtian! Absolutely not to be missed!”

Facing these three brothers, Hong Jun smiled kindly and settled in his heart. He wanted to put the three Tongtian brothers under his sect and be his disciple! And just in Hong Jun, he reported himself to his family. When brainwashing the three brothers, Ye Tian just rushed back right now and heard the sentence Hong Jun said just now.

Ye Tian reacted at once, and understood that Hong Jun was inside! “Good thief!”

“A kidnapped guy!”

“This snatcher actually grabbed the door of my house. Ye Tian couldn’t help but curse in secret!! But he didn’t rush out directly, and stopped, and at the same time, he also grabbed the little Heavenly Dao.

The two stood outside the Great Hall and listened.

Ye Tian wanted to take a look, what kind of demon this Hong Jun can make when he comes to Kunlun this time! In the palace, Hong Jun Daoist stroked his long white beard, with a gentle appearance like a master, facing the front The three Tongtian brothers smiled and said gently: “This seat is located in West Kunlun. When the world first opened, it was favored by the world and received a great good fortune!

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“Now that you have cultivated to the pinnacle of the quasi-sage, you will be able to break through the bottleneck in the future and reach the position of Sage, just around the corner!”

In the palace, Hong Jun’s voice came slowly.

Obviously, Hong Jun is now pouring the ecstasy soup for the Tongtian three brothers. When he speaks, he is very eloquent, and it is really continuous and endless! “Damn, this old man’s boasting ability is really not bad!”

“If you don’t do sales, it would really waste a talent! Even Ye Tian can’t stand it anymore.

Secretly cursed in my heart! “This seat is from the west of Kunlun Lixuanmen Taoism, and there is no one under the door.”

“This time I traveled to the Ancient World world, I just wanted to recruit a few apprentices who were acquainted with me.”

“This time on Kunlun, I feel that I am very close to you three brothers!”

“I don’t know if the three of you now have a pedigree, are you willing to join my Hong Jun sect”

Hong Jun Daoist said slowly, and finally said his intention and purpose.

A pair of slightly muddy eyes stared at the three Tongtian brothers back and forth, wanting them to agree to nod their heads.

“Return to the Taoist Master, we are still there: there is no teacher from the school, only an uncle to teach us our practice.”

Daddy, as the Dage of the three, took the lead in answering.

“Oh, I haven’t gotten a good teacher, so good, very good, just don’t have it!”

Hong Jun Daoist’s face suddenly became happy, and he couldn’t help stroking his gray beard, and he was very happy! I haven’t learned from the school, then this is very good, these three people can worship me!! Hong Jun was very happy in his heart, and his brows were beaming, and he didn’t care about the “uncle” in daddy’s mouth.

Two words.

Even if he noticed it, he didn’t care at all.

As a quasi-sage pinnacle and great consummation, if you want to accept people as disciples, no one will refuse it. Then the three of them… the so-called uncle, I am afraid that he will cry and shout to himself as a master. I am grateful and grateful! Hong Jun thought this way in his heart. He felt that the overall situation was settled and almost stabilized. There should be no changes or surprises! He straightened his back immediately to make the whole person look a little more majestic, and then looked at the sky. The three of them finally said: “In that case, the Cultivation Base has just completed its success. At this time, it is gathering disciples!”

“Since the three of you have a good relationship with me, then all of you will follow this seat to go back to Kunlun, West, and enter my Hong Jun to practice.”

He is aloft at this time, and he is a full-fledged model of immortal power.

With that robe and long gray beard, it looks really a bit outsider, and looks like a fairy tale.

Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading

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