Chapter 138 : Your life and death are determined by your own seat! -Seeking support and subscription!

With the good and evil cut by Hong Jun, the three corpses disappeared! At this moment, Hong Jun, Dao’s heart is completely broken! He lay down on the top of Kunlun Mountain, under the jade steps of Yuxu Palace, and his entire soul was lost and his eyes were lost. chaos.

The vitality of his whole body is fading quickly, and his face is completely pale, and the whole person has become weak in spirit and malaise!! At this moment, he, Dao Ji has been destroyed, and his Dao heart is completely broken, even if he is not dead, he is still one. It’s useless.

In the future, there will be no further progress or breakthrough in practice! Ye Tian slowly approached, condescending, looking down at Hong Jun.

At this time, Hong Jun did not raise his head.He felt Ye Tian approaching, and his heart was dead and desperate.

He couldn’t imagine that in front of Ye Tian, ​​he couldn’t even blew himself up! At this moment, he no longer cares about life and death.

“Kill me!”

“I just want to die now!”

Hong Jun lowered his head, his voice was hoarse, his expression was haggard, and his face was extremely lonely.

“This seat has already said that in front of this seat, even if you want to die, you have to get your consent!”

“If you want to kill you, you won’t survive for a moment!”

“If you don’t want to kill you, you can’t even die!”

Hong Jun was shocked, he raised his head with disheveled hair, and smiled miserably at Ye Tian: “Is it right now that I can’t even want to die?”

Ye Tian stood with his hand and shook his head, condescendingly said coldly: “You still don’t understand?”

“Your life and death! Now all are under the control of this seat!”

“You can’t help but make your own decisions!”

“Life and death, you have your own seat to decide!!”

Hong Jun smiled miserably, trembling all over, tears rolling down, the winner was the king and the loser since ancient times, and it has always been like this! Since he was the first to be greedy, the three people who calculated the sky first will provoke him. A catastrophe, and thus offended Ye Tian’s negative scale! Then all of this is considered to be his own blame, then no longer… No wonder Ye Tian is so cruel! After all this is figured out, Hong Jun’s obsession is let go .

He closed his eyes slightly, and asked in a hoarse voice, “Then what do you plan to do with me?”

His heart is dead now, and he has long looked down on life and death, so even if Ye Tian completely annihilated him, he doesn’t care now.

After all, he has nothing now, Dao heart collapsed, and being alive now has no meaning to him, but it is a kind of painful torture! Ye Tian squinted slightly, thinking about handling Hong Jun.

It is to directly kill and completely annihilate him, so that his body and spirit will be wiped out, and he will never use his Cultivation Base, directly throw it down or directly imprison him, let him live deep in the nine secluded, never sky Ye Tian’s heart is uncertain.

Because after all, this Hong Jun is a character in the Ancient World world, the pinnacle of power! In the original time and space, he is the supreme Taoist ancestor who dominates the Ancient World, the master of the Three Sages and the Six Sages! In the world of Ancient World, the person who is the most blessed and good fortune luck, otherwise it would be impossible for him to get so many treasures, and in the end it is a successful sanctification! The extraordinary thing about Hong Jun is that he is a real person with great luck.

So at this time, Ye Tian

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He hesitated a little, thinking about what to do with him is the most appropriate! Ye Tian stretched out his right hand, and counted again and again with five fingers.

As he counted, he turned his head to look at the big nephews behind him! “What do you think is the best way to deal with him?”

At this time, the three Tongtian brothers and the little Heavenly Dao were completely stunned by Ye Tian’s supreme magical powers just now, and everyone was shocked and deeply convinced! Before they all only knew that Uncle Own was very powerful. , But how powerful this is, and how powerful it is, they don’t have a concept at all, and they don’t know anything! Knowing that at this time, seeing Ye Tian lightly sling and hit the pinnacle of the quasi-sage Hong Jun.

Moreover, even when Hong Jun has so many tricks and countless treasures, he still defeats Hong Jun directly and easily. This is simply a victory! And the victory is easy and effortless! At this time, they are only Really understand.

It turns out that the uncle Own is so strong that he is so powerful and terrifying! It is simply unimaginable! Let them, as nephews, feel extremely proud and proud! As if they are proud of you, There is light on their faces! The confidence in their hearts is even more full! And Yuan and Daddy looked at each other, secretly cursing in their hearts that they were really blind just now! Putting such a powerful uncle in front of them as if they hadn’t seen it , But was overwhelmed by Hong Jun’s fascination. Just now he almost went to the cunning sect of Hong Jun! Thinking about it now, the two of them were still afraid and frightened for a while, and secretly blamed themselves.

So now that Ye Tian is asking for their opinions, both of them hate Hong Jun very much, and their anger is hard to calm.

I think that in response to Daddy’s silence, the original said directly: “Uncle! This person is unpredictable and insidious. I think that if you keep it, it will be a disaster sooner or later, or just kill it.”

Daddy heard that, a bright light appeared in his eyes, but still did not speak, and chose to remain silent.

Ye Tian glanced at Primal, but did not speak.

Then he looked at daddy again, and saw that he didn’t mean to speak, so he gave up, so he finally looked at Tongtian: “Tongtian, what do you mean?”

Xiao Tongtian thought for a while, and then he said: “Uncle, this person is useless to kill, but it is useful to keep it.”

“His Cultivation Base is not weak, and he will be able to drive his uncle in the future, which can save uncle a lot of heart!”

“Besides, there is an uncle sitting in town, and I am not afraid that he will make waves in the future.”

Ye Tian nodded after hearing this: “So what you mean is, leave him for his life and earn him under my Kunlun sect”


Tongtian nodded.

Ye Tian didn’t say anything, he turned to look at Ancient World little Heavenly Dao.

At this time, the little Heavenly Dao had a flattering smile, and smiled at Ye Tian: “I don’t have any ideas.”

“But I think the uncle has already made a decision in his heart. It is the one who listens to the uncle together!”

Ye Tian nodded slowly.

At this time, the results he deduced had also come out.

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