Chapter 143 : The destined person of Qiankun Ding! The East Window incident happened… {sixth more}

“What’s wrong with the second brother”

Tongtian doubted.

After being noticed by Tongtian, the primitive smiled embarrassedly, and said: “Tongtian, Qingyun of the heavens is a self-defense treasure, and your Pan Gu flag is the treasure of attack.”

“Under this defensive and first attack, cooperate with each other, and then the power will inevitably increase, and you can stand invincible!”

“But if these two treasures are used separately, then the power of each will be greatly reduced by that time, it is really a pity, so I want to hey for my brother.”

Although the original final words were not said, the meaning of this is already very clear, and it is almost clear to the sky. “Oh, it turns out that it is like this, second brother, if you don’t say it, I really don’t know!”

Tongtian suddenly realized.

Then he looked at Primordial with a simple face, and his face was filled with joy and excitement: “Second brother, what do you mean, do you want to give me Qingyun from the heavens?”

“Then you take the remaining Qiankun Ding yourself, right”

Xiao Tongtian blinked, with a look of expectation! “Uh, you, this this”

Primitive stammering, he felt that what he was there was stuck in his throat, he wanted to say but couldn’t say it, he was stuck in his heart, making him a little embarrassed, and his heart was depressed.

I don’t mean…that’s what I mean!! Primordial groaning in his heart.

But at this time, Tongtian walked directly to Yuanyuan’s side, with a smile on his face, and said in gratitude: “Second brother, if you don’t think you are so generous, I’m not welcome, little brother!”

When Tongtian said, he stretched out his hand and fetched the Qingyun from the heavens!! “Eh, don’t don’t”

Originally, I was completely anxious.

The dumb eats coptis and can’t tell! He directly stopped Tongtian, and said with a reluctant smile: “Tongtian, Tongtian, I just said it casually, just casually.”

“Actually, it’s not bad to separate the two treasures, each has its own magical functions.

When Tong Tian heard this, he frowned and stared: “Second brother, you didn’t… just said that.”

Primordial looked embarrassed, so he had to chuckled and laughed: “I was just kidding you, didn’t I just joke with you, who knows you are so serious.”

“Oh, that’s how it is.”

Tongtian grumbled, looking sullen.

“Haha, haha.”

Primitive only laughed a few times.

“Huh, okay!”

Tong Tian gave Yuan an angry look, took the direct Pan Gu flag and left.

Leave the primitive messy alone, don’t mention how depressed and helpless he is.

Pan Gu, who wanted to pass the sky, didn’t get it, but almost Qingyun from the sky got in, which really made him a little depressed and embarrassed.

Ye Tian, ​​who was not far away, couldn’t help but shook his head when he saw this scene, snickering in his heart.

These few people, including the Ancient World little Heavenly Dao next to him, are counted as one, are all ghosts and ghosts, and none of them are fuel-efficient lamps.

“When these little guys will grow up in the future, I don’t know how many moths will come out in the future.

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Ye Tian secretly said in his heart.

As a result, Tongtian, primitive, and daddy 3 each got a treasure.

In this way, in the void, there is only the most precious treasure of the Qiankun Ding! Ye Tian originally wanted to distribute the Qiankun Ding to them, but after a calculation, the three people of the sky 3 are actually with this Qiankun Ding. Undestined! In the dark, this Qiankun Cauldron has other people with its blessings, and there will be a great catastrophe and great good fortune in the future, and this Qiankun Cauldron needs to be used.

Now that I understand the reason, this Qiankun Cauldron can no longer be given to others.

Ye Tian immediately waved his hand and put the Qiankun Ding into his sleeves.

“This Qiankun Ding belongs to its true owner in the future, so I will accept it first and let it wait for fate to benefit the Ancient World world in the future.”

Ye Tian said slowly, Tong Tian and others also nodded.

They were not very interested in this Qiankun Ding at first.

So far, the four most treasures, of which the Qiankun Ding was temporarily put away by Ye Tian.

And Tongtian got the Pan Gu flag.This piece was originally an attack Magic Treasures of the original Celestial Venerable in the original time and space, but now it has fallen into the hands of Tongtian, which can be described as a good fortune.

And Daddy and the original two got Taiji Tu and Qingyun of the heavens respectively.

This attribution is the same as in the original time and space, and nothing has changed.

At this point, the four treasures that originally belonged to Hong Jun have been completely divided up, and the three Tongtian brothers are all happy and very satisfied.

And at this moment, Hong Jun Daoist, who went to the Western world to find the missing ten second-rank merit golden lotus, just rushed back at this moment.

It was just right when he came back. There was no one minute early, and no one minute late.

Just as a few people had just finished dividing these treasures and were playing with them in their hands, before he had time to put them away, he happened to be stuck at this point and returned.

Hong Jun stepped out of the void and stood on the void.

When the day was about to slowly go down, I glanced down at this and saw this scene.

He stopped in the air for an instant, blinked slightly, wondering if he had seen it wrong.

And the people underneath who had just finished dividing the treasures also sensed the strangeness in the sky.

Tongtian and the others all raised their heads and took a look, with the smile of the treasure they had just received, and their expressions of joy that could not be concealed.

But when they saw the Hong Jun deity appearing in the sky, all of them seemed to be frozen.

The smile on that face also seemed to be: it was frozen at this moment, and the smile gradually became a little stiff.

The treasures in their hands were still motionless at this time, and they were tightly held in their hands.

So on the entire Kunlun mountain peak, the atmosphere began to become a little subtle in an instant. The scene was very embarrassing. I didn’t expect it to be so fast: almost now, every day is updated at the bottom of the six, almost ten thousand. Thousand Characters has been working hard every day, and I also ask everyone to support the pill.

Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading

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