Chapter 147 : Fierce beast catastrophe! The final battle! Demon! !

Ye Tian looked at the two golden boys and girls at her feet, and nodded with satisfaction: “Okay!”

“From now on, you two will fall under the gate of this seat and become Taoists around this seat.”

These two Innate creatures on Kunlun were formed by themselves, and they can be regarded as a Karma good relationship formed by own.

Under Ye Tian’s deduction.

These two Taoists, Haotian and Yaochi, will be the people of the destiny in the future, and they will come to the Dabao in the future to dominate the party! They can also be regarded as people with deep blessings and good fortune opportunities! So now we will treat these two people. Recruit as a Taoist boy and stay with you to cultivate and teach well, so as to benefit the ancient world in the future.

“Yes! Thanks to the ancestor!”

Haotian and Yaochi both bowed to the ground, grateful.

“Come on, Haotian, Yaochi, Kunlun is so big, I will take you around!”

At this time, Xiao Tongtian saw two more friends, and he was very happy and excited at the moment, and he walked over directly, preparing to take Haotian and Yaochi to visit Kunlun Mountain.

Haotian and Yaochi looked at each other, and their eyes were a little bit of heartbeat and excitement.They raised their heads and looked at Ye Tian at 950, for fear that Ye Tian would disagree.

Ye Tian waved his hand and said with a smile: “You don’t have to be restrained, let’s go.”

“Let Tongtian take you around and get familiar with Kunlun Mountain.”

The two Haotian Yaochi’s faces suddenly showed big smiles, and they bowed to Ye Tian again, and ran away with Xiao Tongtian.

The three little guys talked and laughed along the way, playing and making trouble, it was very lively.

Looking at the back of Tong Tian and their departure, Ye Tian smiled.

With the arrival of these two Taoists, Kunlun Mountain should be much more lively in the future.

It’s okay here.At this time, Ancient World Little Heavenly Dao also bid farewell to Ye Tian and went back to Tianwaitian.

Under the mountain forest, there was only Ye Tian left.

At this time, Ye Tian was thinking and muttering to himself: “Now that Hong Jun is under my sect, I can’t think of a big wave.”

“It’s just that the fierce beast catastrophe has not passed yet, but this Western Demon Ancestor Luo Hui has begun to faintly appear again.”

“This is really a change with one link, one calamity is connected to one calamity!”

“It deserves to be an immeasurable calamity.”

Ye Tian looked into the distance: “It seems that Hong Jun must enter the world as soon as possible to resolve the added calamity.”

He thought for a while, and he was ready to wait until Hong Jun came back.He said that his figure was a flash, and he instantly returned to the Yuxu Palace on the top of Kunlun Mountain.

“First sleep first.”

Ye Tian yawned.This problem of sleeping late in the past life has become a great way, and Sage still hasn’t changed it.

“What fierce beast catastrophe, devil ancestor Luo Hu, wait until I wake up!”

Ye Tian squinted his eyes slightly, took a step directly, disappeared in the same place, and didn’t know where he ran to cool off.

At this point, things on Kunlun Mountain have come to an end.

At this time, the mountain is in the endless Ancient World.

Innate integrated by Ye Tian

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The alliance, at this time, is preparing for war, preparing to launch a counterattack against the beast army! After Ye Tian left, the three tribes of the Innate Hundred Clan Alliance were the most powerful.

Therefore, the three god-tier beasts, Shi Qilin, Yuanfeng, and Zulong, became the main brain leaders of the entire alliance! At this time, this Ancient World army of beasts, countless beasts, really mighty and slayed from all directions. Innate Hundred Races Alliance.

Qilin, Yuanfeng, and Zulong are the three major Innate beasts, as the strongest quasi-jihad power at the moment.

At this moment, the three of them are standing high in the sky, looking at the ancient world beasts that are constantly rushing to kill in the distance. Everyone has a determined look on their faces! At this moment, the three god-tier beasts are in one heart, vowing to be in harmony with each other. The army of fierce beasts will fight to the death! They will ascend to the sky in one step, command the Ancient World, and reign in the world! Lost! Then the body will die, the creatures will be destroyed, and all living things will be extinct! Therefore, you must fight to the death!! Never retreat!!! In the distant sky.

In the army of fierce beasts, a huge burly figure slowly stepped forward, and every step it stepped on, there was a lot of smoke and dust, and the earth shook! The whole body is tall and majestic, with blue clouds above its head and feet on the ground. It is really a giant. .

This person has a bear body and a tiger head, and he is fierce, and he is the leader of the army of fierce beasts.

The Beast Emperor God Ni! At this time, the Shen Ni, compared to the time when Ye Tian suppressed it thousands of years ago, has become a lot bigger, taller and stronger, and the aura of the whole body has also become: extremely powerful.

Since being suppressed by Ye Tian in the valley for thousands of years, he has been in those years: crazy practice in the valley, just waiting to keep the last Golden Immortal Realm from falling.

Thousands of years have passed, and when he walked out of the valley, the Ancient World outside had changed drastically.

There are some quasi-sages and Daluo Jinxian everywhere outside, even Taiyi Jinxian doesn’t know how much. At this time, he is just the Jinxian Realm, which is not enough to see! So the gods are desperate, and he is a fierce beast. The Lord in the Great Tribulation, as the Great Demon of the World, made a great aspiration to the Ancient World world, vowing to destroy the Ancient World world and destroy the entire world! This vow is one place, in the entire Ancient World world, there are countless Chaos Demonic God’s blood and endless grievances gathered in him one after another! Let him go from the golden fairy realm, breaking five, Taiyi Golden Fairy, breaking five, Da Luo Jinxian, straight into the realm of the quasi-sage peak, and cultivated the golden fairy of the golden immortal perfection. ! And those fierce beasts that died all over the Ancient World were resurrected at the moment when he reached the top of the quasi-sage, resenting the ferocity, preparing to bloodbath the entire Ancient World world and exterminate all living creatures! “Beast Emperor! Innate people of the hundred races , All retreat to the east coast!”

“It is dominated by the three god-tier beast tribes, and there are currently about millions of people!”

At this time, the Ancient World beast, which has always been wise, flew from a distance and brought this news! “Okay!”

“The whole army is ready! A decisive battle!”

“Vengeance, Destroy Ancient World!”


A loud and loud sound of rough mine resounded through the sky and the earth, and blasted in the ears of every Ancient World beast! Every Ancient World beast was shocked, with scarlet eyes and blood teeth, extremely irritable, and began to go crazy. Howling! They are extremely brutal and bloodthirsty, and they are extremely eager to kill!! This moment! The final battle is finally here! This day! World-destroying demon, Beast Emperor God! Rate millions of cruel bloodthirsty Fight against countless beings and spirits of the Innate Hundred Races Alliance!!! Feilu reminds you: Three things to read, please keep this paragraph for collection

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