Chapter 149 : Besieged the Beast Emperor God Ni! ! –Please support! !

“Go! Follow me down the mountain!”

“Look at the final outcome of this fierce beast catastrophe with your own eyes!”

Ye Tian took the lead, Hong Jun followed closely, and the three Tongtian brothers, and Haotian Yaochi, also followed one by one.

This time, it has been a long time, and the battle has been fighting for tens of thousands of years.The final outcome is about to come.They all want to follow it and see the world.

“Uncle, Hajime Qilin should be fine, right”

Xiao Tongtian pulled Ye Tian’s sleeves and asked nervously.

He met Hajime Qilin and became good friends.

Moreover, Qilin is still Tongtian’s first good friend, so Tongtian attaches great importance to this “Nine-Five Zero”

Friendship, but also very concerned about the safety of Qilin.

Although Tongtian has made a lot of friends over the years, he is not as good as Haotian Yaochi and others, but he still cares about his old friend Qilin very much.

Ye Tian smiled lightly, stroked Tongtian’s little head and said: “Don’t worry, that…little Qilin is fine now.”

“He became a quasi-sage last time, and now there are not many people who can hurt him in the entire Ancient World, so you don’t have to worry too much.” This novel was first published by “Dragon”.


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After Ye Tian comforted Tong Tian, ​​Tong Tian nodded slightly and relaxed a little.

At this time, Ye Tian’s talk changed: “Tongtian, now Xiao Qilin is already the realm of the quasi-sage. As his friend, you are still only breaking through to the Da Luo Jinxian. From now on, you have to work hard!”

After tens of thousands of years of cultivation, Xiao Tongtian has now grown from the Taiyi Golden Immortal realm to the Daluo Golden Immortal, with five qi leading to the origin, and three flowers gathering at the top! The speed of this cultivation is not unpleasant, among a few people, The one who is the hardest in practice and the fastest progress.

But even so, compared with his little friend Qilin, who became a quasi-sage in one step, he still lost a big Realm.

So Ye Tian also wants to take this opportunity to inspire Tongtian! Tongtian lowered his head, with a serious expression on his face, finally nodded, and said seriously: “Uncle, I understand!”

“I will work hard! Strive for an early breakthrough!”

Ye Tian nodded with satisfaction. Over the years, he has been teaching Tongtian himself. Fortunately, Tongtian has not failed his expectations. He is very upbeat and has never let him down! Talking here, under Ye Tian’s magical powers, Everyone is very much Kunlun Mountain, and they came to the depths of Ancient World’s 100,000 mountains! At this time, the 100,000 mountains, mountains, and ground collapsed peaks have been smeared everywhere, and they are almost barren and destroyed.

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Ye Tian brought the crowd to the cloud, and the Shenni swept away, and found the location of the beast emperor Shenni and the three god-tier beasts.

“Well, are you besieging God Ni? Ye Tian was silent in his heart, and under a wave of his sleeves, everyone was on the top of the cloud! Everyone stood on the top of the cloud, isolated from all auras, all condescending, overlooking below.

This time, in the 100,000 deep mountains below, the war situation is very clear! Innate Hundred Clan and Ancient World fierce beasts are very distinct,! At this time, the Ancient World fierce beasts, only the beast king Shenni and a few powerful heads are left. On the other hand, when looking at Innate’s hundred clan, there are still countless powerful powers left! At this time, all the strong men of Innate’s hundred clan have surrounded the beast king Shenni and others, ready to completely cut down Kill the culprit of this fierce beast tribulation!! Soon after coming out of the beast emperor, the remaining powerful fierce beasts finally fell. Under the siege of many powerful men, they were completely The ashes are extinguished, and the dead can no longer die! And the leader of the fierce beast, the beast emperor Shenni, faced all of this, but could only watch it all happen, and wanted to stop it, but he was already powerless! It’s powerless to return to heaven! It’s even hard to protect yourself! Soon in the end, but all the fierce beasts were killed by the strong of Innate’s hundred races, and within the entire hundred thousand mountains, there was only the only one left. That one fierce beast! That is the last Beast Emperor God Ni! At this time, the Beast Emperor Shen Ni, knelt on one knee, and a huge hole had been opened in his chest. Countless thick black blood was coming from The wound gurgled down, soaking the entire ground.

He has now suffered serious injuries. The big hole in his chest was pierced by the three of Hajilin, Yuanfeng and Zulong! It was slashed by Hajilin’s lightning, and Yuanfeng’s phoenix fire. The dragon flames of Ancestral Dragon burned past, and it was already bloodstained, and his vitality was severely injured! Haji Qilin panted hard, and looked up at the three huge figures in front of him bitterly! In front of him, the Zheng standing in front was impressive. It is the three major Innate beasts, Hajilin, Yuanfeng and Zulong! Under the full battle, the three god-tier beasts now all show all the original true beasts! The true body of the three god-tier beasts is huge and no 5.

The 2 ratio, covering the sky and covering the moon, is like a huge and majestic mountain. It is not thinner than the beast king! In this battle, they showed the true form of the beast, and they played 100% of their strongest Fighting power!! Everyone did not keep their hands, and used their strongest tricks, so that they can work together to deal a heavy blow to the invincible God! With the three Innate beasts joining hands, it is indeed invincible! At this time, The trio 3 stood in front of Shenni, looking at the defeated general coldly! “Shenni, you have no way to escape! Today is bound to die!”

Zu Long said coldly.

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