Chapter 152 : Hong Jun should be robbed into the game, the seven kills battle against the pinnacle of the saint!

Ye Tian is ready to send Hong Jun off the field, ready to help the Innate Hundred Clan and restore the situation! As someone who is not an outsider in the Ancient World world, if Ye Tian intervenes in it, it will cause a backlash of the amount of calamity.

But Hong Jun and the others are different, because Hong Jun was originally a creature born in this Ancient World. It belongs to this Ancient World and is considered a person in the robbery! Since it belongs to the person in the robbery, then it should be a person who deserves to be robbered. Qualification! Since it is possible to respond to the catastrophe, it is natural to make a move, and it is justified! So even if Ye Tian lets Hong Jun make a move, it will not violate the rules and will not cause a catastrophe backlash!! This is Ye Tian before. The reason why Hong Jun is prepared to survive! Because of the identity of Hong Jun, a native creature in the Ancient World, he can help him and do a lot of things that are inconvenient for him! Now, it is time to send Hong Jun! “Hong Jun, You are a local creature of Ancient World! If you can respond to this fierce beast catastrophe, it will be considered a great merit!”

“This is also your chance, good fortune! It will definitely benefit infinitely in the future!”

“So this opportunity, you have to seize it!”

Ye Tian warned 950 with earnest words.

Sending Hong Jun to the battle is actually tempering Hong Jun, giving him a chance to become Taoist! “Yes, master!”

“Hong Jun understands, thank you Master!”

Hong Jun bowed to lead! This time Ye Tian allowed him to play, and it was also a good opportunity for him to get the opportunity to prove the way! The opportunity is rare, and you must perform well in order to live up to the expectations! He then stepped down the cloud and flew One hundred thousand mountains down! “Fellow daoist! Poor Dao is here to help you!”

Hong Jun yelled, walking in the air under his feet, and the sound shook thousands of miles! The three god-tier beasts in the distance were all stunned, looking into the high sky in the distance, his face instantly showed joy! “Hong Jun Daoist! ”

“The ancestor sent Hong Jun Daoist to help us!”

The powerful people of the hundred races also looked up, with excitement on their faces! For tens of thousands of years, Ye Tian has been secretly supporting them behind, letting Hong Jun act as a middleman, and teaching them a lot of methods! Therefore! They are naturally very familiar with Hong Jun! Now seeing Hong Jun coming, it must have been ordered by the ancestor of the Ancient World! The great demon god rebellious, looking at Hong Jun flying in the distance, directly He scolded: “Who is Erna, did you come here to die?”

Hong Jun stood in the air, standing in the void, looking at the gods, and said coldly: “I am the ancestor of the Ancient World, so is Hong Jun Daoist!”

“Today, by the order of my master, come to take your life!”

As soon as this statement came out, the Great Demon God Ni was shocked: “Ancient World ancestor”

Although he eroded the soul of Shenni, he also waited for the memory fragments of the ancestor of Ancient World from Shenni’s memory.

In Shenni’s mind, this reality, the ancestor of the mysterious and incomparable Ancient World, is the most terrifying existence he has encountered in his generation!!

It is also to make this World Exterminating Demon involuntarily tremble at this moment! This is the fear and involuntary fear that comes from the soul of the gods!! Jun is full of disdain and hatred! “Whoever comes today?

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Never want to go out alive!”

The World Extinguishing God and Demon roared, and suddenly killed Hong Jun and others! The entire Ancient World world suddenly trembled! The earth was overturned, the sky was dark, and five fingers could not be seen! The whole world seemed to usher in the end. ! This is the terrifying power of the World Exterminating Demon! “Come on!”


Hong Jun shouted! Suddenly the injured three god-tier beasts gritted their teeth and struggled to stand up, forming a big formation with Hong Jun! “Hong Jun cuts!”

“Hong Jun’s good corpse is out!”

“Hong Jun’s evil corpse is out!”

“Hong Jun is out!”

Hong Jun cut out three corpses in an instant, and together with his own deity, a total of four figures!! Four 44 Hong Jun, and three Innate beasts, form a seven-man and seven-big array! “Seven kills!”

This formation was created by Ye Tian and handed over to the three god-tier beasts by Hong Jun, in order to deal with today’s dangerous situation! “The current strength of this world-destroying demon has already entered with one foot. We are in the realm of Sage, only the last half step is needed to prove the way and sanctify!”

“Today’s strength can be regarded as a half-step Sage, or a pinnacle sub-sage!”

Ye Tian looked at the World Extinguishing Demon below, and slowly analyzed.

“I don’t know whether this seven-killing formation composed of seven quasi-saints can suppress this world-destroying great demon!”

Seven kills in a big formation, confrontation with the world-killing demon! Seven quasi-sages, besieging the pinnacle of the sub-sage! Fighting against each other, one blow! That world-killing god and demon, the whole body is incomparable, and it ignores the attack, and the whole body is invincible. , Under the attack of Seven Seven, he was unscathed! As the emperor of fierce beasts, he was originally extremely powerful in blood and flesh! Now with the subsequent blessing of Demon God’s resentment, Ascension, now every part of his body, They are all extremely tyrannical and can ignore attacks! Physically tyrannical, there is no need to deliberately defend, just attack and kill as much as you want! Therefore, the world destroyer directly rushed into the seven-kill formation, facing Hong Jun and others The attack that was issued, he didn’t avoid it, and he resisted it! He resisted the attack, attacked all the way, and directly attacked the seven! It made Hong Jun and others all caught off guard and in a hurry! The attack was ineffective, and he had to evade. If the opponent’s powerful attack is careless, it will be seriously injured or even killed! After a while, Hong Jun and others are suppressed and are at a disadvantage! Looking at him according to this trend, it is only a matter of time before they lose! Unless there are more…variables! A sky-hit fist smashed over, and Hong Jun’s deity flashed away! Although it escaped this strike, it was also Qi Sea surging, and the body’s vitality was disordered, and the corners of the mouth couldn’t help but overflow. Red blood!! Seeing that if this continues, they will be defeated!! Hong Jun frowned, swallowed the fishy sweetness in his throat, then gritted his teeth and directly sacrificed the fragments of the good fortune jade dish! And then again Without hesitation, he took out the last Qiankun Ding!! Even so, it was still not enough to fight against this world-destroying demon! Finally, Hong Jun looked at the top of the cloud in the distance and bowed to the sky. Anxiously prayed: “Hong Jun asks the master to borrow the Lingbao temporarily!”

“Help me wait to kill this demon! As soon as the voice fell, an extremely majestic and majestic voice rang out in the cloud top sky: “Yes!”

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