Chapter 166 : Master of Calabash, Ye Tian bestows Bao Fuxi!

As soon as this word came out, Nuwa’s face was pulled down.

Daddy is really anxious now: “He really flew here by himself!”

Yuan Yuan and Haotian nodded again and again.

At the moment, a few people told the ins and outs of the matter, all one to five to ten.

It turns out that they were all cultivating in the back mountain that day. At this time, three little Calabash suddenly broke through the sky in the distance! What is even more strange is that this little Calabash is very spiritual, and even knows people. Acknowledge the master! Each of the three little Calabash has chosen an own master, namely Daddy, Primal and Haotian.

And these three people suddenly got such an Innate Lingbao inexplicably, and they were naturally extremely happy.

I just didn’t expect that, not long after I just got the little Calabash, I was met by Tongtian and Nuwa who had just returned! And Tongtian then told him and Nuwa to get the treasure under the mountain of Buzhou, and everyone understood. what’s going on.

It turned out that this little girl lost the little Calabash that she had always thought about.

No wonder these little Calabash are so scared.

Now that this matter is clear, everyone will understand it.

Little Nuwa stepped forward with annoyance, and under the vigilant state of the primitive people, looked at the little Calabash one by one.

Daddy got purple-gold Calabash, original purple-black Calabash, and Haotian got purple-green little Calabash.

On top of each little Calabash, there was also a glance with the previous Nuwa, and the names of their owners were engraved on them.

This Lingbao depends on their respective chances.Seeing that these little Calabash are now in the hands of the original and others, this little Nuwa is not to mention how depressed.

“No matter how people stay on the mountain and cultivate, they can get a treasure for no reason.”

“And I waited there for so many days, then I still have to leave me”

Little Nuwa was crying, and she looked wronged, but she looked so cute.

Ye Tian comforted this and patted Little Nuwa on the shoulder: “Well, little girl, this fate only has a fixed number, and it can’t be forced.”

“One vine and seven 7 small Calabash, in the end, five of the 55 have fallen into your hands. Your good fortune is not shallow!!!, don’t be unhappy.”

Little Nuwa nodded stupidly, and then raised her head to look at Ye Tian: “Master Ancestor, where are the other two?”

Except for the five 55 in front of him, there is still Yi and the purple-white little Calabash missing.

Ye Tian pinched a finger and said with a smile: “Then Calabash has also been acquired by someone who is predestined, and you will meet them in the future.”

Little Nuwa paused and sighed softly, and dug her small mouth.

Ye Tian couldn’t help but smiled: “Okay, okay, look at you, this girl is depressed, since you are in Kunlun Mountain, then I can’t be too stingy.”

“I will look for it and see if there are any good treasures

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The gift is for you two brothers and sisters.”


Little Nuwa’s eyes suddenly lit up, his eyes blinked, and there were small stars in his eyes.

“What I say, it can be false”

Ye Tian said with a smile, this girl is still the same as Tongtian, she is still a child, in Ye Tian’s eyes, she is a lively and lovely little girl.

So he treats Nuwa the same way he treats Tongtian, with a little bit of elders watching Junior’s favor.

Right now, Ye Tian directly stretched his hand into the void, slowly taking something out of it.

Soon, Ye Tian took out a guqin from the void! This guqin was extracted by Ye Tian from the Dadao treasure house, and it was the Innate spirit treasure most suitable for Fuxi! This guqin was crystal clear and transparent up and down. , Is made of jade and tencel, with a slight white light shining on it, and the whole body is filled with spirituality, Spiritual Qi, full of spirit.

The upper piano string palace has five roots, which refer to the palace and Shang angle: Zhengyu five sounds:,,,.

Ye Tian slowly took out this crystal jade guqin from the void, and then gently plucked the five strings on it.

Suddenly, a clear and pleasant piano sound reverberated across the entire Kunlun Mountain.

And listening to the sound of the piano, there is also a mysterious power lingering in the hearts of everyone, which can make people feel a moment of tranquility and peace inexplicably.

The mood and mood of the whole person are slowly rising and falling with the sound of this piano, which is very strange.

For a long time, everyone was fascinated and immersed in the sound of the piano.

Ye Tian gently pressed the strings, and the sound of this mountain of piano slowly dissipated and stopped.

Everyone suddenly woke up from the confusion, and they were slightly surprised at the distraction just now.

You know, they are all the pinnacles of Daluo Jinxian and even Quasi-sage, but under the sound of the piano just now, they couldn’t control it.

This couldn’t help but shock everyone’s heart, and they were amazed.

If it seems, this exquisite guqin is definitely not a common product.

Ye Tian scanned the crowd, and then smiled slightly: “This Guqin is an Innate spirit treasure. It is infinite in mystery and can manipulate the soul that controls all things. It is quite extraordinary.”

Having said this, he looked at Fuxi, who was looking forward to joy, smiled and passed the guqin in his hand: “Fuxi, now I will give this guqin to you, I hope you will cherish it, strive to refine it as soon as possible, and achieve your heart. The piano is one.”

“Fuxi thanked the ancestor for the gift!”

“Fuxi will certainly not live up to the expectations of the ancestors!”

Fuxi was overjoyed at once, and carefully and respectfully took over this mysterious guqin, with love in his eyes.

When he got a treasure that he loved, how could the husband beg him to carefully hold the guqin in his hand, feeling inexplicably excited, and finally raised his head and asked Ye Tian respectfully: “Dare to ask the ancestor, this piano has a name pill”

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