Chapter 183 : Bingfa Nanlu! The counterattack begins!

Soon, with Haji Qilin’s order, all the Qilin people in the entire Buzhou mountain range gathered together! The Qilin clan is the fastest reproductive clan of the three clans, with the largest number of people! Now, just There are already tens of millions of Qilin people in this mountain range! Then they drove back with the Qilin people who went out, and there are countless other beast races attached to the Qilin clan, and now they all go to Not Zhoushan rushed over.

The entire Qilin clan, occupying the central land of Ancient World, dominates all the beasts on the entire Ancient World continent, and is the true king of beasts! All the beast races of the mainland have come at their orders and gathered at the foot of the mountain! Just one day. At the bottom of Buzhou Mountain, there were countless figures of beasts, tens of millions of people! “Soldiers go to Nanlu, crusade against the Dragon Race!”

Hajime Qilin gave an order, and all the beasts in the entire Central Ancient World continent responded! The Qilin clan was in front, the most absolute main force, and took the lead to move forward to the south land! Seeing Qilin clan dispatching troops, Yuan Feng was slightly relieved. Come! “Hajime Qilin, then I’ll go back to 30 to prepare for war. We are in the Nanlu Round!”

Yuan Feng flew high with his wings straight, and instantly flew to the sky, rushing back to the undead volcano, preparing to fight back against the dragon clan! Shi Qilin looked at Yuan Feng’s leaving back, and the light flashed in his eyes.

“I belong to the Qilin clan!”

Thinking of this, he immediately couldn’t help but urged: “Quick! Speed ​​up the march!”

After saying that, I just flashed my body, stepped on the blue clouds, and instantly merged into the rolling army! On the undead volcano, facing countless waves, all the Feng clan was angry! “I really want to fight with them. !”

As soon as the voice fell, a huge fiery red figure rushed from the sky and fell directly to the top of the mountain pass! “The ancestors are back!”

“Old ancestor, how is it!”

Yuan Feng looked around at the crowd with a solemn expression, and a fierce murderous air appeared between his brows.

“We have formed an alliance with the Qilin clan, they have already sent troops and will come soon!”

The Phoenix clan heard all the expressions of joy, very happy! With the help of the Qilin clan, the two clans can definitely defeat the dragon clan! Yuan Feng looked at everyone, a touch of majestic and domineering suddenly diffused, she directly ordered, Shen said: “The whole family is up and down, ready to fight back!”


Everyone responded to their orders, countless Phoenix figures flew back and forth, quickly mobilized, and prepared for the final counterattack! Soon everything was ready, and the entire Phoenix bird in the undead room started to move in an orderly manner.

And with their mobilization, the dragon clan guarding outside gradually felt something was wrong.

“Hey, what are these Feng Clan doing is counterattack?”

“Don’t be funny about the counterattack. Now the entire Nanlu is back to our dragon clan, and the current Feng clan is hiding here. She is now counterattacking. Isn’t this looking for her own death?”

Quite a few human races laughed, obviously they didn’t treat it as the same thing at all! But soon

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, The smiles at the corners of their mouths solidified, and in the undead volcanic mountains, countless Phoenix tribes could only see through the defensive enchantment, bee pupae came out, and they all killed them! Countless angry Phoenix tribes will accumulate. Countless angers were all vented, and countless Phoenix flames that fell from the sky rolled down, covering the sky! The entire periphery of the undead mountain range instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire, and countless sea races and dragon races were trapped in it, and they turned into flying ash! In this light, the entire sea clan dragon clan has lost tens of thousands of horses! The quality and more and more Phoenix came out of the mountain, and the dragon clan finally reacted! Countless surroundings, suddenly soundless dragons sounded With a roar, countless dragon clan powerhouses rose into the sky from the surrounding area, and instantly fought with the Feng clan! The Dragon King of the four seas in the distance and the Dragon Emperor Zulong and others are also looking towards the side of the volcano instead of the volcano. ! “Well, the Feng clan fought back”

Zulong squinted his eyes slightly, then waved his big sleeves, and directly ordered: “The whole clan is dispatched to strangle all the Phoenix feather clan that rushed out:!”

Zulong gave an order, and the Dragon King of the Four Seas and the others all responded to their orders, and everyone instantly transformed into a prototype body, and directly roared and killed the Phoenix clan!

“Yuanfeng, today I will let you Feng clan completely submit to me!”

The ancestral dragon said in a cold voice, directly transforming into a huge dragon body, soaring through the clouds and driving the fog, huge! “Houhouhou ancestor dragon roared, directly committed suicide into the battle, and challenged the last Yuanfeng! Yuanfeng in the distance saw the ancestors. Long Chao killed him, and he couldn’t help but sneered in his heart: “Zu Long, I will make you regret it today!”

With a groan, Yuan Feng soared directly to the Ancestral Dragon! In an instant, the two of them fought countless tricks, and the fight was dizzy. The entire sky was dazzling with gold and sparks! There were fierce battles everywhere near the undead volcano. , Countless Phoenix clan and dragon clan smashed! The Feng clan’s breath has been held in his heart for too long, and now all of them are raging to the sky, and they are not fighting hard! And the dragon clan is full of people, and the entire Phoenix The whole family was besieged on the side of the undead volcano, fighting frantically! In the sky, Zulong and Yuanfeng retreated in a battle, and their respective figures were shocked and retreated thousands of miles! “Yuanfeng, you are not mine! Opponent, accept your fate!”

“As long as your Phoenix tribe submits to my dragon tribe, I can let you go alive!”

Zu Long looked at Yuan Fengdao coldly. In his opinion, the Feng Clan was just struggling to death. It would not take long before it would be completely defeated again! “Don’t think about it!”

Yuan Feng yelled angrily, looked at Zu Long with a sullen face, and said coldly: “Zu Long, who wins and who loses today is still unknown!”

“Don’t be smug too early!”

Zu Long sneered with disdain. When he was about to say something, he couldn’t help but frown, as if he had sensed something! He suddenly turned his head and looked into the distance, only to see countless overwhelming figures flying over the clouds, crowds of people. The number is too large to count, but there are at least tens of millions! Zulong’s eyelids suddenly jumped, and his heart was shocked, and he cried out: “Qilin Clan!”

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