Chapter 185 : Dragon clan’s fiasco! Western Demon!


Countless dragons and sea tribes gave up their defenses, all turned and fled! Seeing the dragons were defeated and fled, the Feng tribe and the Qilin army immediately began a crazy cover-up from behind! Among them, the Feng tribe killed the most. Desperate! When their Feng clan was defeated and fled, countless people were killed by the dragon clan. Now that the dragon clan has fled, this opportunity, this enmity, they naturally want to retaliate! The windless Feng clan desperately chased and killed , The flames in his mouth poured frantically, chasing all the way, the flames along the way, hot for thousands of miles! And Wonfeng and Shi Qilin looked at each other, and they both let out a sigh of relief and nodded slightly! The two of them joined hands, although I severely injured the Ancestral Dragon, but it is not easy to completely kill the opponent! After all, the strength of the three people 3 is similar. If the opponent is forced to desperately, who knows that the other party will explain the matter! Once the Ancestral Dragon burns If the soul or choose to explode, then the two of them are not much better, so at the moment Yuanfeng and Shi Qilin don’t expect to be able to completely slay the Ancestral Dragon at the beginning! They only need to be severely injured and defeated and let him return to the sea. Now that the battle is not over, the two followed this army, following the dragon sea clan army all the way! Tens of millions of coalition forces slayed countless sea clan creatures on the land, corpses and bones, and countless deaths and injuries! The remaining dragon tribe defeated troops flooded into the South China Sea, all rolled into the sea and dived into the abyss of the deep sea! The tide receded, the land reappeared, and the entire sea tribe army was completely driven off the coast, and the sea tribe remaining on the shore had also been Qilin long ago. The Hefeng tribe army has been beheaded and killed! Even the dragon clan leaders such as the Dragon King in the South China Sea are all gray-headed this time, and they have suffered a lot of injuries. The clan hunted down from the shore to the abyss of the South China Sea, and then swept away directly from the South China Sea, the West Sea, the North Sea, and finally the entire dragon clan and the four seas were upset! All the sea clan along the way were trembling, and the dragon emperor Zulong and so on People only dare to hide in the Zulong Palace in the East China Sea.

They can only rely on the powerful palace defense formation to resist the siege of the Qilin and Feng tribes, and they dare not stand up to fight anymore! Facing the joint attack of the two god-tier tribes, the entire dragon tribe is unable to resist! During the war, the Qilin clan and the Feng clan formed an alliance, repelled the dragon clan, and drove the entire dragon sea clan to the inland! At the same time, it conquered the southern land, relieved the danger of the Feng clan, and at the same time severely damaged the sea clan dragon army! The dragon clan was suppressed in the abyss under the sea, and he did not dare to come out! This time the two clan alliance, defeating the dragon clan, can be described as a victory! At this time, over the East China Sea Ancestral Dragon Palace, countless Qilin and Phoenix hovered high, staring at the place below. The magnificent Zulong Palace! In the center, Yuanfeng and Shi Qilin, the two Clan Leaders, stand in the air, overlooking the Zulong Palace in the abyss of the sea.

At this time, in the Ancestral Dragon Palace, there are countless dragon clan descendants, such as Ancestral Dragons, Four Seas Dragon Kings, and a series of dragon clan seniors! At this moment, facing the joint attack of the two clans, they fled all over the world, and after all, there was nowhere to hide. Only in this Ancestral Dragon Palace can it be considered a safe place! Zulong Palace is the palace of the Dragon Palace Ancestral Dragon. The defense formation is strong, even Shi Qilin and Yuan

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It is difficult for Feng and Feng to join forces to break through! “Zulong!”

“Now your Sihai Sea Race has been defeated, I will tell you now!”

“Er and other sea people will only appear in the deep waters in the future, and will never be allowed to go ashore in the future!”

“Let’s not flood the inland and occupy the territory!”

“If you dare to do it, we will see one kill the other today, and we will never show mercy!”

Hajime Qilin and Yuanfeng looked at the Ancestral Dragon Palace coldly below, and said slowly! In the Ancestral Dragon Palace, the injured Zulong was lying on the dragon chair, and his faces were bleak and lonely.

The rest of the Dragon King and Dragon King and Longsun of the Four Seas, who were surrounded by them, were all uneasy and worried at the moment.

They did not expect that the powerful Dragon Clan in the world would one day fall into this field and be blocked by someone at the door of the house, but they dare not go out or make a sound! Hear Qilin and Feng Clan from above! The warning of the two clans, so many descendants of the dragon clan in the Ancestral Dragon Palace at this moment, are angry, but they dare not retort, they can only hang their heads and endure silently.

At this moment, these arrogant dragon races are extremely suffocated, daring to be angry but not reconciled.

Inside the Ancestral Dragon Great Hall, there was a dead silence, oppressed and suffocated! Soon after, the Qilin and Feng tribes on the sea left one after another.

After the coercion on the sea surface disappeared, the countless dragons on the seabed breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally escaped! Zu Long let out a sigh of relief, and his whole body was in pain: He closed his eyes slightly and said nothing.

This battle is officially desolate, and finally ended with the victory of the Qilin and Yuanfeng tribes! Since then, the defeated dragon tribe has been completely suppressed by the two tribes on the bottom of the sea, and will never be allowed to go ashore! After this battle, the tribe tribes The Dragon Clan’s vitality was greatly injured, and the Feng Clan was also greatly damaged in the previous battle.

Therefore, the fastest and most numerous Qilin clan has replaced the dragon clan and became the head of the three god-tier orc clan, and has overwhelmed the entire Ancient World world! After this battle, there has been no war between the three clans since then. , It can be said that there is nothing wrong with each other, and it has been going on for countless years.

And during this period of tranquility and the peaceful coexistence of the three races, the Western world of the Ancient World continent has faintly changed and restless! In the ancestral line of the Western world, Sumeru Mountain, a figure in a black robe emerges from the abyss of darkness. Walk out slowly.

“Closed Door Training for so many years has finally come to fruition.”

He looked into the distance, looked at the entire sky, and his eyes were full of hot light.

“This world will ultimately belong to me!”

“Wait for me, hehehehe”

Under the black robe, there was a cold and palpitating laugh, and the scalp was numb! On this day, the entire Western world began to fall into darkness, and there was still killing! Demon life! Fei Lu reminds you: Three things about reading

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