Chapter 200 : Three tribes made big ambitions! -Seeking support! !

Countless Demon Cultists kneeled and surrendered, and a few people who resisted and committed the most heinous crimes were killed on the spot by Hong Jun! In this way, this Demon Race was completely destroyed, and this group of people will be suppressed and kept forever in the future. In the ruins of the Ancient World in the West, this remnant life! The demon sect is over, then the next thing is the matter of the three tribes.

The three god-tier orc races have suffered heavy losses after this incident, and their vitality has been greatly injured! Now the total number of the three races is only tens of thousands. Compared with the peak period of its heyday, it is simply not the same. Words! After this battle, these three clans have completely returned to the conditions at the beginning of the opening of the sky, and their strength has rapidly declined.

Today’s three clans have a small number of people, and most of the masters have fallen.Even the Clan Leader of the three clans is seriously injured at this moment and is dying.

It can be described as a miserable situation, which makes people sigh.

After Hong Jun solved the demons, he turned to look at the three god-tier beasts.

After this battle, the three god-tier beasts are all disheartened and desperate.

Their whole life of painstaking management was completely wiped out in this battle, and finally fell to such a fate.

The three of us at this moment 3 feel unspeakable in their hearts.

“Three races are fighting, and now the Ancient World world is bleak and miserable. You have committed a lot of sins!”

Hong Jun said slowly.

9 Once teamed up with the three big beasts to siege Shenni, and they have been familiar with each other for so many years.

Now that the trio 3 cannibalize each other to this point, Hong Jun doesn’t know what to say.

The three god-tier beasts slowly raised their heads.

A great war swept through the entire Ancient World, making the heavens and the earth discolored, and the Ancient World turbulent. They had already lost their aura of the heavens and the earth. The road is bumpy! Even if they survived the battle, they won’t do anything… in the future.

Maybe in the whole life, it will be impossible to go further, and even continue to fall Realm, and Realm that can maintain the quasi-sage is already good.

Not only are they like this, even the people of the three races are like this, all of them have karma, which is not tolerated by Heavenly Dao, and it will be difficult to make progress in the future.

Knowing this, the three god-tier beasts raised their heads and looked down at the owner of the mountain, only to see that the original owner had no one in a thousand, dead and wounded! If this continues, these three clans will probably be completely annihilated here. Fang Ancient World world! Feeling the rejection of Heavenly Dao, karma is entangled, the three god-tier beasts are all gloomy.

The battle between the dragon and the phoenix Qilin caused the tragic death of countless creatures in Ancient World, and the disaster of annihilation came.

How to ask Heavenly Dao for forgiveness and escape punishment is their only way out now.

“Hong Jun Daoist, the ancestor, have you ever had any friendship?”

The three of them 3 were frustrated, and suddenly the mysterious and powerful ancestor, so there was a glimmer of hope in their hearts, and they all looked at Hong Jun with eyesight.

Hong Jun thought for a while, and said, “There are indeed!”

He paused and continued: “My ancestor said that the war between your three races has caused countless ancient World creatures to die tragically, which is beyond the reach of heaven and earth.”

“If you want to get rid of karma and resolve disasters, please report the safety of the family.”

“”We should pray for forgiveness from heaven and earth, make great aspirations, and make

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Blessing this square world, maybe it will be able to keep a little bit of vitality.”

Hong Jun slowly said, this is what Ye Tian told him under the deduction.

After listening to the three god-tier beasts, they lost their senses, and finally nodded slowly.

I see.

“Pray for forgiveness from heaven and earth, and make great aspirations for the benefit of this world”

The three of them thought silently, and after a while, Yuan Feng, who was still alive, made up his mind in an instant.

Here they are the Phoenix clan. The clansmen are withered and fallen, and there is not much left, so she is frustrated. In order to save the remaining surviving clansmen, she finally made a decision! Yuan Fengqiang supported the decayed remains, struggling to kneel down On the top of the mountain, looking up at the sky, swearing to heaven and earth, and making a big wish: “Today I, Yuanfeng, the ancestor of the Phoenix clan, Clan Leader, pray for forgiveness from heaven and earth, and swear to Heavenly Dao!”

“From now on, I, the Phoenix family, are willing to keep the southern volcanoes forever, so that the world’s volcanoes will never erupt and benefit the Ancient World!”

“From generation to generation, never go back!”

“I only hope that the heaven and the earth can preserve the blood inheritance of my Phoenix clan!”

Yuan Feng said in a deep voice, a huge voice resounding throughout the world, blasting in the ears of all living beings! This is the promise made by Yuan Feng on behalf of the Phoenix clan, and he wants to pray for forgiveness from heaven and earth. ! And as Yuanfeng made great aspirations, that Zulong and Shi Qilin also began to make great aspirations to heaven and earth! “Heavenly Dao is here, now my dragon Clan Leader Zulong, for forgiveness from heaven and earth, here Make a vow!”

“From now on, my dragon clan is willing to shake the world forever, let the whole Ancient World go smoothly, so that there will be no more storms between heaven and earth!”

“From generation to generation, never go back!”

“Just ask heaven and earth to forgive my dragon family’s sins!”

Zulong bowed on his knees and bowed down again and again! At this time, both Yuanfeng and Zulong had made big dreams. Among the three Innate beasts, Shi Qilin was left alone.

Hajime Qilin forced his stumped body, thinking for a moment.

The Feng clan shook the volcano in the south, and the Dragon clan shook the world and the seas were peaceful.The Qilin clan, he slowly raised his head and glanced at the Qilin clan at the bottom of the mountain.

The casualties are already exhausted, and the race is on the verge of extinction.

Under such circumstances, Buzhou Mountain is the central pillar of heaven and earth, and Spiritual Qi, rich and abundant, has always been peeped and coveted by countless people! After this battle, I am afraid that in the future, there will be no place for the Qilin clan to stand.

The remaining members of the Qilin clan may have to leave Buzhou Mountain, wander around the world, and find another place to live.

Under such circumstances, his Qilin clan, how ambitious and ambitious can he make to resolve the catastrophe of this extinction? Thinking of this, Hajime Qilin couldn’t help but feel grief, and the thoughts in his heart were together, and finally he could only grit his teeth and make up his mind. He endured the severe pain and fell to his knees, and kowtowed his head to the heaven and the earth to forgive the sins: “Heavenly Dao is here, my Qilin Clan Leader is Qilin, and I swear here today!”

“From now on, my Qilin clan will voluntarily become auspicious of heaven and earth, and will no longer kill lives!”

“From now on, Qilin will come and go, there must be auspiciousness, and good luck will continue!”

“My Qilin clan, from generation to generation, will never go back!”

“Just ask for forgiveness from heaven and earth! Keep my Qilin line!”

Qilin is crawling on the ground, kowtow again and again! To read the novel without underline, please download and fly

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