Chapter 204 : Sage orders the world to follow it! Go to Ninth Stage!

After the battle between the dragon and the phoenix and the Dao Demon came to an end, today’s Ancient World has become a mess.

Everything was overturned and started again, that’s why Ye Tian had this idea.

Under deduction, this Ancient World world will soon become very different.

Because soon Hong Jun will prove Hunyuan and become the first person to be sanctified in this world.

And with Hong Jun’s sanctification, it signifies the emergence of a new pattern.

The tribe of sacred beasts has declined, the Western Demon Cult has disappeared, and in the following long years of Ancient World, countless forces will soon be born.

Ye Tian chose to develop the 30th Sixth Stage 3 for the future planning. He looked at Hong Jun: “You should go back to Kunlun Mountain first, settle down with Qilin, and then dive in the mountains to fight for an early date. Break through, prove Hunyuan!”

“After this time, I will build an ancestor dojo outside the chaotic world to teach sentient beings and preach karma.”

Ye Tian said slowly.

In the history of the previous life, Hong Jun preached and accepted disciples in the Zixiao Palace, which established his supreme status as an ancestor.

The six Sages in the future will all be his disciples.

And now, Hong Jun has already worshipped Ye Tian’s door, so the direction of the number of days in the dark has become a little different.

Therefore, at this time, Ye Tian is ready to sit outside the Chaos Sky in person and teach sentient beings! This can be regarded as conforming to the number of days in the Great Dao.

And the more important point is that now Sanqing Nuwa Fuxi and others have grown up, and it will be time for them to stand on their own feet and orthodox.

Therefore, these decisions of Ye Tian were all deliberated, and they were also intended to lay the foundation for the future of Ancient World.

However, Hong Jun and others were shocked when they heard it.

The ancestor preached and taught sentient beings that should be the gospel of the entire Ancient World! Hong Jun will not say it for the time being, but Fuxi and Nuwa were slightly happy when they heard it, and some of their hearts moved.

“My ancestor, can we listen to your preaching?”

Little Nuwa blinked big eyes, looking very much looking forward to it.

“Naturally, there are no classes in this seat, and all sentient beings can listen to the Tao.”

“So, little Nuwa, you have to take care not to be dragged down at the end.”

Ye Tian squeezed Nuwa’s little face and said humorously.

Little Nuwa pursed a small mouth immediately, looking angrily.

Ye Tian couldn’t help but smiled, and finally confessed, Hong Jun Daoist went back to Kunlun Mountain first.

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When Hong Jun came out of Kunlun again, it was his sanctification to see things here, and Ye Tian also left Fengqi Mountain. Before leaving, he gave a warning to Nuwa Fuxi and left directly.

Ye Tian’s figure flashed, and he appeared directly outside the sky, in chaos.

As soon as he appeared, the little Heavenly Dao appeared.


Little Heavenly Dao hasn’t seen Ye Tian for a while.

Ye Tian nodded, and then said to him: “The heaven and the earth have been established, but the order does not exist.”

“Today, I will open up thirty Sixth Stage 3 in this space, establish the order of heaven and earth, and stabilize the foundation of Ancient World.”

Little Heavenly Dao was a little surprised, but he didn’t feel surprised either.

In today’s Ancient World world, there are two parts of heaven and earth, and countless powerful people live between heaven and earth, and the conflicts caused by them are even greater than before.

If the rules of order are not established, I am afraid that when all the creatures in the Ancient World world grow up, the world will be messed up.

This was the case with the previous tribes of the mythical beasts and the demons.The ancient World had insufficient resources, so that the fucking conflict broke out completely, so this was the end in the end.

Ye Tian closed his eyes slightly, feeling the aura of this Ancient World.

He slowly stretched out his hand, facing the sky in front of him slightly, and said softly: “Next is Nine Heavens”

Dadao Sage ordered, heaven and earth must obey! Under these words, the entire firmament sky suddenly roared! Under the firmament, countless clouds and mist continued to roll and disperse! This entire Ancient World sky, in At this moment, there was a violent shaking, and the entire sky was quickly divided.

The original thick sky dome was slowly divided into several layers, and each layer broke into a huge space with a huge sky! In this way, the entire sky, underneath, is divided into nine layers of the sky. The layers gradually increased upwards, layer by layer forming fractured layers! In an instant, the entire Ancient World sky dome was divided into nine layers of heaven.

Little Heavenly Dao looked at the nine-layer sky that slowly separated, and her heart was shocked.

This is a big deal! “This is the Ninth Stage of the Ancient World sky!”

“In the future, everything in Ancient World will be in charge!”

“Call it Ninth Stage Day!”

Ye Tian said slowly, the voice spread throughout the Ancient World world, resounding through the world! Countless Ancient World creatures were shocked in their hearts, the front trembling, crawling on the ground, and worshipping the sky and the sky! The ancestor, in the world In the meantime, the Ninth Stage has been opened! Please download and download the novel without underline

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