Chapter 208 : Suppress Zulong! Yuanfeng sits down!

“Zulong, you are too heavy in your karma, and heaven and earth can’t forgive you!”

“Therefore, you can avoid the death penalty, but the living sin cannot escape!”

Ye Tian said coldly: “Today, this seat will suppress you forever under the East China Sea Dragon Palace, so that you will never stand up!”

“You are there, think about confession!”

Ye Tian finished with a single word, tapped his finger lightly, and the ancestral dragon that was enveloped by the barrier was completely imprisoned. Movement Technique power! “No!”

“My ancestor, forgive me!”

Zu Long begged frantically! Let him be suppressed forever, this is more painful than killing him! Then Ye Tian ignored him.

The water in the abyss of the East China Sea was emptied at this moment, and the majestic East China Sea Dragon Palace was slowly raised! And as the sea surface surged, the huge body of the Zulong was swept directly under the East China Sea Dragon Palace. With the roar of the ancestor dragon, the floating East China Sea Dragon Palace slowly fell again, suppressing the entire body of the ancestral dragon in the sea dragon palace! As the ancestor dragon struggled hard, the dragon palace above it also It trembled slightly, as if it was about to collapse.

Then with Ye Tian’s thoughts, all the power of the entire Four Seas area flocked to the Dragon Palace under the abyss of the East China Sea! The power of the seals slowly condensed on the Dragon Palace, turning the entire Dragon Palace into a huge seal! With the completion of the power of the four seas, the seal gradually took shape, and the entire swaying East China Sea Dragon Palace slowly became: stable! Use the power of the whole sea to suppress the true body of the Ancestral Dragon! As the East China Sea Dragon Palace gradually stabilizes After coming down, the voice of the underground Ancestral Dragon gradually declined, and the abyss became silent! Under this powerful seal, he was already powerless to resist, and was extremely suppressed by the power of the four seas! The whole body’s vitality and magic power are completely imprisoned, and I have been imprisoned in this seabed abyss, and I can’t get out of it all my life! In this way, this ancestor dragon has tasted the evil fruit he planted at the beginning, and fell to see it like this. The end is also regarded as retribution.

Although he is not dead, it is still lingering. For the arrogant and arrogant Ancestral Dragon, this is already better than death! For all of this, Ye Tian turned his head and looked at Tongtian: “Little Qilin is not the same thing. He deserves to suffer this catastrophe. This is determined by the number of days, and you don’t need to be too sad.”

Xiao Tongtian lowered his head and nodded silently.

In front of Ye Tian, ​​Xiao Tongtian still listened very much.

Ye Tian still wanted to say something at this time, but he couldn’t help but frowned and turned to the south.

“Won Feng”

Ye Tian’s eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and he sighed lightly.

In Ye Tian’s induction, he already knew that Yuan Feng’s condition was not good now.

On the undead volcano in the far south, countless Phoenix tribe members knelt to the ground, facing the ancestor Yuanfeng above the center.

At this time, Yuan Feng, after the war, was already exhausted, and only a breath remained.

She sits tall

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On the stage, the vitality of the whole body is slowly disappearing, and the vitality of his body is exhausted, and his breath is already very weak.

Yuan Feng opened her eyes slowly, with deep fatigue and sadness in her eyes.She knew that her own time was about to come.

The three great Innate beasts have co-existed in the same place since the beginning of the world.

Now that the war has ended, the three god-tier beasts have fallen one after another.

The era of their three god-tier beasts is destined to pass.

Yuan Feng looked at these people who were kneeling on the ground in front of him, and finally said slowly and laboriously: “This is my destiny, since I have this catastrophe, you don’t need to be sad for me.”

“After I die, the whole family must keep their promises.”

“Live in the undead volcano forever, suppress the volcanic veins between the sky and the earth, so that there is no volcano raging between the sky and the earth.”

“You will not be allowed to participate in the struggle between heaven and earth in the future, cultivate one’s health and nourish one’s health. Only by fighting against the world can the whole family be preserved.”

“Do you all understand?”

All the remaining Phoenix people underneath all sobbed and nodded: “Don’t worry, ancestors, we will do it!”

All the Phoenix people are crying like rain at this moment.They watched their ancestors’ aura so weak, knowing that there is not much time, so they are all sad now, and they can’t cry.

Yuan Feng finally nodded in relief, looking up at the sky with difficulty.

At this time, Yuan Feng’s eyes had begun to fade and dim.

The strands of Phoenix vitality slowly emerged from the top of her head, floated in the air, and finally disappeared with the wind.

Yuan Feng knew that her time had come.

Even if 950 is the first ancestor of the Feng family, she will never be able to be reborn in Nirvana again, as her luck is exhausted today.

“My whole life.”

Yuan Feng’s eyes were loose, looking at the distant sky, her expression was sad and lonely, and two lines of sad tears finally shed from the corners of her eyes.

With tears in Yuan Feng’s eyes, he finally murmured: “How sad is it”

After finishing this language, Yuan Feng’s eyes quietly changed: bleak, and finally slowly closed his eyes.

The entire popularity was exhausted, and sitting in the same place, there was no trace of vitality, and there was no aura.

“Old ancestors!”

Above the immortal volcano, countless members of the Phoenix tribe crawled to the ground, wailing and crying, all of them desperate for life! The ancestor of the Phoenix tribe, Yuanfeng, one of the three great Innate beasts.

At this moment today, sitting on top of the undead volcano, returning to Xinghai forever: The Three Clans and Luo Huo have finished writing, and the next is the new Ancient World era.

When I wrote this, I was a little bit unbearable.For Yuanfeng, I don’t know if you feel that way too.

I hope everyone likes it.

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