Chapter 211 : Two brothers! The future leader of the monster race!

One or two brothers of Emperor Juntai came out of form! In this birth, there is a treasure companion, and after the two are transformed, they are directly in the realm of Daluo Jinxian, which can be described as infinite good fortune, and deep blessings! Both brothers have both in their hearts at this moment. It was extremely joyful, living together as one, supporting each other. In the future, when walking in the Ancient World world, there will be more confidence and more support! At this time, Di Jun looked at the chaotic clock held in Taiyi’s arms, involuntarily Wei Wei be surprised.

He saw the extraordinaryness of this clock at a glance.

“Second brother, what is the name of this clock”

Taiyi felt proud: “Dage, this is a chaotic clock!”

“Chaos Clock”

Di Jun was shocked.He looked on the clock body, and there was a hint of chaos, and he was very strange.

“Second brother, can you show me his power to show my brother”

“Why not?”

Nodded too much, and immediately sacrificed the Chaos Clock. With a thought, the entire Chaos Clock suddenly sounded a magnificent bell! The bell sounded in an instant, resounding throughout the world.

The bells sounded vigorously, and the universe was brilliant. In an instant, you saw the heavens and the earth faded, and the universe was shaken! The whole world was surging, and the chaotic air was rolling in the sky. The entire sun and the stars were suddenly Sacred and brilliant! It’s just this! Just a few bells, there is such a power, in fact, majestic, with endless coercion! It is indeed the treasure of Innate! This sees Dijun on the side is amazed, with such a treasure , Then the two brothers will be more sure about the ancient world world in the future! Ye Tian stood on the sun star, with his Cultivation Base, the brothers and two of Emperor Juntai naturally did not find his existence.

He looked at the two brothers in front of him.One of them was the future Demon Emperor and the other was the Eastern Emperor.

These two brothers have deep luck, and for a long period of time in the future, they will be the hegemons of this Ancient World world, and they will shock the world.

Thinking of this, Ye Tian no longer hides at the moment, stepping out directly, and appearing in front of this Emperor Jun and Tai Yi.

The two brothers were still in joy, but suddenly a figure appeared in front of them, which directly shocked the two of them! “Who are you!”

“Why are you here!”

Dijun and Taiyi looked at the sudden appearance of this purple figure in front of them, a little at a loss! “This seat is the ancestor of Ancient World.”

Ye Tian said lightly.

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“The ancestor of the Ancient World”

Tai Jun couldn’t help being surprised.

“Dare to be called the ancestor of Ancient World, this person should be very powerful, right”

They thought to themselves that they respectfully said to the ancestor of the mysterious Ancient World in front of them: “Dare to ask where the ancestor of Ancient World lived and practiced?”

The two brothers just emerged, and they haven’t traveled to this ancient world.

All I don’t know much about Ye Tian, ​​the ancestor of the Ancient World, so I have this question now, I just want to see Ye Tian’s heels.

Regarding the two brothers’ careful thoughts, how could Ye Tian know that he smiled slightly, and stood up with his hand: “This seat is above the 30th Sixth Stage Daluo Heaven.”

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the Emperor Juntai and two of them changed drastically! “Thirty Sixth Stage Daluo is above the sky!”

Although the two of them don’t know Ye Tian’s name, they don’t know the thirty Sixth Stage Da Luo Tian! Over the years, they have been brewing and growing in the true sun fire at the core of the sun star, so for this world of heaven and earth The changes are still extremely sensitive! Tens of thousands of years ago, in this world, there was a great power with the supreme Magic power. The entire sky is divided into thirty Sixth Stage days 3! From then on, the number of days has been set, order is established, and the heavens and the earth are clear and clear! It is said that the mighty power that divides the sky lives in the newly opened thirty Sixth Stage sky 3 above! The two of them were completely shocked.

That is to say, the mysterious person in purple clothes in front of him, the two powerful people who divided the sky in the legend, suddenly became respectful and respectful to Ye Tian! Even if they are extraordinary, they are the big Luo Jinxian when they are born. With a treasure, they know even better that the Thirty Seventh Stage of the Vault of Heaven is a powerful and supreme supernatural power, and what a profound Cultivation Base strength is needed! That is far from what the two of them can imagine! So Facing the ancestor of the mysterious Ancient World in front of them, the two brothers couldn’t help being excited and admired! “It turned out to be the ancestor!”

The two brothers quickly changed their names, calling Ye Tian “adults”

, Bowed down to Ye Tian.

Ye Tian nodded slightly and looked at the two brothers.

I saw the elder brother Dijun looked rough and majestic, and Tai Yi was soaring to the sky for the overlord.Both of them were very powerful and full of luck.

It is worthy of being the leader of the monster race in later generations! Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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