Chapter 225 : Demon Lord’s sword! The man in black, the thunderbolt hall!

Ye Tian looked at this magic sword, originally wanted to do it, and then he thought about it, he crossed the ten thousand realms here to find Pan Gu Blood Essence, maybe the sword spirit in this magic sword is also helpful in finding it.

“Well, this sword will follow me.”

Ye Tian reached out and took the sword.

Then he said goodbye to Jingtian, met with Xue, and Jacaranda left Yongan Dang with him.

After leaving Yuzhou City, Ye Tian took Xuejian forward, and in a blink of an eye he reached Jiulongpo.

In Xianjiansan’s memory, this place is also quite famous.

Ye Tian stopped, Divine Sense spread out, and looked for the traces of… Pan Gu Blood Essence, and let Xuejian take a break by the way.

Suddenly, he raised the corner of his mouth, held Xuejian’s shoulder with one hand, and said to her, “Don’t move.”

“Ah why”

Xue Xue was puzzled and asked Ye Tian suspiciously.

“There is an ambush.”

Ye Tian briefly answered Xue Jian’s question.

Sure enough, the second after Ye Tian answered Xue Jian’s question, there was a Hidden Weapons flying towards them both.

Ye Tian didn’t look at it, hugged Xue Jian, and the next second he had reached a tree not far away.

At this time, Xue Jian looked at the place where the Hidden Weapons fell in shock. When the Hidden Weapons landed, it made a huge roar. After the fire and dust disappeared and landed, only the place where the Hidden Weapons was located exploded one and a half meters. What a deep pit.

Ye Tian squinted his eyes when he saw it.According to his understanding of the world, this kind of Hidden Weapons that exploded on the ground should be the Hidden Weapons unique to Pilitang.

At this moment, there was a rustling sound not far away.

Ye Tian took a look and saw a dozen people in black walking through the woods, and their goal is undoubtedly Ye Tian and Tang Xue.

So Ye Tian pulled Xuejian and fell back to the ground. Ye Tian said to Xuejian: “Protect yourself.”

Seeing that someone was plotting against them, Xue Xue nodded to indicate that she knew.

At the same time, summon jacaranda to your side and fight the enemy together.

The man in black soon came to Ye Tian and Xuejian, and fought with them.

It seems that Pilitang can still consider them, and invited some Internal Energy to be considered black people, although they are not worth mentioning in Ye Tian’s eyes.

It was a bit difficult for Xuejian to fight the man in black over there, but fortunately Xuejian only had a few men in black there.

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Most of the people in black are fighting with Ye Tian.

Although the black clothed people’s skill is acceptable, Ye Tian has stopped putting them in one’s eyes, and after a few strokes, they will be beaten back.

Tang Xue saw that the black-clothed man over there was shocked, so she threw Xue Jian and gradually gathered and attacked Ye Tian.

Ye Tian sneered, what is Thunderbolt Hall, and dare to ambush the ancestor of Ancient World.

Thinking about it, Ye Tian used Internal Energy to draw an aperture.There was a black hole-like gravitation in the aperture.The people in black only felt that their feet were unsteady, and then they felt the attraction that was enough to crush them.

So they were all sucked in by the aperture.

After Ye Tian saw that they were all sucked in, he waved his hand to dissolve the aperture.

After the aperture dissipated, Xue Jian asked Ye Tian in shock, “Where are the people in black?”

Ye Tian said casually: “It’s probably on a certain prairie now”

After speaking, he smiled.

Xue Jian returned to his senses and said to Ye Tian admiringly: “But you are really strong, can you teach me?”

Ye Tian didn’t speak, but raised his eyebrows.

Xue Jian said pitifully: “I still want to find my life experience, but my kung fu is not very strong,”

She lowered her head and said aggrieved, “I don’t want to be your burden.”

Ye Tian thought: Even if we fight with the Demon Lord, I can protect you well. This little bit of ants is nothing but Ye Tian didn’t say his own idea. He just responded simply: “Okay.”

Xue Jian was very happy to see Ye Tian agree to him.

The two continued on their way, and when it was getting dark, the two rushed to a small town.

After asking passers-by, the two went around again to an inn.

After entering the inn, he explained his intentions to the shop Xiaoer.

Xiao Er looked at them and said: “These two guest officials are really embarrassed. We have only one room left in our inn. If you two don’t mind, I will show you.”

Xue Jian blushed as if to drip blood after hearing it.

Ye Tian is not a person of Meng Lang, so he said: “Or let’s change to an inn.”

Xue Jian blushed and raised his head and said: “On the way I just came, I saw that all the inns along the road were filled with signs. We only have this room.”

After speaking, he lowered his head again.

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