Chapter 227 : Go to Pilitang!

Ye Tian raised his head and said coldly: “Strong means can actually be regarded as “Please dare to provoke the head of the ancestor of Ancient World, can it be that you don’t think your life is long enough”


The man in black heard “Ancestor of the Ancient World”

Although he didn’t understand his name, but seeing the other party’s methods just now, not only cold sweat broke out on his head.

He knows that the one who can kill Tang Clan alone is definitely not the idler.

“However, I promise you to go and talk to your Pili Hall Master.”

Ye Tian turned his head and said to the man in black.

The man in black suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.He only knew that the hall master had given a death order this time.If he didn’t bring Ye Tian back, the lives of himself and his brothers would be gone.

But the person in black didn’t know that Ye Tian agreed to go to the Thunderbolt Hall not because of Luo Rulie, but because of Pan Gu Blood Essence.As a Thunderbolt Hall known on Rivers and Lakes, Luo Rulie might know Pan Gu Blood Essence. whereabouts.

Pan Gu Blood Essence is the purpose of Ye Tian’s wandering in this world, so for Pan Gu Blood Essence, all the places in this world that may hide the Blood Essence of Bangkok, Ye Tian has to go.

After agreeing to the request of the leader of Pilitang, Ye Tian said: “In this case, you should lead the way.”

Leading “Hey”

With a sound, he waved back the surrounding men, and then made a gesture of asking.

“Then two, please go.”

Ye Tian squinted at him, sneered, and pulled up the bewildered Xue Jian to follow the leader.

Jacaranda squeaked a few times and followed closely.

On the road, Ye Tian was calm and calm, but when Xue saw it, he was uneasy.

After all, Pilitang is still Tang Clan’s old enemy.

She didn’t want to go, but Ye Tian actually agreed to them.She didn’t know why, she was very puzzled.

She thought about it, and finally couldn’t help but asked Ye Tian.

“Ye Tian, ​​Ye Tian.”

She tugged Ye Tian’s sleeves, lowered him, and whispered in Ye Tian’s ear, “Are you not able to beat these thunderbolt people? Why should we follow them? I’m afraid that I don’t want to go.”

Ye Tian said disdainfully: “A joke, the ancestor killing them is like trampling a group to death!”

Xue Jian heard Ye Tian’s arrogant tone and felt his heart set. He felt that he did have this kind of strength, but he still quarreled with Ye Tian stiffly: “You brag! If you can kill them, why should we follow Go, see what Luo Rulie can’t escape, they can’t

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What about us.”

Ye Tian patted Xuejian’s head to calm down and said, “I know you don’t want to go, but I have my own purpose. You will know when you arrive.”

Xue saw Bianbian Mouth, and Ye Tian insisted on doing this, and didn’t say much anymore.

Pilitang is far from Jiulongpo.These people are not like Ye Tian, ​​who can fly and move and can only walk.

Ye Tian didn’t bother to care about them, so he walked slowly with them to relax, and at the same time dispersed Divine Sense, scanning the surroundings for… Pan Gu Blood Essence.

The group of people walked until dark, and had to rest in the wild.

The disciples of Pilitang lighted a bonfire, and everyone was sitting together.

Xue Jian was naturally sitting next to Ye Tian, ​​but there were other disciples of Thunderbolt Hall beside her.She couldn’t help but be scared and squeezed right beside Ye Tian.

The person hadn’t noticed anything at first, and Xue saw this hiding, and he turned his head and realized that there was such a big beauty beside him.

The panicked little expression was so pitiful and affectionate, and a cloud of evil fire rose in his heart, causing a lust.

He stared directly at Xuejian, with a wicked smile on his face, chasing Xuejian to her side.

Seeing that the heart being stared at by this person was hairy, Xue Xue stood up with a sigh of relief, and said to Ye Tian: “Ye Tian!”

Ye Tian didn’t speak, but any wind and grass around him couldn’t escape his Divine Sense.

The man saw that Ye Tian didn’t speak, he became more courageous, and went to Xuejian again.

At this moment, the jacaranda next to it saw this situation and screamed at the person who blocked the…Thunderbolt Hall.

“Damn, you little monster, the daddy made a deal with Tang Yi for you at the time. If you are interested, you will be brought to Pilitang and served for you with delicious and delicious food. If you are not obedient”

The man spoke grimly, and gritted his teeth at the jacaranda.

Jacaranda frowned, still squeaking in his way.


Seeing the anger, Xue rushed forward and punched the man.

But the personality smiled and dodges to avoid it.

But he suddenly found that he couldn’t move.

Then with a bang, Xue saw a punch and he ran wildly with blood on his face.

“Xue see, are you comfortable playing? Do you want to play a few more times!”

Ye Tian’s voice came coldly.

That person knew that Ye Tian had just shot, and he couldn’t even move.

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