Chapter 229 : Magic Sword Sword Spirit, Blue Solanum!

In a short while, the moon will go to the sky.

Ye Tian put Xuejian on the ground and let her sleep peacefully there.

He himself, Lotus Position, is sitting on the ground and cultivating.

Suddenly, Divine Sense spread out and found the magic sword beside him walking in the dark.

It can’t be said to be walking, it is more appropriate to use floating.

Ye Tian opened his eyes and looked at the sword body of the Demon Sword reflecting the faint moonlight, floating around in the endless darkness.

As the ancestor of Ancient World, he knows the world through which he travels, and the origin of the magic sword cannot be concealed from him, but he didn’t say anything.

The magic sword turned around and floated slightly outwards.

Ye Tian’s figure shook, and he shuttled with the magic sword, walked about a distance of more than a hundred meters, and has entered a very remote forest.

The sword body of the magic sword swaying in the air still made a sound of breaking through the air, as if it was telling something.

Ye Tian smiled lightly and shook his body to the front of Demon Sword.

“I know where you came from, and I also know what you want to ask.”

Ye Tian said.

The body of the Demon Sword shook more violently, as if desperately wanting to know the answer.

Ye Tian put his hands behind him, and slowly said: “You were the princess of the ancient Jiang Kingdom thousands of years ago, Solanum, you have been loved and loved since childhood.

You also have a Big Brother named Long Yang. He takes care of you even more and allows you to have a warm and happy childhood. Therefore, your brother and sister have a very deep relationship.”

“However, the good times didn’t last long, just in the year you became an adult, your father died and your Big Brother succeeded to the throne.

Just when Quan Jiang was completely immersed in the pain of the deceased king, your neighboring country suddenly invaded.”

“The mourning soldier must be defeated.

Jiang Guo lost frequently on the battlefield and retreated steadily.

In order to turn the tide of the battle, the wizard of Jiang Kingdom fortune tells that Jiang Guo wants to turn defeat into victory, and there is only one way, and that is, to make a sword.”

“According to legend, the magic sword has the power of heaven and earth, and it can sweep thousands of troops.

However, if this sword is to be successfully forged, it must be sacrificed by the blood of Huangshi’s direct blood when the magic sword is born.”

“Hearing this, your Big Brother firmly disagrees to let him suffer the only misfortune in this life.”

“Your Big Brother, for the safety of the people of Jiang Country, and for your life, decided to go with him.”

“The enemy has already attacked Jiangcheng, and soldiers are approaching the city.”

“Your Big Brother Long Yang, resolutely lifted his sword into battle.

In the shouts of the two armies, your Big Brother became more and more courageous and died under his sword.

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The enemy’s corpses piled like mountains.

However, after all, two fists are hard to beat four hands, and your Big Brother fell among the enemy’s arrows.”

“Following the death of your Big Brother, the gates of the capital of Jiang Kingdom opened wide, and the enemy army took advantage of the momentum to enter, and the flames were all over the place in an instant.”

“Innocent, you are going to Jianlu to find your Big Brother, but as soon as I arrived at the door, I heard the eunuchs and maids in the palace running away.

Amidst the shouts of the crowd, you heard the bad news of Big Brother’s death.”

“You don’t believe it, broke into the sword house, and under the operation of the wizard, the magic sword was suspended in the red molten iron.

The wizard said sadly: ‘Princess, the monarch does not want you to sacrifice, if he follows my advice, the country will not be ruined.


“After finishing speaking, a mouthful of old blood spurted out. I thought it was because of the effort and effort to cast the sword and died.”

“You look at the magic sword in front of you, look back at the fire outside the city, and think of your Big Brother’s kindness to you.

You fought hard and jumped into the pool of forging swords.

The magic sword is done, but it’s too late.”

“After you sacrifice, the soul of the soul will not be extinguished, and it will become the sword spirit of this demon sword.

Later, Elder of Shushan was divided into the lock demon tower until Jingtian took out the magic sword.”

The magic sword shook more violently, as if asking, how did you know such details.

It also seemed that the dragon sunflower in the magic sword remembered the past thousands of years ago, and was sad and weeping.

At the moment when the moon was blocked by clouds, the magic sword flashed a bright light.

Hun and Po of Solanum flew out of the sword.

At this time, the nightshade, wearing a lake-blue wide-sleeved fairy dress, is very charming.

Ye Tian knows that this is the blue-clothed dragon knight.

At this time, she was very pitiful, weak and boneless.

However, when she is threatened, the evil in her heart will appear, and she will become a red dragon knit, with amazing fighting power and killing people.

“How do you know my life experience, and so detailed.”

The Blue Solanum asked weakly.

“To put it simply, the ancestor is not a person in this world, but the ancestor understands the history of this world.”

Ye Tian said unpredictably.

“Your ability, I have already seen it when I followed you, so I will show the soul in front of you.”

Solanum said.

“Don’t worry, follow me, I will make you recover.”

Ye Tian said.

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